GA Election Case - Back Open!

... Fani (pronounced "Fon-nee") won't be leaving the case
unless she's "forced off" by the Judge or the GA Leaders.

She's up for Re-election... Which she'll prolly lose anyway.

But IF the "Weekling Willy" Jude wants to wait a month or two
to decide on removing her - let's give him some time.

#### Salty
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... Fani (pronounced "Fon-nee") won't be leaving the case
unless she's "forced off" by the Judge or the GA Leaders.

She's up for Re-election... Which she'll prolly lose anyway.

But IF the "Weekling Willy" Jude wants to wait a month or two
to decide on removing her - let's give him some time.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
"Just wait!"
A free 6 weeks of premium membership at ECCIE?

But but but … she paid for dick.

That should result in a hung jury.

Hahahahahahaha Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Precious_b's Avatar
Didn't know it was pronounced Fawnee.

Tell us, you think it's kinda hot how testy she got with her questioners? She's a feisty one.
Didn't know it was pronounced Fawnee.

Tell us, you think it's kinda hot how testy she got with her questioners? She's a feisty one. Originally Posted by Precious_b
... We can thank Trump for the proper pronunciation, mate.
I heard one o' the reporters there use "Fonn-nay", which
is why I had mentioned that.

... Hmmmm... A feisty one? ... We Australians call that "blue"
- and yes, she seems to be that... So blue and upsot that
she even wore her dress backwards the other day!

... I just saw a piece form The Atlantic magazine
asking Fani to step aside from the case.

When the liberal likes of The Atlantic and MSNBC surely
want her off the case - it's not good.

### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... We can thank Trump for the proper pronunciation, mate.
I heard one o' the reporters there use "Fonn-nay", which
is why I had mentioned that.

... Hmmmm... A feisty one? ... We Australians call that "blue"
- and yes, she seems to be that... So blue and upsot that
she even wore her dress backwards the other day!

... I just saw a piece form The Atlantic magazine
asking Fani to step aside from the case.

When the liberal likes of The Atlantic and MSNBC surely
want her off the case - it's not good.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
It’s not up to the media, is it?

And stop with the lies about her dress already, salty. You seem to be so obsessed with Willis (pronounced “strong, black woman who scares the Bejeezus out of MAGAs”) as if somehow discrediting her is going to void the grand jury’s charges.

It won’t
It’s not up to the media, is it?

And stop with the lies about her dress already, salty. You seem to be so obsessed with Willis (pronounced “strong, black woman who scares the Bejeezus out of MAGAs”) as if somehow discrediting her is going to void the grand jury’s charges.

It won’t Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
... Are YOU sayin' that her dress was NOT backwards??
Other people surely believe it was.
But, hey - she can model whatever she wants.
Maybe she can sell backward clothing, maybe do that
for her new job after she loses re-election...

So, Fani "scares the Bejeezus out of MAGAs"??
Crikey! ... I almost spilled me beer from laughing!

... No, mate - I don't beleive she does...

#### Salty
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... We can thank Trump for the proper pronunciation, mate.
I heard one o' the reporters there use "Fonn-nay", which
is why I had mentioned that.

... Hmmmm... A feisty one? ... We Australians call that "blue"
- and yes, she seems to be that... So blue and upsot that
she even wore her dress backwards the other day!

... I just saw a piece form The Atlantic magazine
asking Fani to step aside from the case.

When the liberal likes of The Atlantic and MSNBC surely
want her off the case - it's not good.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
You failed to mention the most important statement in the Atlantic article:

"After a two-day hearing in Fulton County, Georgia, we are where we were before. The defendants, charged by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis with conspiring to overturn the 2020 presidential election, attempted to make a case for her disqualification under Georgia law. In my view, they failed. The standard for disqualification has not been met, and the judge should not disqualify Willis.

The article then goes on to say that keeping Willis on the case is not in the best interests of all since there would be a cloud over the case. I agree with those statements but if Willis removes herself from the case, the case will probably be delayed beyond election day and Trump, who is probably guilty, will not be impacted in the election.
... No... The Most Important statement was - "Step aside, Fani Willis."
That's all that needs to be said...

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
Didn't know it was pronounced Fawnee.

Tell us, you think it's kinda hot how testy she got with her questioners? She's a feisty one. Originally Posted by Precious_b
... We can thank Trump for the proper pronunciation, mate.
I heard one o' the reporters there use "Fonn-nay", which
is why I had mentioned that. ... Originally Posted by Salty Again
There you go, twisting the narrative AGAIN!

Should have went with that in the first place. But seeing all you rightie right people NEVER own up to a mistake, we'll leave it as it is.
... Make No Mistake - Can it be??!

Fani Case Disqualification Hearing scheduled for 1 March 2024.

Fani Willis/Nathan Wade Ethics Hearing scheduled for 7 March.

... Ya know, mates ... Georgia and even Fulton County surely enjoys
coming down HARD on wrong-doers and those who run a-foul of the
rules and laws... .... One can onley hope that Fani understands that
"No one is above the Law" and "No official is too big to jail"...

#### Salty
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... Make No Mistake - Can it be??!

Fani Case Disqualification Hearing scheduled for 1 March 2024.

Fani Willis/Nathan Wade Ethics Hearing scheduled for 7 March.

... Ya know, mates ... Georgia and even Fulton County surely enjoys
coming down HARD on wrong-doers and those who run a-foul of the
rules and laws... .... One can onley hope that Fani understands that
"No one is above the Law" and "No official is too big to jail"...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
"Just wait".

Eventually one of your predictions will turn out to be true. Law of averages. Right now you are 0 for whatever.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Ya know, mates ... Georgia and even Fulton County surely enjoys
coming down HARD on wrong-doers and those who run a-foul of the
rules and laws... .... One can onley hope that Fani understands that
"No one is above the Law" and "No official is too big to jail"...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
That’s why Trump and the rest of his band of election thieves are gonna be bustin rocks.
... This just in - The Judge has ordered Nathan Wade's barrister
in for more testimony... No doubt to clarify a few things to help
ol' Nathan to dodge a perjury charge...

And - if that aint enough news - Me political "Insiders" have
surely revealed that the Biden Administration is behind the
Fani prosecution case... They sent a operative to Fani's
Fulton County office to bring the charges against Trump.
A fellow by the name of Jeff Disantis.

More details to come... ... ... Just Wait!

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar