Sugar Daddy/ Sugar Baby Dating

thebuffmantraples's Avatar
I watched the movie and I did not expect what happened, the SD killed a girl during sex so it was not very realistic.

I did meet a client a LONG time ago at the Ritz Carlton in Cleveland Ohio who wanted me to choke him. I did it and it was a unforgettable experience. Originally Posted by CRISTY-CUPPS
The morals police made sure it turned out bad. Just like the TV show the Client made sure all of the guys she met were young and virile. Originally Posted by tucson
Were some people really expecting a sane representation? I didn't see it but the ending you describe certainly doesn't surprise me. I have hardly ever seen a reasonable treatment of any sex related topic. The wages of sexual sin must always be death. Every escort eventually becomes a drug addicted miserable spinster unless she repeats and gets herself to a nunnary. All ladies have pimps. Etc., etc. Originally Posted by Old-T

So, glad I didnt and will not see it.

Who the hell are those shows even marketed too?
Or was it just a poor excuse for a horror/drama?

Thank you all for Toftt.
The stories are advertised to be X rated when in the back of your mind you realize it is on a G rated TV network. If I had written the story the girl would have been given small amount of help . There was no way in hell she could explain that great amount of money and the car. In my mind the writer was out to lunch when he came up with the idea.
The TV show the Client suffered from the same problem. The writers advertise a X rated story and the dumb viewers never stop to think in can't be viewed on a G rated network.
I have had a couple
SD/SB relationships however the last one really made
Me feel like an effing ATM machine. Also, I have recently had a relationship with a woman that is an immigration lawyer -- ie she does not have to get on her knees, spread her legs or bend over to make a buck yet she is drop dead gorgeous.

The last SB I had could now be a millionaire if she had simply excercised good common sense. Yet I still love her so much. She is a prostitute and can't figure out a way to come back to real life. I offered her a way to escap her current way of life but she chose to remain a whore. I gave her the chance to eliminate that!
I've been looking for
My post
The one about my SB that was a total ATM machine
inspector farquar's Avatar
... I offered her a way to escap her current way of life but she chose to remain a whore. Originally Posted by titlest
Has it occurred to you that she may have considered what you were offering a greater prostitution of herself?
I was totally in love with her. But she would rather be a ho and I just can't live with that. So am I effed up or what?
Good question! She is just an idiot because I was able to cover >$5k per month but she is still an idiot!!
?..So am I effed up or what? Originally Posted by titlest

That about sums it up. In one post, you're in love. Moments later, she's an idiot. Sounds like you're 'effed' up alright. But you already said that...
Has it occurred to you that she may have considered what you were offering a greater prostitution of herself? Originally Posted by inspector farquar
I just fell in love...thanks for dropping this perspective bomb.
ICU 812's Avatar
If my circumstances were different, I'd be looking at the AD/SB scene. At this stage of my life I wouldn't want to commit to a long term formal relationship again (marriage), but would want intimate female companionship on a regular basis. If/when the baggage or drama becomes a bother I would like the option of changing partners.
I loved my sd/sb relationship he was a little strict at times but nothing unreasonable.
Strict in what way?
CarlaHollandStrange's Avatar
I was blessed with a wonderful SD for awhile, but his health and family were an issue and we decided to call it quits. He was a lot older than me, but he made me so very happy, and I think I did him too.
In my past the sd held the cards. He was the boss that's how it works right? Lol