How are we going to pay for all this shit?

Sincere apologies Salty. If LustyLad says you're on the up and up, then you're definitely on the up and up. Calling someone a Canadian is the worst insult imaginable -- your level of self control is very impressive. Originally Posted by Tiny
Actually, mate - me self-control might be 'cause I got no issue with Canadian lads, used to have some mates who played rummy ice hockey at the Nailer arena on odd evenings there. Two or three of those lads were from over Toronto-way and working in Wheeling.
Those fellows were good shits.

I didn't do ice hockey with them, but enjoyed the DiCarlo sisters pizza and the tinnys of beer!

And we'd sometimes piss around into one o' the "hole inside the wall" Stripper Pubs
in the area. Good Times!

So don't got bad issues with Canadians much-any.

### Salty
Democrats were complicit in what happened afterwards, and solely responsible for the $1.9 trillion COVID relief package passed earlier this year, which Larry Summers (Democrat economist) lambasted. Originally Posted by Tiny
the dims covid package was a racist package as well
rexdutchman's Avatar
Venezuela , 77% of the people NOW live in Extreme poverty That's how we're gonna handle this Bullcrap
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And Denmark?

New Zealand?

Do you ever understand what you’re saying?
lustylad's Avatar
Listen Lustyladdie....I do not hold you in the same esteem as CM....not even close. Originally Posted by WTF
Yes - I know you greatly admire Charlie Manson. I'm relieved you don't put me in the same category.

As NoirMan said "Thank you, I guess."
Originally Posted by WTF
Listen Lustyladdie....I do not hold you in the same esteem as CM....not even close.

Yes - I know you greatly admire Charlie Manson. I'm relieved you don't put me in the same category.
Originally Posted by lustylad
to be judged by the regard of a detractor, well doesn't it depend on who is the detractor?
  • Tiny
  • 10-04-2021, 12:00 PM
Actually, mate - me self-control might be 'cause I got no issue with Canadian lads, used to have some mates who played rummy ice hockey at the Nailer arena on odd evenings there. Two or three of those lads were from over Toronto-way and working in Wheeling.
Those fellows were good shits.

I didn't do ice hockey with them, but enjoyed the DiCarlo sisters pizza and the tinnys of beer!

And we'd sometimes piss around into one o' the "hole inside the wall" Stripper Pubs
in the area. Good Times!

So don't got bad issues with Canadians much-any.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I don't deny that there are good Canadians. You have to watch out for Yssup and HoeHummer though. I believe they're intelligence operatives working for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. They want to divide and soften us through social media before mounting an invasion from the north. Glad to know you're not one of them. I was afraid this place was becoming infested with Canadians.
I knew a Canadian once...a young waitress in Winnipeg

she said "eh" in a manner to turn soft your heart and hard your part
lustylad's Avatar
to be judged by the regard of a detractor, well doesn't it depend on who is the detractor? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Yes, but surely you aren't suggesting wtf isn't universally regarded in the highest esteem on this board (cough, cough)?

And let's give wtf a little credit... he's been back less than 48 hours and hasn't called me a stupid motherfucker once!
  • Tiny
  • 10-04-2021, 12:33 PM
I’m sure the other dude is quite bright, if it’s whom I believe you’re referring to. I’m sure he’ll return one day.

So I have read both this post and the article posted by Lusty. I still disagree with the premise and feel that it cherry picks data points to support the premise. With that said, I disagree that there was any change in the trends as I’ve point out when taken in bunches of 5-10 years rather than 1 year prior and 1 year after.

Also, increasing deficit spending is a great way to make economic markers look good. Just as during the Obama years the Fed artificially pushed up the stock market the same occurred with deficit spending in the Trump years.

If you look at the indicators I provided for 2011 (the housing market crash recovery) through 2019 (Pre-Pandemic) all indicators move in a positive direction, even unemployment. Had the Obama economy continued for another 2 years at the same trend lines he would have overseen the same numbers as Trump, I suspect, even without the unpaid for tax breaks for people like me and the deficit spending that accompanied it. Originally Posted by NoirMan
Gramm and Solon's point in the WSJ article isn't primarily about the corporate tax cuts and economic or GDP growth. It's about the corporate tax cuts and their effect on jobs and middle class income. For years the rich got richer but middle class incomes stagnated. Maybe this will illustrate the point.

Median real household income, 2020 dollars:

1999 $63,423
2009 $60,200
2017 $64,557
2019 $69,560

I inserted 2009 because that was the lowest point of the recession. Coincidentally it's when Obama took office, but that's irrelevant to the point.

Now look at real GDP per capita, in 2012 dollars:

1999: $45,326
2009: $49,473
2017: $55,692
2019: $58,141

After the GOP corporate tax cut took effect, on 1/1/2018, you finally see the middle class making significant income gains, over and above the per capita GDP growth rate. For 20 years median incomes stagnated, barely rising since 1999. Then they boomed. Is this coincidence? Not entirely in my opinion, for reasons explained by Gramm and Solon. Deregulation played a part too.

So what do we have to look forward to going forward? Well, average hourly and weekly earnings in August, 2021 are up 4.3% year-on-year. But CPI inflation is up 5.3%. The cost of goods and services are going up faster than wages, so again the middle class is slipping behind. I'd attribute this in part to the huge amounts of COVID relief dumped into the economy, including the $1.9 trillion bill passed earlier this year with no GOP support, which is jacking up inflation. Larry Summers, a Democrat and perhaps the best known economist who served in the Clinton and Obama administrations, would probably agree with that.


Real GDP per Capita:
Real Median Household Income:
Average hourly earnings:
  • Tiny
  • 10-04-2021, 12:36 PM
I knew a Canadian once...a young waitress in Winnipeg

she said "eh" in a manner to turn soft your heart and hard your part Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I was in Montreal a few years ago. They've got some real hotties, and the French accents are a turn on. The PFP scene is supposed to be great but I didn't have the opportunity to partake.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-04-2021, 12:55 PM

to be judged by the regard of a detractor, well doesn't it depend on who is the detractor? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Yes good point.....and just who the fuck are you again?
  • oeb11
  • 10-04-2021, 01:00 PM
DPST dogma - is release all from prison - because the Justice system is 'racist"

Hmmm - and who controls teh DOJ??????

fiden crime cabal seems to be omnipresent - Must have been a jailbreak from teh'Band".

Such a shame - just when teh Light of Truth , facts, and Reason began to overpower teh Lies - the Dark side has re-inforcements!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-04-2021, 01:02 PM

Now look at real GDP per capita, in 2012 dollars:

1999: $45,326
2009: $49,473
2017: $55,692
2019: $58,141

After the GOP corporate tax cut took effect, on 1/1/2018, you finally see the middle class making significant income gains, over and above the per capita GDP growth rate. For 20 years median incomes stagnated, barely rising since 1999. Then they boomed. Is this coincidence? Not entirely in my opinion, for reasons explained by Gramm and Solon. Deregulation played a part too.
] Originally Posted by Tiny
What you seemed to have proven is that Trump kept upon the same trajectory that Obama was on...and one could make an argument that cutting your taxes in 2017 to put more money in your pocket without factoring in the increased debt that tax cut would effect many many middle class taxpayers future SS and Medicare payments or LACK THEREOF..
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-04-2021, 01:04 PM
DPST dogma - is release all from prison - because the Justice system is 'racist"

Hmmm - and who controls teh DOJ??????

fiden crime cabal seems to be omnipresent - Must have been a jailbreak from teh'Band".

Such a shame - just when teh Light of Truth , facts, and Reason began to overpower teh Lies - the Dark side has re-inforcements! Originally Posted by oeb11
Wtf are you even posting about?

Are you even in the right thread?

This is not some homoerotic prison thread...