VPNs etc etc ugh! Gmail, hobby phones, try not to get busted by SO. Got it! Regardless of who is tracking what info or whatever I think I am playing safer now than when I was striking out on my own.
Originally Posted by gaijin1969
That's the point OSD is making....someone is attempting to make it very unsafe.
There are a lot of people not commenting on this issue.......but I'll give OSD kudos for bring this out and continuing to keep it going. Actually, more than kudos.....he's has brass balls to put himself out there like he has here.
A lot of you like to bust him for OSD-speak.......but if you'd listen instead of laugh, you might actually learn something from him. I have.
And.....when you add in that Dearhunter is concerned enough to help keep this going....and the silence from the "authorities".......well, if I had seen any gal from XY's stable, I'd be more than concerned right now.
Just my opinion.
Ohh....and.....there seems to be a new member....with a posting style that seems very familiar.....ijs....