nothing reply anything you want

offshoredrilling's Avatar
I'm in a mood ta piss some off


winn dixie's Avatar
Hello Wisconsin
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Awww, osd,
But who is the question.
Katie won't.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
is it just me or did Gov Nanny Kathy start using Tammy Faye makeup roller
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
The Gov....
What cracks me up is the crooked eyebrows.
And yes, that pancaked face is reminiscent of the character Serleena in MiB2
offshoredrilling's Avatar
The Gov....
What cracks me up is the crooked eyebrows.
And yes, that pancaked face is reminiscent of the character Serleena in MiB2 Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
she's trying her best to protect the illegal gun owners from them nasty legal gun owners Sir. The illegal gun owners need them for work ya know. Robbing, carjacking, killing n shoot homes ya know
jokacz's Avatar
I am looking forward to the time when all the pimps are packing and all the gutless cucks with carry permits are packing and they all wipe each other out.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Which one will you be sir joke?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ugh my SHMB lawyer is still MIA, I hate a fool for a lawyer (ya stuck doing it myself DUH)

At this time its making me miss some of the fun that... mmmm making me need a SHMB lawyer LOL
ugh my SHMB lawyer is still MIA, I hate a fool for a lawyer (ya stuck doing it myself DUH)

At this time its making me miss some of the fun that... mmmm making me need a SHMB lawyer LOL Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Self promoting is very unbecoming osd!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Self promoting is very unbecoming osd! Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
Eh and opsfor got on your LIE
jokacz's Avatar
Which one will you be sir joke? Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Neither since I would have nothing to look forward to.

Clearly logic is not your strong suit.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Neither since I would have nothing to look forward to.

Clearly logic is not your strong suit. Originally Posted by jokacz
Since you have proven yourself to be both at times it was a very logical question. Either way I see your demise in the scenario you trumpet.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Neither since I would have nothing to look forward to.

Clearly logic is not your strong suit. Originally Posted by jokacz
you want all the not worth seeing to self to not see ????
and I gave ya a like Sir
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Since you have proven yourself to be both at times it was a very logical question. Either way I see your demise in the scenario you trumpet. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Noun. Trumpet (plural Trumpets) (slang) A vocal political supporter of US President Donald Trump, especially online.
me no think so Sir

is that also slang something other ????