Jackie our girl Condalisa

herfacechair's Avatar
Why don't eat shit and jump off the first building a crane can host you onto. Originally Posted by R.M.
He needs to live as long as his body, and decisions that impact longevity, would make possible. Why? We are exposing him for the fraud he is on this message board. Despite all the crap and hot air that he spews, holding onto his disintegrating phony persona, he knows deep down inside that we know that he is a fraud. He knows, deep down inside, that he is a fraud, a failure in real life.

His attitude, on this thread and elsewhere, speaks volumes about what he is like outside of this message board. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming that he did attempt serving in the military. This attempt, however, ranges from being a BCT/OSUT washout, to being kicked out during his first term without reserve obligation, to his leaving after accomplishing a substandard/ho-hum run achieving the rank of PFC or even specialist. He may have a bust or two under his belt.

His behavior here indicates that he does not do good when it comes to dealing with constructive feedback. He is under the false impression that he knows what he is talking about, that he does good work, and that any criticism that counters his assumptions "needs to be retaliated against". His reactions to constructive feedback, and his consistently doing what he wasn't supposed to be doing, driven by his arrogance/narcissism, resulted in him having a short run in the military.

After being separated, his attitude suggests that he entered the workforce and went from one job to another, not being able to hold a job down for a long time. He proved unable to even be involved with a long-term career.

While all of this is happening, he is seeing others, and his high school cohort, as well as in his family, succeeding. This must burn him. His attitude here, arguing that he is something that he never was, suggests that he is looking at their successes and feeling that, "that should be him". In real life, he probably feels cheated by the system, and by those in every organization he was in, including the Army if he served, "being out to get him".

Ironically, he isn't looking in the mirror to find the answers as to why his life is the way it is right now. He knows, and those around him know, that he is a loser. He isn't getting the accolades, respect, admiration, etc., that accomplished professionals are getting.

So, he creates a phony persona and attempts to get that respect, admiration, etc., as a handout on message boards like this. This gives him an escape from reality. In real life, he's a loser. On here, he could create this persona and receive the appreciation. Then, we veterans jump in and call him out for being a phony. This destroys the persona that represents his escape, he wants others to believe him instead, and to give him the associated appreciation.

With this phony veteran persona destroyed, he has nothing left. He is forced, via my arguments here, and via those on my side of the argument here or elsewhere, to come face-to-face with who he truly is. He doesn't like what he is seeing.

Private Luke Wyatt doesn't realize that he, not those he thought were out to get him in real life, not those of us here, is the key to his liberation from the mess that he is in right now. The longer it takes for him to realize that the more he deserves to be forced to come face-to-face with reality.
herfacechair's Avatar
Full Colostomy Bag: HEIRSHITEATER I would like to thank you for spending yet another amount of countless hours concocting a mindless rant about shit I said.

False. First, it doesn't take me countless hours coming up with these replies. It doesn't take long. All I have to do is speak into a microphone and the words show up on the screen. This wouldn't take long via keyboarding either. I don't need to look at the keyboard when I'm typing, and I've been "advised", by those who've seen me type, that "keyboards have a speed limit.

Second, you're not truly thankful for my handing you your ass here. You get pissed off every time you see my replies, and would wish for me to stop. You have a thin skin, like a phony SGM that we both know. The fact that you're copy catting in your response speaks volumes to the fact that I got under your skin, and you're attempting to get back. I laughed my ass off when I saw your reply. You're disintegrating real rapidly.

Third, you refuse to admit that I hammered you by parading your comments as if a toy monkey took over your head. Yes, that's funny, and I laughed my ass off when I thought of it. Didn't actually do it until I responded to you. If something like that would make me break out laughing, I know that you're getting royally pissed when you see the same results. You're acting the way someone, with a thin skin, is reacting.

Full Colostomy Bag: HEIRSHITEATER I would also like to thank you for proving my point that I am in control. If not you would have not responded. (REPEAT POINT)

My responding to you is almost as guaranteed as death and taxes, "commanding me" to reply to you is like commanding me to breath, or commanding the sun to raise in the east tomorrow. Again:

Since you're too retarded to figure this out, and to see the relationship between our replies and counter replies, let me break this down to you.

Let "X" be your replies to me.

Let "Y" be my rebuttals to you.

Now, are you ready for this? What's happening, between us, is this:

If "X", then "Y".

You control "X", I control "Y". You advance "X", I respond with "Y". Like I said before, I'm going to keep hammering you, "ad infinitum". The only way that "Y" will stop is if "X" isn't advanced.

Your statement above is an attempt to get me off your back, and you're frustrated that it's not working. Guess what? My replies to you are almost as guaranteed as death and taxes. If you reply to me, expect me to reply to you. That's a given.

Full Colostomy Bag: HEIRSHITEATER I also would like to see what other mindless babble you can dream up of how you are the Emperor of ECCIE.

I never claimed to be ECCIE's emperor, but the fact that you'd mention it here speaks volumes to what your subconscious is trying to tell you. Your narcissism wants to dismiss my statements as "mindless babble", quotation marks used strongly. However, your subconscious is telling you that I'm destroying your arguments here, as well as that of your liberal allies, harder than what you guys are used to.

I've destroyed you liberals in debate during the 13 years I've been debating you guys online. Not only have I destroyed you guys in debate, in ECCIE and elsewhere, I've seen the conservatives here destroy you guys in debate here, just as I've seen the conservatives destroy your counterparts in debate on here and on other message boards.

You people constantly lose debates, so you make up for that by spewing nonsense because your narcissism drives you guys on, keeps you guys fighting a losing battle because you people have control issues, and expect things to be given to you... something we conservatives refuse to do. Hence, we commence destroying you guys, and constantly hammer you guys, against your wishes that we simply allow you guys to have a false sense of victory in the face of not getting the real victory.

In your eyes, I'm one of those that hammer you guys the hardest, destroying your arguments in a way that even you guys see that you don't have an argument. Hence, your assumptions... That I'm claiming to be ECCIE's emperor.

Full Colostomy Bag: HEIRSHITEATER I just like the way that sounds.

Because that's the adult version of a kid who, after having the wind get knocked out of his argument on the playground, or who ended up not getting his way, points to the one that caused him to experience these and say, "You're a poo poo head". You're proof that we do indeed "have a kid inside".

Full Colostomy Bag: Kinda like a Morressy song.

It's nice to know that you're stressed out over the arse beating that you're receiving here that you have to resort to songs to relieve your stress. The fact that you have to take swipes at me most everywhere you post speaks volumes to the fact that you know that I cut your ass off and shoved it down your throat... Repeatedly.

I, MT Pockets, got my ass beat on this message board multiple times
Especially in the hands of someone that destroys me thoroughly
Me, MT Pockets, I'm forced to realize
* That MT Pockets proof that reincarnation is real because it had to take me more than one life time to get this stupid...
* That MT Pockets don't know what MT Pockets talking about
* That MT Pockets argument is wrong
* That MT Pockets is a glutton for punishment
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Fixed to reflect reality.
herfacechair's Avatar
Full Colostomy Bag: I respond because I love to hear all his bullshit.

False. You respond because you have a thick skin, are narcissistic, and feel like you have to "get even" for my getting under your skin and destroying you. You don't love to hear the reasoned argument that I use to destroy your arguments, because they tend to force you to see that you're wrong and to see that you don't know what you're talking about.

Full Colostomy Bag: Half of what he say's is a repeat of something he already said or has said at some other time. He may reword it

What I say in my replies to you hinges on what you say. Notice that I take your arguments apart point by point. What I say depends on what you farted. Meaning, if you feel like I'm repeating myself, it's because YOU'RE repeating yourself. If you feel that my responses are "reworded" but repeated, guess what? It's because you repeated something and reworded it.

This bothers you, doesn't it? My doing that denies you even a false sense of victory. You're attempting to slide your BS into the equation without it getting stomped and splattered onto your face. I've lost count of how many times other liberals have advanced this same complaint, without recognizing the fact that they're repeating themselves.

Don't want to see a "repeat" of what I said before? Quit repeating yourself. We both know that I got you so good that you're engaging in the copycat maneuver

Full Colostomy Bag: but the jest of his reply's are always some kind of bullshit about how much smarter he is.

If you were capable of understanding a post generated in a way that a fifth grader would understand it, you wouldn't make that assumption. In fact, the gist of my replies is that you're wrong, and I'm proving that with a fact based, logical, reasoned argument, and I'm doing that in a way that forces you to realize that you are wrong and that you don't know what you're talking about. The fact that you'd come to that conclusion speaks strongly to your subconscious pushing through your narcissism to tell you that I'm destroying you in this debate.

Full Colostomy Bag: Fuck him and all his asking for real world info.

Private Luke Wyatt is jumping on here making false claims as to who he is in the real world. The questions that I ask doesn't require him to provide PII. You know what that is, do you? This is sensitive personal information that shouldn't be put out on this message board. But, you're too stupid to tell the difference between PII, and general mundane knowledge that a veteran would possess regarding how things happen in the military.

It bothers you doesn't it? The fact that I'm calling your favorite "military guy" out as a phony removes your ability, and his, to attempt to put a "military experience" perspective in support of a liberal argument. The vast majority of us in the military, as well as those in the veteran community, are conservative. You people are desperately looking for a legitimate veteran voice for the BS that you people argue here. The Jesse MacBeth fiasco is a good example of this.

What you're detesting is the fact that I'm presenting this, and handling Luke Wyatt's exposure, as a fraud, in a way that even you have to see that he's a phony.

Full Colostomy Bag: He is just some dude with a log on handle.

You libtards love to resort to the "equal footing" thing. You guys can't hack it when it comes to arguing the facts, and having the proper credentials and experience to have an advantage relative to the opposition. Instead of having the integrity to admit that you guys were bested, you attempt to denigrate or disregard people's backgrounds, credentials, and argument validity in exchange for your inability to know what you're talking about. No, we're not "just people with log on handles". We're people with different experiences, knowledge, backgrounds, etc., that give us an advantage in one area or another when it comes to debating.

Full Colostomy Bag: As for not responding who brought you in to help old shitface out?

Who brought you out to defend the phony retired SGM? You might get the answer to your own question.

However, I could tell that your ego is still bruised over the shit face comment I made related to you. Your feeble attempts to "insult" amount to you being a copycat. You're using them because I got you good with them, and you think that I'd be insulted if you used them back against me. It's like a kid saying, "No, you're the doo doo head!" You definitely let your inner child out in these exchanges, don't you?

Hello, it's me, the toy monkey again. I succeeded in taking this retard over. Any band folk here? I was going to audition at that place where the ECCIE Dutch Rudder Gang were going to show up to support Private Luke Wyatt at that establishment.

Oh well, hopefully, someone here could refer me to a band. Here goes, I'm picking my cymbals up...

Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Fixed to reflect reality.
herfacechair's Avatar
MT Cranial Cavity: HaHa!

No, you're not laughing, you're just bidding time while you wait for your "brain" to generate a response. You're actually annoyed over the fact that we're destroying you in argument.

MT Cranial Cavity: You are something else.

This is you pulling crap out of you but until your "brain" could hopefully come up with a response to what he was saying. A more accurate statement would be, "You are someone else that's also cutting my arse off and shoving it down my throat".

MT Cranial Cavity: I imagine your dipshit team does enjoy it.

You can't take us on in debate, those of you on the left have nothing else to do but to advance week insults. You're like yesterday's coffee, a bit weak in the bean. But yes, we enjoy destroying your arguments, and watching you have one of your meltdowns in response.

MT Cranial Cavity: You say I am a masochist? I am not the one who likes to be smothered.

You prove that you're the masochist on the account that your MT cranial cavity is constantly up the phony retired SGM's arse. You do realize that a masochist enjoys pain/ repeated pain, do you? My fetish provides pleasure, not pain. You, on the other hand, enjoy consistently having your ego bruised. Your narcissism drives you to reply, and to remain in an argument, in a thread where you have been thoroughly destroyed. You think that by replying you get yourself some false sense of "victory", but you just get subjected to more pain. You might as well call ECCIE the "House of Pain".

MT Cranial Cavity: Actually I am more of a bull.

We also see you as more of a bullshit artist, so yes, there appears to be some agreement here. You spew so much bullshit here that it would not surprise me that you have been kicked off of one too many bull grazing areas on the account of you being caught attempting to eat the cow poo littered all over the place. I mean, you have to have some fuel for all the BS that you spew all over the place here, right?

MT Cranial Cavity: My fantasy is to fuck a conservatives wife and have him clean up the mess.

Stated, given the reality that conservatives fuck your women in front of you, while both make fun of your pee pee and call you a loser, followed by your women forcing you to eat the resulting cream pies. And, when these conservatives have sex with your women in front of you, they're telling to watch a real man in action.

You're one of the most unoriginal retards that I have come across on these message boards. However, the fact that you would copycat an insult that I threw your side of the argument's way speaks volumes to the fact that you thought that my insults were good. Good enough to where you thought that you could effectively use them against us.

MT Cranial Cavity: Chatting with you clowns is just foreplay to me.

No, chatting with us is just your narcissism driving you to give yourself a false sense of victory simply by saying any stupid thing that you could push out of your mouth. This results in you getting your arse handed to you, your ego getting bruised, and you suffering more ego pain and humiliation. You love to be humiliated, this is why you enjoy it when your woman has sex with another man, in front of you, while telling you that you'll never be a real man like the one she's having sex with in front of you.

This is why you've resorted to sex activities with Private Luke Wyatt and other members of the ECCIE Dutch Rudder Gang.

MT Cranial Cavity: I love how you adore Hier Chairface.

He enjoys it when others join him in smacking you around and destroying your arguments. He feels guilty about having this enjoyment by himself that he wants others to enjoy destroying you in debate, with flaming, and in psychoanalyzing you guys. Most of all, your reactions, and the thoughts of what your reactions would be when we see your replies, are a couple of sources of enjoyment.

MT Cranial Cavity: I wish I had a few minions to fuss over me. I will just have to settle for a few of you that have a crush on me for now.

No, you wish that we would simply leave you alone. Don't you get tired of lying to us? The only "crush" activity going on is what is going on between you, Private Wyatt, and the rest of the ECCIE Dutch Rudder gang. You guys like to form a daisychain with your faces up each other's arses, like the caterpillar eating its own butt. This is how you guys give yourselves ammunition to keep spewing your nonsense on this message board.

Baghdad Bob: I keep hearing how he is gonna tear me up. I thought you guys meant it. TRULY! I SWEAR!

Baghdad Bob, are you conspiring with the toy monkey, residing in MT Cranial Cavity's empty noggin, to take control of him again? Tell your brain-dead member, of the ECCIE Dutch Rudder Gang, that he did, in fact, got destroyed. Yes, they meant what they said.

MT Brain Bucket, you got destroyed in debate, and your narcissism prevents you from seeing that. You're like that guy that just got knocked on his arse, who subsequently denies being knocked on his arse.

Baghdad Bob: I didn't know you were actually making fun of him.

MT Brain Bucket, they were not making fun of your alternate personality, they were mocking you. They were making fun of you, saying simple things to get under your skin and watching you react. You've been destroyed, defeated, and you're acting like you didn't get destroyed and defeated. Consequently, reasonable people are making fun of you.

Baghdad Bob: Sick joke to pull on someone that is supposed to be your friend.

No, it's not a sick joke to make you think that they were making fun of somebody else when they were making fun of you. What they are doing, and what I am doing, is doing the equivalent of making a puppy chase after its own tail. Unlike a puppy eventually stopping, you fail to realize that you're chasing yourself, so you keep running in circles, running your legs rapidly but going nowhere. We are all laughing at your expense as you do this.

Baghdad Bob: As for him making an "extensive psychological profile" WTF?

I have you guys analyzed and profiled into specific psychological profiles. There aren't that much profiles that you liberals fall into. You fall neatly into one of them. You are reacting exactly the way I expect you to react given the words and sentences that I choose to put into my posts. Your disintegrating in this thread is an the expected outcome of the words I choose in this series of posts that I posted.

Baghdad Bob: he is babbling all kinds of bullshit and telling us fabrications about how in some other forum he kicked someone ass.

Just as I pointed out earlier. I generate these posts in a way that a fifth grader could understand what I'm saying. A fifth grader proved it by demonstrating an understanding of what was put on paper. You? The same level of English, but your interpretation of what I said is you talking about "babbling" and "BS" and "fabrications". If you were to enter a reading comprehension contest against an average fifth grader, that fifth grader would kick your arse in a one sided competition.

If you were any further backwards when it came to understanding what others are saying, and with regards to what's being said about you, you'd fall out the back of the short yellow school bus that you ride every workday. I don't need to fabricate stories about kicking your arse, as well as that of others on your side of the argument, my doing that is a given.

Baghdad Bob: Shit do you know I am an astronaut and I kicked a martians ass just last week.

You're mistaking your one brain celled activity's transit from one part of your MT noggin to another. That "Martian" that you're talking about was a mosquito that entered your MT noggin, going "EEEEEEEEEEEE" in a way that was amplified by the curvature of your MT noggin. That one brain celled activity contacted the toy monkey with the cymbals, who re-entered your head and banged its cymbals, killing the mosquito. Are you that arrogant that you'll attempt to take credit from that brain cell, and toy monkey?

Uuuhthuuh ghooohd insthult! I whahnna dhoo thaahth thooo! Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Fixed to reflect reality.
herfacechair's Avatar
STAY TUNED, SPORTS FANS ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I hope that Av8R sends me the results of the meeting through one of my blogs. Chances are, Private Luke Wyatt, and the rest of the ECCIE Dutch Rudder Gang, were no shows. If verification happened, then I could announce whether he was a veteran or not, and if he were a veteran, in what capacity. No PII or other sensitive information would be provided though, as a certain MT noggin retard thinks would happen.
Full Colostomy Bag: HEIRSHITEATER I would like to thank you for spending yet another amount of countless hours concocting a mindless rant about shit I said.

False. First, it doesn't take me countless hours coming up with these replies. It doesn't take long. All I have to do is speak into a microphone and the words show up on the screen. This wouldn't take long via keyboarding either. I don't need to look at the keyboard when I'm typing, and I've been "advised", by those who've seen me type, that "keyboards have a speed limit.

Second, you're not truly thankful for my handing you your ass here. You get pissed off every time you see my replies, and would wish for me to stop. You have a thin skin, like a phony SGM that we both know. The fact that you're copy catting in your response speaks volumes to the fact that I got under your skin, and you're attempting to get back. I laughed my ass off when I saw your reply. You're disintegrating real rapidly.

Third, you refuse to admit that I hammered you by parading your comments as if a toy monkey took over your head. Yes, that's funny, and I laughed my ass off when I thought of it. Didn't actually do it until I responded to you. If something like that would make me break out laughing, I know that you're getting royally pissed when you see the same results. You're acting the way someone, with a thin skin, is reacting.

Full Colostomy Bag: HEIRSHITEATER I would also like to thank you for proving my point that I am in control. If not you would have not responded. (REPEAT POINT)

My responding to you is almost as guaranteed as death and taxes, "commanding me" to reply to you is like commanding me to breath, or commanding the sun to raise in the east tomorrow. Again:

Since you're too retarded to figure this out, and to see the relationship between our replies and counter replies, let me break this down to you.

Let "X" be your replies to me.

Let "Y" be my rebuttals to you.

Now, are you ready for this? What's happening, between us, is this:

If "X", then "Y".

You control "X", I control "Y". You advance "X", I respond with "Y". Like I said before, I'm going to keep hammering you, "ad infinitum". The only way that "Y" will stop is if "X" isn't advanced.

Your statement above is an attempt to get me off your back, and you're frustrated that it's not working. Guess what? My replies to you are almost as guaranteed as death and taxes. If you reply to me, expect me to reply to you. That's a given.

Full Colostomy Bag: HEIRSHITEATER I also would like to see what other mindless babble you can dream up of how you are the Emperor of ECCIE.

I never claimed to be ECCIE's emperor, but the fact that you'd mention it here speaks volumes to what your subconscious is trying to tell you. Your narcissism wants to dismiss my statements as "mindless babble", quotation marks used strongly. However, your subconscious is telling you that I'm destroying your arguments here, as well as that of your liberal allies, harder than what you guys are used to.

I've destroyed you liberals in debate during the 13 years I've been debating you guys online. Not only have I destroyed you guys in debate, in ECCIE and elsewhere, I've seen the conservatives here destroy you guys in debate here, just as I've seen the conservatives destroy your counterparts in debate on here and on other message boards.

You people constantly lose debates, so you make up for that by spewing nonsense because your narcissism drives you guys on, keeps you guys fighting a losing battle because you people have control issues, and expect things to be given to you... something we conservatives refuse to do. Hence, we commence destroying you guys, and constantly hammer you guys, against your wishes that we simply allow you guys to have a false sense of victory in the face of not getting the real victory.

In your eyes, I'm one of those that hammer you guys the hardest, destroying your arguments in a way that even you guys see that you don't have an argument. Hence, your assumptions... That I'm claiming to be ECCIE's emperor.

Full Colostomy Bag: HEIRSHITEATER I just like the way that sounds.

Because that's the adult version of a kid who, after having the wind get knocked out of his argument on the playground, or who ended up not getting his way, points to the one that caused him to experience these and say, "You're a poo poo head". You're proof that we do indeed "have a kid inside".

Full Colostomy Bag: Kinda like a Morressy song.

It's nice to know that you're stressed out over the arse beating that you're receiving here that you have to resort to songs to relieve your stress. The fact that you have to take swipes at me most everywhere you post speaks volumes to the fact that you know that I cut your ass off and shoved it down your throat... Repeatedly.

Fixed to reflect reality. Originally Posted by herfacechair
lol another hobbyist nailed it !!! There was a hobbyist who thought you used some kind of voice dictation device like DRAGON- what a loser. You probably can't type - you look like a buffoon because you think your long winded colorful responses make you appear brilliant - get a life!
I think HFC had too many ladies sit on his face and deprive him of oxygen to his brain. HFC do you realize how silly you are trying to prove if someone's background is correct on a whore site ?
Why would you care if a hobbyist claim to be a billionaire. An Astro physicist. Son of God or the anti Christ? Do you realize this is a hooker site full of lies and deceit?

Let me ask you this question you probably fall for it all the time when a hooker calls you and tells you how much she's been thinking of you and missed you ? Or when a hooker tells you that you were the best Fuck she's ever had in her life?

Get a life and stop worrying about what others are doing is that too hard for you to follow ?
So, seArgen shitburner, how DID your MEETING with Av8R go ?
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-18-2017, 10:09 PM
I refuse to watch The View but I gather that Condoleezza let em have it. I think she works best under fire. Has anyone read her book yet?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
She would be a Godsend compared to what we have. I liked , Paul and Ohio Gov. on the GOP side.

Former Naval officer, can't remember his name...for the Dems.

Wound up voting Johnson because of the shitty candidates each side nominated.

DSK may be right, country going to chit.

. Originally Posted by WTF

there wasn't a democratic candidate in 2016 that was a former naval officer. you may mean Jim Webb, who was a Marine officer.


here's the full list. only Webb was an officer. Marines.


the candidate the democrats should have nominated was Martin O'Malley. he's the only one who lasted long enough to get in the "debates" with Convict Hillary and Crazy Bernie.

LexusLover's Avatar
the candidate the democrats should have nominated was Martin O'Malley. he's the only one who lasted long enough to get in the "debates" with Convict Hillary and Crazy Bernie.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
It wouldn't have mattered. They would still blame the Russians.
lustylad's Avatar
Looks like another intense aerial bombardment last night... only lasted 30 minutes but very precise... nothing but rubble left...

lustylad's Avatar
I think HFC had too many ladies sit on his face and deprive him of oxygen to his brain. HFC do you realize how silly you are trying to prove if someone's background is correct on a whore site ?
Why would you care if a hobbyist claim to be a billionaire. An Astro physicist. Son of God or the anti Christ? Do you realize this is a hooker site full of lies and deceit? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Hmmm... sounds like Private Stolen Valor is on the verge of coming clean... he is begging for a cease-fire... (weak, plaintive voice) - "but, but, but this is just a hooker site, everybody lies, don't single ME out..."

Keep going, LubedAss, you're almost there... just spit it out, "Seargent"... all of it! Those 14 questions will liberate you!
Hmmm... sounds like Private Stolen Valor is on the verge of coming clean... he is begging for a cease-fire... (weak, plaintive voice) - "but, but, but this is just a hooker site, everybody lies, don't single ME out..."

Keep going, LubedAss, you're almost there... just spit it out, "Seargent"... all of it! Those 14 questions will liberate you! Originally Posted by lustylad
LUBE still hasn't told us how his " meeting " went. Must not have gone too well ( if LUBE the LIAR showed up at all ! ). Otherwise he'd be on here crowing and bragging to his WK's and reach-around crew members how his " mafia training " and military training " helped him " handle " Av8R at the meeting !
MT Pockets's Avatar
lol another hobbyist nailed it !!! There was a hobbyist who thought you used some kind of voice dictation device like DRAGON- what a loser. You probably can't type - you look like a buffoon because you think your long winded colorful responses make you appear brilliant - get a life! Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Hi I am Heirshitface! I have a big head and short arms. I can babble all day but can not actually do anything else. I may not be smart but I know that nobody can see me. So I make up shit and act like a pro cause I did some studying up on the internet to make me sound important. I will carpet bomb you with long winded rants that are fabrications I concocted over the years of playing the Wizard of OZ.