2017 Dipshit of the year poll

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This process was rigged. I demand a recount. What about the collusion between Assup and the MODS? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn



Wow.. Surprised Yssup beat out Shitstain_chappel..
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Wow.. Surprised Yssup beat out Shitstain_chappel.. Originally Posted by garhkal

an impressive list of dipshits, yes? bajahhahahaaa

an all time record voter turnout .. due in no small part by my brilliant marketing campaign!!


sissy chimp upped his gay white twink game from last year's dismal 4th place to a serious challenge to the DIPSHIT KING himself!!

can the upstarts overtake the old guard dipshits??

we shall in in 2018!!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Congratulations to assup rider the 2017 ECCIE DIPSHIT of the YEAR!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
an impressive list of dipshits, yes? bajahhahahaaa

an all time record voter turnout .. due in no small part by my brilliant marketing campaign!!


sissy chimp upped his gay white twink game from last year's dismal 4th place to a serious challenge to the DIPSHIT KING himself!!

can the upstarts overtake the old guard dipshits??

we shall in in 2018!!! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
yeah, but it was a limited shilling campaign.

I posted to forums assup frequented with one exception: Austin, Houston, Pittsburg sandboxes. the one exception was the New Orleans sandbox. I forgot to do the national sandbox... tho.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
yeah, but it was a limited shilling campaign.

I posted to forums assup frequented with one exception: Austin, Houston, Pittsburg sandboxes. the one exception was the New Orleans sandbox. I forgot to do the national sandbox... tho. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Congratulations to assup rider the 2017 ECCIE DIPSHIT of the YEAR!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
an impressive list of dipshits, yes? bajahhahahaaa

an all time record voter turnout .. due in no small part by my brilliant marketing campaign!!


sissy chimp upped his gay white twink game from last year's dismal 4th place to a serious challenge to the DIPSHIT KING himself!!

can the upstarts overtake the old guard dipshits??

we shall in in 2018!!! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I do still think that SC votes were SIS proxy votes. SC didn't do much posting the last 2 months. I suspect sis & sc maybe one & same.
bamscram's Avatar
Congratulations to assup rider the 2017 ECCIE DIPSHIT of the YEAR! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Congratulations to the biggest candyass chickenshit for his one sided poll.
No guts to post his or anyone else of the eccie clowns names in the poll.
vote early vote often, sounds like a liberal poll.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I do still think that SC votes were SIS proxy votes. SC didn't do much posting the last 2 months. I suspect sis & sc maybe one & same. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I appreciate the votes in this popularity contest.

Frankly, I would hate for my efforts around here to go unnoticed.

So thanks for that.


You fat slobs are still fat slobs

You flaccid, frustrated closet queens are still flaccid frustrated closet queens

You illiterate motherfuckers are still illiterate motherfuckers

You serial pathological liars are still serial pathological liars

You hypocritical, ignorant racists are still hypocritical ignorant racists

BONE COLLECTOR still has a collection of “bookmarked” pictures of shaved men’s genitalia being jacked off.

And you are still a bunch of brownshirted, jackbooted, goosestepping thralls of the Orange Sphincter and the Turd Reich and Mother Russia.

Again ... thanks for thinking of me a lot more than I would ever think of you.

Now strap in, Dipshits. 2018 is upon us. As is your demise.


LexusLover's Avatar
Nothing more offensive than a Sore Winner!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nothing more offensive than a Sore Winner! Originally Posted by LexusLover
That’s a LIE, for a change!

I can think of a dozen things more offensive.

Beginning with the shark infested waters of Braes Bayou!

But please, do go on....

Yssup Rider's Avatar
yeah, but it was a limited shilling campaign.

I posted to forums assup frequented with one exception: Austin, Houston, Pittsburg sandboxes. the one exception was the New Orleans sandbox. I forgot to do the national sandbox... tho. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Are you admitting you meddled in this important election, BONE COLLECTOR?

Are you admitting you’re a, whats the term, Bambino? Oh yeah, COCKSTALKER?

Why didn’t you post in NOLA?

Ah, they know all about you there, don’t they?

Or was your

BTW — got any more two-hour transcripts you wish to post, BONE COLLECTOR?

an impressive list of dipshits, yes? bajahhahahaaa

an all time record voter turnout .. due in no small part by my brilliant marketing campaign!!


sissy chimp upped his gay white twink game from last year's dismal 4th place to a serious challenge to the DIPSHIT KING himself!!

can the upstarts overtake the old guard dipshits??

we shall in in 2018!!! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
" can the upstarts overtake the old guard dipshits ?? " It appears that " Perfesser Peter Puffer has already thrown his cum-stained bowler into the " ring " for the 2018 crown ! Just look at some of his posts these past few days. He should make it challenging for assup to repeat his victory and extend his win streak to 6 DOTY crowns ! And shitstained chapped ass prolly won't like coming ( errr, should that be CUMMING ? ) in second, so we can expect the usual " Dindu Nuffin/ Sheila Jackson-Lee style " accusations of RAY-SIS to all that didn't vote for him. shitstain MIGHT try a " coup " to gain the crown. Interesting times !!!!
Congratulations to assup rider the 2017 ECCIE DIPSHIT of the YEAR! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
assup rider ( and ride-ee ! ) 5 TIME DOTY WINNER and Gloryhole Guru !! Will he be inviting shrilLIARy to HIS inaugural ? Hope he keeps her away from the wine and the TVS ! Mebbe she will even autograph that patched up shrilLIARy blowup doll he so cherishes. The one with the 2 foot long strapon that HE loves getting PEGGED with ! Wonder which one of the 'holes will have the display of all of his crowns ? And, in a reverse of " royal " customs, HE will be bowing down to the rest of the reach-around crew for them to deposit their " gifts " of man batter ( or facsimile thereof, since they are all EUNUCHS !) on his pasty white face in their " tribute " to their " Dear Leader " !!!! He will prolly demand that the song by The Village People, Macho Man, be played everytime he enters a room now ! Can't rightly play Hail to the Chief for assup! That might be too " traumatic " for him knowing that Trump has that as HIS " theme song " NOW ( AND NOT shrilLIARy !!!!) .