The 2020 Presidential Election

Precious_b's Avatar
No, Mexico ain't paying for the wall. He just said that to make liberals cry about something. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Tsk tsk, Ellen. Come clean. Quote your source.

We all know that Fearless Leader was begging that Peņa Nieto wouldn't say anything about the Wall.

Just admit he lied. That's all you have to do. It won't kill you. The Mueller report shows that he lies incessantly. It's no secret.

All you have to do is say he lied.

Because Lord knows you can't say your baby does that.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
It was just another warning sign that I saw regarding Biden. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
At this point in time in 2015. Trump was barely a blip on the Republican screen. Very little support. Much changed over the next year. I expect things to change on the Democratic side over the next year.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
When doesn't MM say something?!

I agree. They need to drop the first aspect of the Mueller report. Documented the *FACT* that Fearless Leader is an Idiot AND he openly seeked help with such with his sychophants (sp). How many of those people are on charges/convicted?

No joke. Take the email bit that they keep brining up. Regardless that members in the current administration (and those that are privy to same) are doing the same thing as Hillary confirmed she did. I don't see that they are turning themselves in to be locked up like the mantra they shout. But I bring this up since they are foaming at the mouth about 30K emails. I'm a nobody and I have 10K+ unread emails. She is a public figure. 30K ain't nothing. Probably spillage for penis pills from Bills account

Ouch. How can you hit her with a fact like that?! We know she ain't gonna admit it.

Quoting a recent public figure, "I take that question."
I don't even have to respond to that since....

Thank you Speedy. She failed to admit that most of the funding for the Wall was supplied by the previous administration. But ima sure that sticks in her craw.

But Ellen, you still haven't responded to the Quid Pro Quo:

When is Mexico paying for the Wall?!?!

Your "I don't know" response doesn't hold merit.
Just admit your sweet heart LIED!
That won't kill you.
Otherwise, just show us how much you wrote out a check to fund the building like the military guy. Or was that a fraud thing? Originally Posted by Precious_b
You will notice that once Ellen is proven incorrect, she quickly drops the subject and moves on without comment.

Trump promised a 3.0% GDP and has not delivered. No comment on Ellen's part.

When I supplied information on Trump's Emergency Declaration pointing out why it was very different from previous declarations, no comment.

When anyone points out Mexico will not be paying for the wall, her comment is that Trump's promise was just to make Liberals angry.

Oh well.
Well not exactly. It's just that Precious has asked that same question 10 times and I have answered him. Mexico will not be paying for the wall right now. Mexico will not pay for that wall right now. There, I said it twice. In the future, they will - one way or the other. Trump learned how to exaggerate from Obama. "You'll be able to keep your doctor." Remember that? Or "drawing the red line in the sand." It's called politics.
Same thing with the GDP - but the economy is super and he was close so what's the big deal.. He's just doing the same as Obama. And didn't you all love Obamma?

You will notice that once Ellen is proven incorrect, she quickly drops the subject and moves on without comment.

Trump promised a 3.0% GDP and has not delivered. No comment on Ellen's part.

When I supplied information on Trump's Emergency Declaration pointing out why it was very different from previous declarations, no comment.

When anyone points out Mexico will not be paying for the wall, her comment is that Trump's promise was just to make Liberals angry.

Oh well. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
That's all they want to do - Impeach Trump - not going to happen.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar

Trump promised a 3.0% GDP and has not delivered. No comment on Ellen's part. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

IDK, Maybe try the internets?

3.0% Q2 '17, 4.2% Q2 '18, 3.4% Q3 '18, 3.1% Q1 '19. Source Statista (dot) com
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Almost doesn't count, especially since Trump increased the national debt by $1.5 trillion over 10 years... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

You call that a national debt?!? Now this is a National debt!

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Well not exactly. It's just that Precious has asked that same question 10 times and I have answered him. Mexico will not be paying for the wall right now. Mexico will not pay for that wall right now. There, I said it twice. In the future, they will - one way or the other. Trump learned how to exaggerate from Obama. "You'll be able to keep your doctor." Remember that? Or "drawing the red line in the sand." It's called politics.
Same thing with the GDP - but the economy is super and he was close so what's the big deal.. He's just doing the same as Obama. And didn't you all love Obamma? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
So Mexico will pay for the wall in the future? Just how will that be done? Through the USMCA?

We've been over the difference between Obama and Trump when it comes to "lies" or I'd rather say misstatements of the truth. When Obama said people would be able to keep their doctor, that was what the intent was. Conditions changed which made the statement untrue. Trump tells mis-truths on a daily basis. You have to admit that. Obama did not. Trump will stand in front of his minions at rallies and make statements that are 100% incorrect.

Like I said, missing on the GDP didn't bother me. It's people like YOU, who after the GDP hit 3.1% in the 1st quarter posted about how wonderful it was. Fine. So again I ask how do you feel when the GDP is "only" 2.1% in the 2nd quarter? Everybody on this board blasted Obama for not hitting a GDP of 3.0% for a calendar year. Now they all have to eat crow because Trump has failed to do so also.

And the economy is not "super" for everyone. Again we've covered this and you continue to ignore FACTS. It is super for people of high incomes. Not so super for those at the lower end of the income scale.

Trump's approval rating dropped after his attacks on The Squad. I anticipate another drop after his attack on Elijah Cummings. Trump just does not get it. Whether he believes the comments to be racial or not, that is what the majority of the people in this country believe. I just watched a group of AA voters from Michigan being interviewed and they, to a person, thought Trump was a racist. Not a representative sample but meaningful.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
IDK, Maybe try the internets?

3.0% Q2 '17, 4.2% Q2 '18, 3.4% Q3 '18, 3.1% Q1 '19. Source Statista (dot) com Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
My error for not being precise in my statement. Trump promised a GDP for a calendar year of at least 3.0%. Criticized Obama for not being able to do that. Obama had several quarters where the GDP exceeded 3.0%. Trump even predicted a GDP of 4% and more.

"The economy now is at 3%. Nobody thought it would be anywhere close. I think it could go to 4, 5, and maybe even 6%, ultimately."
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You call that a national debt?!? Now this is a National debt!

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Obama took over a country in the middle of the biggest recession since the Great Depression. He instituted several policies to get us out of that recession and those policies cost a lot of money. At no time did Obama promise during his campaign to erase the deficit. It was impossible to do both -- restore the economy, which he did to a great extent, and reduce the deficit.

Under Obama the national debt grew the most dollar-wise, but 4 other presidents increased the debt more percentage-wise:

FDR 1048%. Woodrow Wilson 727%. Ronald Reagan 186%. George W Bush 101%. Barack Obama 74%.

Trump took over a country in very good shape economically and promised to reduce the deficit. Instead, he implemented a tax plan that is projected to increase the deficit over 2 terms, assuming Trump is reelected, as much as Obama did. The tax reform deal greatly favored the rich. Those at the lower end of the tax scale did not get much. Corporations did very well. Whether it was worth it when you take into consideration the deficit increase depends on one's viewpoint.
I had to go and reread my post but I clearly stated he missed the mark.
As for Trumps remarks. It's just the truth. I watched several AA voters (not from Michigan) and one said " Trump isn't racist. What she said (Omar) was unamerican. I heard what she said myself."

She's right - they are unamerican.

Truth hurts.

So Mexico will pay for the wall in the future? Just how will that be done? Through the USMCA?

We've been over the difference between Obama and Trump when it comes to "lies" or I'd rather say misstatements of the truth. When Obama said people would be able to keep their doctor, that was what the intent was. Conditions changed which made the statement untrue. Trump tells mis-truths on a daily basis. You have to admit that. Obama did not. Trump will stand in front of his minions at rallies and make statements that are 100% incorrect.

Like I said, missing on the GDP didn't bother me. It's people like YOU, who after the GDP hit 3.1% in the 1st quarter posted about how wonderful it was. Fine. So again I ask how do you feel when the GDP is "only" 2.1% in the 2nd quarter? Everybody on this board blasted Obama for not hitting a GDP of 3.0% for a calendar year. Now they all have to eat crow because Trump has failed to do so also.

And the economy is not "super" for everyone. Again we've covered this and you continue to ignore FACTS. It is super for people of high incomes. Not so super for those at the lower end of the income scale.

Trump's approval rating dropped after his attacks on The Squad. I anticipate another drop after his attack on Elijah Cummings. Trump just does not get it. Whether he believes the comments to be racial or not, that is what the majority of the people in this country believe. I just watched a group of AA voters from Michigan being interviewed and they, to a person, thought Trump was a racist. Not a representative sample but meaningful. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Precious_b's Avatar
You will notice that once Ellen is proven incorrect, she quickly drops the subject and moves on without comment.
... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Or just refuses to answer and dance around it like it was the Great Pumpkin.

Well not exactly. It's just that Precious has asked that same question 10 times and I have answered him. Mexico will not be paying for the wall right now. Mexico will not pay for that wall right now. There, I said it twice. In the future, they will - one way or the other. ... Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I didn't ask you till you derailed your thread about bringing it up. And you STILL haven't answered it. I stated that "I don't know" doesn't cut the mustard. And you know that. This was a MAJOR hitting point during the campaign. MAJOR! And, to be polite, just to ignore it? No Madam. For it not to be a lie, he has to state EXACTLY how that is happening. But we all know that giving a solid answer that you can take to the bank is a short fall of his.
SO, since you can't tell us when or how (we have all been waiting for Fearless Leader to give details) and the President of Mexico had to be the recipient of Trumps begging not to bring it up, just admit he lied. That is all.

Give us the details when or say he lied. A VERY binary decision.

That's all they want to do - Impeach Trump - not going to happen. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Than why hasn't the person on your meme done so? Guess that's another lie from you. Personally, I don't care either way. I know cumuppance (sp) will come his way.

So Mexico will pay for the wall in the future? Just how will that be done? Through the USMCA?

We've been over the difference between Obama and Trump when it comes to "lies" or I'd rather say misstatements of the truth. When Obama said people would be able to keep their doctor, that was what the intent was. Conditions changed which made the statement untrue. Trump tells mis-truths on a daily basis. You have to admit that. Obama did not. Trump will stand in front of his minions at rallies and make statements that are 100% incorrect.
... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You will only get her trying to misdirect instead of answering. She can't admit he is a liar. Else, she would have told us when. Ellen, "I don't know" is not an answer. I've stated that ad naseum.
The sheer mass of documentation showing his deliberate lying can barely keep up with every time he opens his mouth.

Admit he's a liar Ellen. It's a fact. Don't try to twist it any other way or deflect from it.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I had to go and reread my post but I clearly stated he missed the mark.
As for Trumps remarks. It's just the truth. I watched several AA voters (not from Michigan) and one said " Trump isn't racist. What she said (Omar) was unamerican. I heard what she said myself."

She's right - they are unamerican.

Truth hurts. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I'm not going to go into what Omar said was or was not un-American. If you will tell me exactly what you THINK Omar said that is so objectionable, I'll research it and get back to you. Much of what Trump has accused her of saying is untrue.

"Donald Trump Is Deliberately Distorting What Ilhan Omar Says About America"

On the other hand, what Trump said was determined by MOST to be racist. You can always find someone in a country of 330 million who will support your POV. The majority do not which is why Trump's overall approval rating and approval rating among AAs took a nose dive. Even Rasmussen, the poll YOU recently cited because it had Trump at 50% approval rating, now has Trump at 47%.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
That's all they want to do - Impeach Trump - not going to happen. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Oops I missed this post from you.

Do you know the difference between impeachment and conviction?

The House impeaches. The Senate convicts.

Bill Clinton was impeached. He was not convicted.

So it is VERY possible that Trump may be impeached by the Democratic House. He will not be convicted by a Republican Senate.

Whether impeachment will be a plus or minus for Trump in the 2020 election is up for debate. I doubt impeachment proceedings will get very far. Not enough Democrats support impeachment.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Obama for not being able to do that. Obama had several quarters where the GDP exceeded 3.0%. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

"Started with a bad economy" Let's not dwell on how that came to be. So looking at the little O's 2nd term performance we notice that out of the chute:

Q2'12-1.7%, Q3'12-0.5%, Q4'12-0.5%, Q1'13-3.6%, Q2'13-0.5%,...Q1'14-(-1%)

The economy now is at 3%. Nobody thought it would be anywhere close. I think it could go to 4, 5, and maybe even 6%, ultimately." Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

I thought it would easily be near 3%, but 4% starts to get a bit heady and frankly, too much shenanigans to maintain there. In no way would I expect 6%, mainly for fear of the repercussions that would ensue, namely gravity - what goes up comes down. For me, slow and relatively steady is the way to go.

Wild swings from -0.1% (Q1'11&Q1'14) to 5.1%( Q2'14) cause to much chop in the waters.