Some Texans Have Prepared a Petition to Secede from the USA

I B Hankering's Avatar

What about all the "Yankees" that died fighting to end slavery? Is that also evidence of complicity in the slave trade?

How many Confederates died to end slavery? Oops, never mind.

And the fact that you derisively refer to northerners as "Yankees" is yet more evidence that you are a Confederate sympathizer through and through - notwithstanding anything your Kentucky ancestors might have done.

You apparently favor your "Mississippi Burning" ancestors.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
Suffice it to say you are a slanderous liar, ExNYer. While your forebears were subsisting on potatoes and spitting out children for the Pope, mine were fighting against slavery! So fuck you, you pretentious ass!!!
I B Hankering's Avatar
No, shit for brains. Bates was a political appointment. The fact that Lincoln picked him doesn't make him a constitutional scholar any more than Obama picking Eric Holder as AG makes Holder into Oliver Wendell Holmes. Did you ever consider that Lincoln appointed his political opponent for President in order to keep Missouri in the Union?

And apparently Bates wasn't equal or surpassing any other Supreme Court justice. He couldn't even beat out Salmon Chase. Originally Posted by ExNYer
In addition to being a pretentious asshole, you are one ignorant fuck, ExNYer. Salmon Chase's appointment as Chief Justice WAS A FUCKING political appointment to placate the Radical Republicans, you pretentious moron.

And why is there no need for a cite about Bates' constitutional expertise? You stick in a cite for everything else. Maybe you can't find one?

Thank you for proving my point that Bates had a rather mundane political career and not much legal career. Did you even read this cite? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Legal historian John P. Franks holds Bates in very high regard, but Lincoln's endorsement of Bates to be his Attorney General is quite sufficient. It's very noticeable how you are quibbling over Bates while ignoring the voluminous and highly regarded works of Randall and McPherson's on this matter, you pretentious and willfully ignorant POS.

Did you really mean to use BOLD face on the sentence about Bates being prosecuting attorney in St. Louis in 1818. We only got the Louisiana purchase in 1803. In 1818, St. Louis was still frontier. How many attorneys were out there in 1818? Was Bates the best of three? And the other two were drunks? Between 1818 and 1826 he seemed to have spent half his time in state politics instead of the law. Then he went to Congress for a term and then came back to the Missouri Senate for a few years.

The only experience he had as a judge was the Missouri Land Court starting in 1853:

Key quote:
"In 1853 the Missouri General Assembly created the St. Louis Land Court and assigned it control of the Mechanic’s Liens, in response to the large number of probate cases, land disputes, petitions for partition, and liens that clogged the St. Louis court system." Originally Posted by ExNYer
The part in bold highlighted Bates' participation in WRITING A CONSTITUTION, you pretentious and willfully ignorant jackass.

So, he was a judge in a special real estate court, not even the main circuit court, handling mechanics liens on properties. And this is your constitutional expert?

Bates got famous as an abolitionist and a Republican presidential candidate, not as a legal authority. Otherwise, Lincoln never would have heard of him, let alone appointed him AG. Originally Posted by ExNYer
And that holds true for every one of Lincoln's Supreme Court appointments, you pretentious fuck! NOTE: Associate Justice appointee David Davis was Lincoln's campaign manager!

So you fucked up when you cited Bates. He was Lincoln's AG and he sided with you. That's all that mattered. So, you touted him as some kind of authority without looking him up.

Rather than admit he wasn't a constitutional expert, you double down on stupid and try to turn him into the second coming of John Marshal. Originally Posted by ExNYer
It doesn't matter that Bates is not as highly regarded as John Marshall -- a man who had nearly 36 years on the bench to establish his legacy: Lincoln picked Bates to be his Attorney General! Fact is, off the top of your head, you probably cannot name a third of the justices that have served, so fuck your pretentious, condescending opinion of Bates.

No, shit for brains. I never rejected him because of what side of the war I thought Missouri was on. Stop creating strawmen. Stop trying to put words into my mouth. That's another sure sign you know I rejected Bates because he was a political appointment, not the constitutional expert you were making him out to be. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You're a fucking liar, you pretentious mental midget. You've lied so often, you can't even keep your lies straight. Chase's appointment to the Supreme Court was a fucking political appointment, and you have on multiple occasions stated you hold ALL southerners in low esteem.
I B Hankering's Avatar

What about all the "Yankees" that died fighting to end slavery? Is that also evidence of complicity in the slave trade?

How many Confederates died to end slavery? Oops, never mind.

And the fact that you derisively refer to northerners as "Yankees" is yet more evidence that you are a Confederate sympathizer through and through - notwithstanding anything your Kentucky ancestors might have done.

You apparently favor your "Mississippi Burning" ancestors.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
That was never the point, but you're so damn ignorant you don't see your hypocrisy. Your ignorant-ass set the standard as only Southerners were engaged in the slave trade and profited off slavery, you pretentious fuck. Your argument regarding that issue has been as soundly repudiated as your other fallacious claims, you willfully ignorant and pretentious fuck. Own your history, bitch!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
God DAMN! another whole page of IBWastingbandwidth stamping his little foot and regurgitating the same shit over and over and over and over.

Chit, wanker, you might even begin to believe it if you say it often enough

In True style, he managed to call the same member a slanderous liar, A pretentious ass, an ignorant fuck, a pretentious moron, a willfully ignorant jackass, a pretentious mental midget, a fucking liar, and a pretentious fuck another couple of times.

I suppose we're seeing the product of a serious inferiority complex here.

I really have one term for this ignorant, stubborn cracker bastard, and you ALL know what it is!
DIPSHIT! I would say that IBCrying's meltdown is pretty much complete. is it time he join the ranks of the ostracized?

Remember, one click of the ignore button, and the "dribble-blather, anal seeping," gogoo, mommy, daadaa, WAAAHHH! WAAHHH! WAAHHH! Is in the cooler!

Come on, potty mouth. Post a cartoon!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Assup’s spastic sphincter is dribbling-blather, spouting shit and foaming spatter! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-18-2012, 08:54 AM
You're a miserable sack of shit, Old-goaT. You've been exposed as the hypocrite you are. Matched slander and innuendo against your slander and innuendo and you folded, Old-goaT. It's you and ExNYer who wanted to make a slanderous issue out of who won what and what whose forebears did when, you dumb ignorant fuck. Cry, cry, cry, Old-goaT. It's obvious you can't take the shit you so willingly dish out can you, Old-goaT, you pretentious fucking hypocrite. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Congratulations! You have "progressed" from lieing bigoted and stupid to a melted slag heap. You now completely ignore what anyone says to you, and questions they ask you, and you post the same cut & paste drivel that has nothing to do with the conversation. you have admitted for all to see that you wear your confederate uniform one day, your white pointed hood the next, and your blood & guts bible thumping blck suit the third. Then start again. You are an angry old man.

You were reasonable predictable before, you are totally predictable now.

Well done.

IBH concedes that he is an assinine, bloated, ignorant, lieing, blowhard forever!
Congratulations, you earned it!
And he knows how to change it: just answer the question. But he won't.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Congratulations! You have "progressed" from lieing bigoted and stupid to a melted slag heap. You now completely ignore what anyone says to you, and questions they ask you, and you post the same cut & paste drivel that has nothing to do with the conversation. you have admitted for all to see that you wear your confederate uniform one day, your white pointed hood the next, and your blood & guts bible thumping blck suit the third. Then start again. You are an angry old man.

You were reasonable predictable before, you are totally predictable now.

Well done.

IBH concedes that he is an assinine, bloated, ignorant, lieing, blowhard forever!
Congratulations, you earned it!
And he knows how to change it: just answer the question. But he won't. Originally Posted by Old-T
Old-goaT, wants to slander and cast aspersions, but cries like a bitch when he is likewise challenged. Cry, cry, cry, you pussy-bitch Old-goaT.
I B Crying, wants to slander and cast aspersions, but cries like a bitch when I B Crying is likewise challenged. Cry, cry, cry, you pussy-bitch! And to think, I am going to be I B Crying my eyes out for 4 more years! WAH, WAH, WAH!
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
There, I fixed it for you!

Shhhhh, don't tell anybody I B Crying, but you've got 4 more years of intense Crying in front of you!

Eat your heart out I B Crying, AKA "pussy-bitch!" It's gonna be a long 4 years for you. You might want to stock up on Kleenex!
I B Hankering's Avatar
There, I fixed it for you!

Shhhhh, don't tell anybody I B Crying, but you've got 4 more years of intense Crying in front of you!

Eat your heart out I B Crying, AKA "pussy-bitch!" It's gonna be a long 4 years for you. You might want to stock up on Kleenex! Originally Posted by bigtex
BigKoTex, you are totally incapable of fixing a damn thing. You cannot even manage to pull down your drawers before you take a shit; hence, your need for anal suppositories, you fucking and inveterately ignorant jackass.

BigKoTex, you are totally incapable of fixing a damn thing. You cannot even manage to pull down your drawers befoe you take a shit; hence, your need for anal suppositories, you fucking and inveterately ignorant jackass. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

WAH, WAH, WAH!!!!!
I B Hankering's Avatar
WAH, WAH, WAH!!!!! cries BIGKOTEX, 'cause he just POOPED his pants again. WAH, WAH, WAH!!!!!
Originally Posted by bigtex

Your ignorant-ass set the standard as only Southerners were engaged in the slave trade and profited off slavery, you pretentious fuck. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Neither I nor anyone else said Southerners were the only ones who profitted from the slave trade. Once again you are setting up strawmen by putting words in other people's mouths so you can pretend to be brilliant.

Your argument regarding that issue has been as soundly repudiated as your other fallacious claims, you willfully ignorant and pretentious fuck. Own your history, bitch! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You haven't repudiated anything except the strawmen you set up.

Own your history, bitch! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I already have. Several times above. Which you just ignore so you can pathetically continue to repeat "Own your history, bitch" - a phrase, I would add, that I first used against you. You can't even think up something original. So you cut-and-pasted from me.

You, however, are a different story when it comes to owning your history. You are hell bent on deflecting blame from the Conferacy for its continued support of the inhuman practice of slavery, while every other region of the English speaking world was steadily getting rid of it.

So let's hear you own your history by simply saying "The Conferate cause was wrong. I'm glad they failed." Can you do that?

I B Hankering's Avatar

Neither I nor anyone else said Southerners were the only ones who profitted from the slave trade. Once again you are setting up strawmen by putting words in other people's mouths so you can pretend to be brilliant.

You haven't repudiated anything except the strawmen you set up.

I already have. Several times above. Which you just ignore so you can pathetically continue to repeat "Own your history, bitch" - a phrase, I would add, that I first used against you. You can't even think up something original. So you cut-and-pasted from me.

You, however, are a different story when it comes to owning your history. You are hell bent on deflecting blame from the Conferacy for its continued support of the inhuman practice of slavery, while every other region of the English speaking world was steadily getting rid of it.

So let's hear you own your history by simply saying "The Conferate cause was wrong. I'm glad they failed." Can you do that?

Originally Posted by ExNYer
Your POV has been found faulty and wanting, ExNYer; even your own source says so. Own your failures, you pretentious bitch!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Once again, I want to state that IBCRying has gone around the bend.

He conti use to scream, rant, race, make poopy statements and otherwise say things that would make a 6 year old blush.

It is probably time he go to the cooler,
I B Hankering's Avatar
Assup’s spastic sphincter is dribbling-blather, spouting shit and foaming spatter! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider