Correct. My Gummy Bear Ass shot puts boulders
Originally Posted by PhoenixFux
Yeaaaaaaaahhhh, i'm sure that's what you really meant.
You've gone on an unsolicited rampage directed towards at least 2 girls who aren't even participating in this thread (or currently on ECCIE, for that matter) - one of whom i can assure you, in upwards of half a dozen conversations with me where your name came up, never once made a disparaging comment about you. Not that i would expect that to have any impact on a gummed up, self proclaimed semen demon who blames her mother for her not having any teeth. Try drinking a bit more piss next time. I hear it's good for the molars.
But hey, if "shot putting boulders" at people behind their backs with accusations, some of which are just.....bizarre... makes ya feel better about yourself (worked for me just now, so i feel ya!) have at it. You might wanna be a bit more careful going forward though, before people start confusing you with Jokacz.