OH2 Down?

RickTheGreek's Avatar
If the site throws a bad certificate error reload the page until you get a secure connection. It's flaky but at least it works.
Passion2015's Avatar
It was just a comment Ana, so relax and enjoy your day
Kamisearch's Avatar
Website has been flaky for a while sometimes requiring me to accept expired certificates and sometimes not. I've also had a couple times where I was logged into someone elses account when I refreshed the page. Just weird stuff happening.

Yeah I'm not sure what prices Passion pays but it must be amazing considering its too much when I pay 200 hhr and 300 full hr for some very good looking providers and some great service. I think a "ridiculous price" description adds enough emphasis to make people think that you CAN'T afford it, rather than just refuse to partake in it. Obviously I hope he's just the latter. But if it is a problem, can just block the person if you don't find anything productive from their post.
I think Passion is holding out for the 80 QV (that lasts like 25 minutes) BBFS option that some desperate soul must still offer.

Cuz yeah, he's been complaining about prices since before they actually went skyhigh, lol.
Alexandra Sand's Avatar
I vote that Passion STFU about pricing because we're all so tired of it. Anyone else that wants to add in their vote, feel free to put a


Anandaman Thank you darling for your comment! LOLOL


juggernaut6's Avatar
I just get like a "Hello World!" and that's it. Been that way for a long time now.
Is oh2 down again? I have been using it fine with puffin for few months now...today morning I keep getting wrong username password error
jazzbill's Avatar
Is oh2 down again? I have been using it fine with puffin for few months now...today morning I keep getting wrong username password error Originally Posted by sanjayhot1988
I'm on it right now. No issues.
Is oh2 down again? I have been using it fine with puffin for few months now...today morning I keep getting wrong username password error Originally Posted by sanjayhot1988
I'm having the same issue. I reset my password and I'm still getting the error. I've moved VPN locations several times with the same result. I'll try again tomorrow.
*Update: I set my VPN to Canada and I was finally able to log in to OH2.
TexFlex's Avatar
I cant log in either
As best I can tell, it's a certificate expiration issue. When I get the OH2 Privacy Error, it says the cert is not valid and expired in April 2022.

When I connect successfully, it says the cert is valid and expires in October 2022 (not yet expired). Not sure why it's using two certs for the same site (maybe load-balanced on multiple servers/hosts?) Seems like something that needs to get fixed with their host.
Sonara's Avatar
Able to post ad not able to get my pics up
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I'm on it right now. No issues. Originally Posted by jazzbill

Others should clear their browsers cookies and other stuff.
Passion2015's Avatar
With what’s on that board now it’s not worth the time or money, IMO
It comes and goes for me. Some days better than others.