NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Dorian Gray's Avatar
When's the funeral so I can dance on his grave.
Wakeup's Avatar
Capone: I want you to get this fuck where he breathes! I want you to find this nancy-boy Eliot Ness, I want him DEAD! I want his family DEAD! I want his house burned to the GROUND! I wanna go there in the middle of the night and I wanna PISS ON HIS ASHES!
Wakeup, McNuttless is dead to me!!! I can only hope he does something after this debacle of a season is over.

Pubes getting tough now, cuts Willie Jefferson, Sam Montgomery and Ciere Wood(our only healthy running back who was inactive yesterday when we needed him) for violating team rules. They must have wanted to win and not suck, because with Pubes in charge sucking is a team rule!! Actually I don't think Woods or Montgomery have played a snap this year. I like what I saw out of Woods and Jefferson in the preseason, watch one of them go on to be a star on another team.

Fire the fucking special teams coach at least. Or Fire or demote Fig Newton and play Ryan Harris at right tackle. Jeez Newton was punked all day yesterday.

Early odds on Schaub starting in two weeks, 2 to 1. Odds on Case starting 4-1. Odds on Cuntiak Pubes sucking 1 to 1000, no bets allowed, we all know he will totally bitch out and suck.

Bob McNair quotes - Where is my cabana boy? I need a tounge bath. Where is Long Dong Silver Smith? Where are my Nutts? We already have our QB!!

Cuntiak, Pubes, quotes - "3 is better than 6!!" "We complete all of our snaps when we in the pistol" "We just need to make a play or 2 to win the dang game, I don't have clue what that play would be, but somebody other than me needs to make it" "This menu is confusing" "it's on me" "I am so proud of our team, we almost won a game" " I will show em who's boss, I will cut 3 guys that don't play and let the guys who suck keep playing even more"!!!
TheDon's Avatar
The season is over. Not even halfway point yet but it's over. Colts win division unless someone shoots Andrew lol. I have doubts on beating jags twice if they put the slob back in as qb. Since we should be in the top ten on the draft guess we can start looking at prospects. Sad year when you go from superbowl dreams to "who's coming up in the draft?" Before it's halfway done. Originally Posted by Trey
This obviously won't happen, but like I said, send a big fella down low on him, our field is an injury hot spot. The guy likes to run out of the pocket. It can be done, and I'm going to go on record and predict that it will happen.

Hope the boys are looking at some clips of Palmer in 06, Brady in 08. We can do this.
BigLouie's Avatar
Colts to win for sure. Kubiak just said the Matt is still the starter.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 10-21-2013, 06:47 PM
Come on Trey? The season's over? With 9 games left? Damn bro....

Kubes suspends 3 players for allegedly smoking weed, but they say it was a cigar......ok-kay fellas if you say so....
TheDon's Avatar
That's some bullshit, unless you smoke like an idiot (Josh Gordon....) pot is not a problem in either the NFL or NBA.
BigLouie's Avatar

Kubes suspends 3 players for allegedly smoking weed, but they say it was a cigar......ok-kay fellas if you say so.... Originally Posted by Satin
Yea a cigar made out of wackie tabacie
Solemate62's Avatar
I just am watching the last quarter of Vikings/Giants and Leslie Frazier makes your Kubes look like Vince Lombardi! I would venture a guess that Frazier gets sacked long before your guy in Houston!!
Solemate62's Avatar
Condolences to Houston on the Bud Adams death! yeah, I realize he is reviled by many for taking off to Nashville BUT he did bring a franchise to Houston in the 1960s and, contributed much to the community! RIP! Originally Posted by Solemate62
OK, I rescind my condolences. I don't want to take the chance that Wakeup will get his hands on a nuclear warhead and find out where I live! Mia Culpa!
Wakeup's Avatar
I don't need a .338 Lapua can reach you just fine...
john353's Avatar
.338 Lapua...FTW.
Leslie Frazier is a dumbass but he beat Kubes the Pubes ass last year when we had a chance to clinch home field advantage!!

I heard the owner bob mcnuttless say that what do you expect from his team. We couldn't have done anything more in KC to win the game. He is so proud of how his team played. Makes me wanna fucking PUKE!!!
Wakeup's Avatar
.338 Lapua...FTW. Originally Posted by john353
Winning way out past a mile too...
Honestly, after what happened today, all across the league, if the Texans really want to make the playoffs, in two weeks on Monday Night, all we need to do is send some "goons" from our front 7 (anyone but JJ) and just have one of those Fucker's take out Andrew Luck's knee, tear that Fucking ACL and we are back in business

C'mon Jarek Crick and Earl Mitchel, lets end a motherfucker's season in 2 weeks Originally Posted by TheDon
Hell why not? Fuckers did it to our middle linebacker two years in a row!