nothing reply anything you want

offshoredrilling's Avatar
errr mmmmm what if the mind of some are like a TARDIS????
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Here's nothing for today.
The Doctor does know how to play darts.
I've just sent a couple cases of those pointy things to different time point addresses.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Here's nothing for today.
The Doctor does know how to play darts.
I've just sent a couple cases of those pointy things to different time point addresses.

Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
YouTube · Darts Planet TV

Doctor maybe near in time & space ???? ya never know

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Who has been banned recently? in the PF
What a fucking AWESOME train wreak
its to be a listing of who all banned in that forum
but the fuckers can't help them self's
ya really, some blaming Donald or Joe for the icky bans in that forum it seems
when really most are for HIJACKING & some insults

So if I seem a bit slow posting in Upset NY, I'm busy askin for thread to be on track LOL Ya me the guy with lots a now dead HIJACKING points asking in a way ah stop hijacking that thread LOL So I'm having a shit load of FUN FUN FUN

I'm in hope no one on staff posts a waning. But have fun pointing & banning at will
winn dixie's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Attachment 879383 Originally Posted by winn dixie
Dang nab it, Its closed
winn dixie's Avatar
Dang nab it, Its closed Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Theres a sequel !
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Theres a sequel ! Originally Posted by winn dixie
now all that's needed is a PF ban
offshoredrilling's Avatar
You obviously missed the sarcasm font that wasn't used. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
ahhhhhh the same font ya used when sending why the points
CryptKicker's Avatar
ahhhhhh the same font ya used when sending why the points Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Took you long enough to figure that out! LOL
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Took you long enough to figure that out! LOL Originally Posted by CryptKicker
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Took you long enough to figure that out! LOL Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
between reading crypt and my reply I got on my landline without caller id a spam call from a scammer.

Hello, errr nothing

as scammer about to say He... I say mmmmmm about the same as my RTM reply to pm from crypt. the fuckers and hang up
So thanks crypt for teaching me how to get them fuckers to hate me

mmmm how to tell its a scammer rather then just a spam ad without caller id . I will not say as some of them fuckers maybe on icky
so thanks crypt shhhhh I like your posts, just not the pm's of past
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Excellent osd,
You're learning diversionary speaking from one of the masters, Plastic Man.
It works.
So continue with training, and raise your results higher. With time and effort, you may even be able to not be a dart board.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Excellent osd,
You're learning diversionary speaking from one of the masters, Plastic Man. It works.
So continue with training, and raise your results higher. With time and effort, you may even be able to not be a dart board. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
A few I acted like a answering machine... My new number is(give local PD #)

officer friendly came over mmmm not so friendly. Well Sir last time I asked for a trace you said Phone Co here is WOKE and will not do that so get caller ID. mmm pay more as they be dump fucks. So... really PD in town can't ... Per order of Gov Nanny Kathy. WTF Nanny Kathy cuffed cops in NYS errrrrr

but office and I did find it funny a scammer called what I gave as a new number. But said stop that mmmmm till I can get ya a good number for Nanny Kathy to give them

so for now till I get that number .. starts when I say Hi Mr/Miss scammer. What is sad is a few are a sweat shop deal. If ya listen to back ground noise you can hear others falling for it. SS # I over hear I give to local PD. If in area they go over n tell them Ah ya got scammed. WTF PD can look up SS# but not trace a # per Nanny Kathy WTF Some times its a charge card or bank #, PD can look up that way also

mmmmm I wonder if NYS get a cut of scammed bucks
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ops forgot just once I gave the long # for local 911. errrr them fuckers are useless