Jackie our girl Condalisa

MT Pockets's Avatar
LUBE still hasn't told us how his " meeting " went. Must not have gone too well ( if LUBE the LIAR showed up at all ! ). Otherwise he'd be on here crowing and bragging to his WK's and reach-around crew members how his " mafia training " and military training " helped him " handle " Av8R at the meeting ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Dougy never showed. I called and asked for him several times.
Dougy never showed. I called and asked for him several times. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
What makes YOU think he'd answer to one of LUBE's WKs ? You got PLAYED ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
MT Pockets's Avatar
What makes YOU think he'd answer to one of LUBE's WKs ? You got PLAYED ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
He said to ask for him by name. Plus I didn't get played you said to call and ask for Douglas, I mean AV8ter did LOL!
He said to ask for him by name. Plus I didn't get played you said to call and ask for Douglas, I mean AV8ter did LOL! Originally Posted by MT Pockets
He wanted to meet with LUBE, NOT LUBE's fluffer. That's why he didn't answer.
LexusLover's Avatar
He wanted to meet with LUBE, NOT LUBE's fluffer. That's why he didn't answer. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You mean in a bar and grill there are so many 300-400 pound Italians in San Antonio one has to call out his name?
You mean in a bar and grill there are so many 300-400 pound Italians in San Antonio one has to call out his name? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Not at all. And the smell from LUBE standing down wind from those burning honey buckets all of those years as " seArgent shitburner ' would announce his " presence " from the parking lot !
lustylad's Avatar
I tell you the truth you are a real ass clown. If you are worried about someone on a whore board that you don't know from Adam's House cat pretending to be a "veteran" or not than you either or clueless or have way too much time on your hands.
I really get a kick out of making you guys so angry that you can get completely off topic just to bash me. What makes it really sad is that you guys are grown men- I expect this behavior from teenagers but grown men?
I wouldn't give a rat's ass if you had Reuter's conduct a poll are you really that butt hurt on a whore board worrying about some other man's credentials?
I had another ass clown take time out of a day to post a thread about whether I would show up to meet someone who is banned and lives in another state? You guys are really some dumb wits - you really are in need of some help. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Another psychologically revealing post! Moved to proper thread for B-52 targeting.

Thanks Lubey! We know you want to come clean! You can do it! Those 14 questions will liberate you! We're all rooting for you!
Another psychologically revealing post! Moved to proper thread for B-52 targeting.

Thanks Lubey! We know you want to come clean! You can do it! We're all rooting for you! Originally Posted by lustylad
Go fuck one of your cheap 50 dollar whores while I go wipe my ass with a Steelers jersey.

Oh someone Tell Gay Lengua that he had plenty of chances to meet me face to face since we are both in San Antonio. I even offered to meet him close to a p;police station if he felt his life was in danger.
MT Pockets's Avatar
He wanted to meet with LUBE, NOT LUBE's fluffer. That's why he didn't answer. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
How would he know who It was? Speaking of fluffers, you seem to know AV8ters every thought. Thats odd, or is it?
You mean in a bar and grill there are so many 300-400 pound Italians in San Antonio one has to call out his name? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Are you saying Dougieboy is a 400lb Italian?
Not at all. And the smell from LUBE standing down wind from those burning honey buckets all of those years as " seArgent shitburner ' would announce his " presence " from the parking lot ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I think the smell was coming from Dougieboy when he heard his name called out. That is if he even showed at all.
lustylad's Avatar
Oh someone Tell Gay Lengua that he had plenty of chances to meet me face to face since we are both in San Antonio. I even offered to meet him close to a police station if he felt his life was in danger. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
So now you're deflecting to Rey to pretend you're willing to meet face to face and prove your military bona fides? You had your chance with Av8r. He was dead serious and you knew it. You chickened out, whacked the RTM button until your finger went numb, and then started a thread to boast about how you got him banned to deflect from your own chicken-shit behavior.

You're completely transparent, Private Fatass!
MT Pockets's Avatar
So now you're deflecting to Rey to pretend you're willing to meet face to face and prove your military bona fides? You had your chance with Av8r. He was dead serious and you knew it. You chickened out, whacked the RTM button until your finger went numb, and then started a thread to boast about how you got him banned to deflect from your own chicken-shit behavior.

You're completely transparent, Private Fatass! Originally Posted by lustylad
Like I said A8 a big one never showed. Idiot.
herfacechair's Avatar
Private Luke Wyatt: lol another hobbyist nailed it !!!

If by "nailed it", you meant actually participated in the hobby, then yes, but not you. If that's the case, then yes, other people here are engaging in the hobby. You? The only thing that you are nailing is the inside of your socks, in your mother's home, because your attitude here has scared the women off.

Private Luke Wyatt: There was a hobbyist who thought you used some kind of voice dictation device like DRAGON-

Then you need to congratulate that hobbyist for getting something out of reading my posts, because I admitted to that earlier in this thread, and elsewhere on this board and internet.

Private Luke Wyatt: what a loser.

Says the guy that's running, like a coward, from the questions I've been asking him. Why don't you answer my questions Private Poo Poo Orderly? The reason to why you won't answer them is that you know that if you attempted to answer them, you'd expose yourself as the phony that we suspect you to be. By extension, it'll result in yet another addition to the reasons to why others here will see you as a loser.

You know, and those of us calling you out know, that you're an imposter/embellisher who isn't everything that he brags. You, and the rest of us, know that you've been a loser all your life, and you try to cover up for the fact by claiming to be a combat veteran, a Purple Heart recipient, and a retired SGM.

But, back to the questions.
Your refusal to respond to my questions is an indication that you know that you're a poser, your actions in refusing to answer those questions tell us what we need to know, that you're not a retired SGM. But, I'll keep asking these questions anyway.

Private Luke Wyatt: You probably can't type --

And you're basing that conclusion on what? The same source of information that's telling you that you're a combat veteran, who has the Purple Heart, who is a retired SGM, made that conclusion? Considering that Dragon Naturally Speaking is loaded on government computers, I have to type on those computers.

I could use the voice to text program already on those computers, but they've either been disabled, or they don't always work the way you want them to work. Typing and shorthand were needed skills for college when I first attended. As usual, you get it wrong. But again, considering that you get it wrong about what you do in real life, it doesn't surprise me that you're getting it wrong when attempting to guess about what other people can or can't do.

Private Luke Wyatt: you look like a buffoon

Says the baboon that's making a monkey out of himself debating as if he's taking a spork to a machine gun fire fight.

Private Luke Wyatt: because you think your long winded colorful responses make you appear brilliant - get a life!

This is your subconscious telling you that my post, with the green text, got you to the core. It is telling you that you are dealing with one, of many, brilliant members on this message board. No, I don't think that a long post, with multicolored text, demonstrates "brilliance". Not the color, but the content of the posts determines that. You have issues with that, don't you?

Again, answer these questions:

1. What was your MOS while you were in the Army?

2. Where did you go to Basic Combat Training/One Station Unit Training at?

3. Where did you go to Advanced Individual Training?

4. From what year to what year did you serve?

5. How long did it take you to get from one rank to the next one, starting from when you were an E-1? For example, E-1 to E2; E2 to E3;

6. What positions did you hold when you "were" a Sergeant? When you "were" a Staff Sergeant? When you "were" a Sergeant First Class? When you "were" a Master Sergeant? When you "were" a Sergeant Major? [This is a multi-part question; each part must be answered.]

7. You claimed combat deployments, where did you combat deploy, and what years?

8. What was your duty position when you combat deployed?

9. What's "REDCON1", without researching it, and when would you say it? Give an example of when you used it.

10. Where did you accumulate your points from?

11. What's a typical day in garrison like?

12. What's a typical day in the field like?

13. What's a typical day like when you go out to the field?

14. From the time you get information that you're about to go on a mission, till the time you go on a mission, what are the general things that happen?

Know that I'll respond to you, and that when I do, I'll include these questions in one of my responses to you per salvo. I hope the others keep quoting these questions in their replies to you as well.
herfacechair's Avatar
Private Luke Wyatt: I think HFC had too many ladies sit on his face and deprive him of oxygen to his brain.

When it comes to having women sit on my face, there's never a "too many facesits" in the equation. Always gun for even more. For someone that claims to have read my blogs, you've proven yourself a liar, as I've explained how full weight facesitting can happen without breath play or breath deprivation.

In fact, a young woman made me live up to my username this past Wednesday. Do you know of anything that happened, this past Wednesday, that's special? Was it someone's anniversary? Someone's birthday? Someone's promotion? Well, consider it as a celebration where I got to be with a woman, and you were left beating your "manhood" with a tweezer.

My face finds more intelligence under any one of these women's arses, during a single facesit, than what I could find in all your collective posts that I've read here.

Private Luke Wyatt: HFC do you realize how silly you are trying to prove if someone's background is correct on a whore site ?

For someone that tries to prove his own phony persona as "the real deal" on a whore site, you're definitely getting bent out of shape over the fact that I'm calling this same phony persona out. Or, is this a situation where the only effort that could be made, on a whore site, is the one made by people wanting to portray themselves as something that they aren't?

The only reason to why you think that I'm being "silly" is that I keep asking you questions that you keep running away from. You want this to go away, don't you? You're no different from the other phonies that have been exposed. You, on a whore site, attempt to give yourself a leg up on others by claiming to be something that you're not. In the process of doing this, you're making a fool out of yourself, and of the people you insinuate you represent.

I enjoy reading your reactions, as you demonstrate a profile I've seen among other phonies that react to being called out. Perhaps you could ask Rey Lengua, Gary, LustyLad, others calling you out for your phonery, or R.M., if I look silly consistently holding your feet to the fire with regards to your phony claims.

Private Luke Wyatt: Why would you care if a hobbyist claim to be a billionaire. An Astro physicist. Son of God or the anti Christ? (STRAWMAN)

This question assumes that you are who you claim to be, and that I shouldn't keep hammering you to keep proving yourself. Again, we are not involved in a situation where you're using a billionaire, astrophysicist, or other claim to try to give yourself a legs up in the argument. You attempted to claim that you were a retired senior NCO. Your conduct, behavior, claims, etc., don't match what I would notice had you been what you claimed to be. And, right now, we have somebody, you, who persistently refuses to answer simple questions that veterans could easily answer in order to prove your veteran claims. What you're doing is advancing a strawman argument.

Private Luke Wyatt: Do you realize this is a hooker site full of lies and deceit?

Do you realize that with this question, your subconscious came out and essentially caused you to admit to being engaged in lying and deceit with regards to your claims of being a retired senior NCO?

You see, in your attempt to get me off your trail, you ask a question that presumes that you are who you claim to be, that suggests that I should not care about what you claim to be, or for that matter, whether others claim to be doctors, lawyers, scientists, etc. Then you follow that up with this specific statement.

This tells me that we both know that you are a phony, engaging in lying and deceiving in an attempt to get others to believe that you are a retired SGM.

I see the lies and deceit, yes, and I am addressing those lies and deceit by calling you out, and by asking you questions that force you to prove, through action and inaction, that you are not a retired SGM.

Private Luke Wyatt: Let me ask you this question you probably fall for it all the time when a hooker calls you and tells you how much she's been thinking of you and missed you ? Or when a hooker tells you that you were the best Fuck she's ever had in her life?

You're using the scenario to support the comment that you just made. You're suggesting that people here are making claims about themselves that aren't true, by extension, including you. If I wouldn't go after those self-proclaimed millionaires, self-proclaimed doctors, etc., why should I go after a self-proclaimed retired SGM? This is the drive of this statement, and the previous one. The argument is that I shouldn't sweat your claims, because you are simply bullshitting the crowd with your nonsense about being a retired SGM, and of having earned the Purple Heart. This statement here, that you made, demolished all the efforts you made in the past, on this thread and elsewhere, to bolster up your phony retired SGM persona.

You've just subconsciously admitted to us that you aren't a retired SGM, that you've been lying, and suggesting that I should leave you alone due to "others also lying" about who they are.

Private Luke Wyatt: Get a life

I have a life outside of this message board, this includes the hobby, which is something that appears isn't on your schedule. Don't mistake my consistently asking you questions as my "not having a life". We both know that you've pulled another trick from the phony/embellisher playbook... telling us to do something else other than calling you out for the faker/embellisher you are.

Phonies love to tell those, calling them out, to get a life. The implication is that those calling the phony out would stop calling him out so that he could preserve his phony persona.

Private Luke Wyatt: and stop worrying about what others are doing

Translation: leave Private Luke Wyatt to his claims of being a retired SGM.

Not happening. If you want people to stop worrying about what others are doing, then you need to quit worrying about what others, or I'm, doing. Simply answer the questions I've been asking you, and come clean. That's it.

You demand that I stop worrying about what you're doing, but you've been rolling out this BS lie for months. So, we're going to give you the attention you craved when you claimed that you were a retired SGM, who was a combat veteran with a Purple Heart.

Private Luke Wyatt: is that too hard for you to follow ?

You mean, like it's too hard for you to answer my questions? Tell you what, answer my questions, truthfully and factually. Admit to what you've actually done, or admit that you never were in, then provide a genuine apology to the veteran community. Is that too hard to do, given your claims of having a Purple Heart, and of being paid "to-do jobs" for the guys?

But no. As long as you keep sending your BS my way, you're going to get a response... If you get salvors, one of the posts is going to include those questions.
Simply put, by addressing me directly or indirectly, you request that I continue to ask you these questions until you either answer them, or don't do the very thing that causes me to keep asking you these questions.
herfacechair's Avatar

I came across my son's room and noticed that he didn't log out of this site. Retired from the Army? Oh my! That boy has some imagination, he likes to brag about being all sorts of things. He's none of those things he brags about being.

But first, I'd like to apologize; I'm his mother. I've been going through my son's computer and have been seeing the sites he visits! I am afraid the things he says here are what he is like in real life. But since he has found this site he has stopped hitting people so often and does not abuse people in our road and at his support work program quite so much.

Please let me give you some background on my son, known as Luke_Wyatt here and maybe you will feel more sympathetic to our tragic situation.

I have had problems with him since his freshman year. My son went through what was labeled "stress induced psychosis" and then severe depression. This was when he hit me often and he'd play with his penis while shouting abuse at people in the street from his bedroom window.

He has been diagnosed with everything from undetermined psychosis, masturbation addiction, Tourette Syndrome, transgender confusion, Bi-polar, OCD, etc. His school diagnosed him with ADHD as early as the third grade. He has been in resource sense first grade. His doctors are now diagnosing him with Asperger's Syndrome. Because of his ritual violence towards me, addiction to masturbation and oppositional behaviors in the mornings, he has a tendency to be tardy.

Almost every morning would be the same. I'd have to drag him to the car, with him kicking and screaming every morning, after I'd force him into boys clothing. He loves his sister's clothes!

I have homeschooled him for his last 4 years. Each year I registered him into the schools, just to have him show up late too many days. As usual, they filed charges against him, and I'd have to remove him from the school and home school him.

He is still having a lot of anxiety about the transition from the house to the car and then to his mentally challenged supported employment program. He has outgrown me and I can no longer pick him up and force him. He is being chronically late again and they are already threatening to put me in jail and/or him in the asylum.

If the judge in my town was helpful or reasonable, I would trust his judgment. He is not. Even the sheriffs' department in my area is filing complaints against him. The person in charge of the developmentally challenged adult program in my state suggested that I give him up to the state. They told me that they have the services he needs and that I'm not knowledgeable to provide.

The only group home, in my area for adults, is for those who are violent, addicted to drugs, or coming out of prison. I am afraid someone in that home would hurt him, or that he might end up in the asylum. I will end up having to take him out and pamper him.

This work program is his chance to become social. He is trying so hard and wants to go so bad. But he isn't able to overcome the transitional problems. Putting the red and green wires in the Ziploc bags confuses the hell out of him, and causes him to have headaches. He seems to have consistent trouble folding and unfolding boxes.

On top of that, he consistently gets lost at his work place. I've asked his support staff to color code the inside of the building. That move helped, as he can get around there now. They've also made him a color-coded schedule to help him coordinate time, activity, and location. Even with those precautions, the support staff calls every time they can't find him at his work place.

If I could only help him understand that the medicine is there for him to feel good, and be nice, he wouldn't have problems with his social life. He keeps placing the meds under his tongue, then spitting them out when he's out of my sight.

So you see, he has it hard back here, and ECCIE is the only place he gets attention. Every time I see him post on ECCIE, I know that he's cheeking his medications. I think it's that retarded ghost that possesses him that makes him cheek his medications. If you guys could give me a contact number for a good exorcist, I'd very much appreciate it. Together we might be able to solve this. I might even get him to go back and finish high school. It'll mean so much to me, and even more to him.
Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Thank you for sharing that.
herfacechair's Avatar
Private Luke Wyatt: I tell you the truth

If that were the case, you'd easily be able to answer my questions. We have a hard time believing that you're telling the truth given the lack of validity of debate claims, and given the fact that you can't get your military stories straight. You changed your rank multiple times, something you wouldn't be doing had you been telling the truth in the first place.

Private Luke Wyatt: you are a real ass clown.

This is a term that you use against someone that gets you in the jugular. I notice that you like to use that on others on this message board when they have you hanging by a thread.

Private Luke Wyatt: If you are worried about someone on a whore board that you don't know from Adam's House cat pretending to be a "veteran" or not than you either or clueless or have way too much time on your hands.

If you're worried about someone on a whore board consistently calling you out for your phony military claims, then dismiss that as someone wasting time on a "non-issue" on a whore board, then you're the one that is either clueless or with plenty of time on your hands.

You spent a lot of time, across multiple months, peddling your phony military claims. Now, when people are really on you to prove that you are who you claim to be, it becomes a "nonissue". If you didn't want this to be an issue, you shouldn't have made it one in the first place by consistently advancing claims that don't reflect who you are in reality. You could make it a nonissue, right now, by answering my questions truthfully and factually.

Private Luke Wyatt: I really get a kick out of making you guys so angry that you can get completely off topic just to bash me.

No, you wouldn't have found it funny based on the commentary that you've made on this and on the other thread. You lamented their "taking the thread off topic" over your body weight. No, that's not them being angry. That's them getting a kick out of spinning you like a top, because you have a thin skin. I find it hard to believe that you'd reach the upper NCO ranks and still be thin skinned. You'd have to have a thick skin to serve that long in the military, your attitude here argues against that.

Contrary to that guy that doesn't know WTF he's talking about, the veterans here aren't shaking their heads at our calling your fake veteran claims out. We, as a community, ENJOY calling phonies out, and hammering them more the more these phonies try to fight back against the obvious just to preserve their phony persona.

Private Luke Wyatt: What makes it really sad is that you guys are grown men- I expect this behavior from teenagers but grown men?

I'm not the only one here that sees your behavior as being consistent of what we'd expect out of a juvenile. Pretending to be something that you're not is something that you should've grown out of when you were a kid. You now no longer have that convenience, as you're claiming to be something that you're not.

Perhaps if you ignore them, and don't reply to them, or me, you wouldn't get lacerated. You bring this upon yourself. Nobody is forcing you to read our posts, or to reply to them.

Private Luke Wyatt: I wouldn't give a rat's ass if you had Reuter's conduct a poll are you really that butt hurt on a whore board worrying about some other man's credentials?

No need for such a poll. Simply go answer the questions that I've asked you. Your responses to them would hint at your true nature if you did serve. They would also hint on whether you served or not if you didn't serve. No need for poling, or for you to sacrifice sensitive information. This has nothing to do about being "butt hurt". This has everything to do to call you out on your false military claims. It doesn't matter where you do this, we're going to call you out, and hold your feet to the fire if you refuse to be vetted.

Private Luke Wyatt: I had another ass clown take time out of a day to post a thread about whether I would show up to meet someone who is banned and lives in another state?

There you go again, throwing the ass clown label at someone that dared bring to light the fact that you've been challenged to meet someone face to face. Anybody that refuses to brush this under the rug, and let this "go away" as you'd like for it to disappear, is an "ass clown" to you. So, whenever you call someone an ass clown, we'll know that the person you're saying this to hit close to home.

Private Luke Wyatt: You guys are really some dumb wits - you really are in need of some help.

No, the dumb wit is the one that advanced a claim of being a retired SGM without having the experience of one. The dumb wit is the one that forgets the fact that others on the Internet could smell BS coming from a military faker from a mile away. You didn't count on that, didn't you? Perhaps a long time ago, in a small town where nobody else served, with no access to the internet, you may have gotten away with these wild tales and claims. But, not today, and not when the Internet gives both veterans and non-veterans the resources they need to call you out.