Other Hobby Sites

robert_96's Avatar
From the ERAPS Blog area:

[ http://www.eraps.net/entry.php?1-What-a-project! ]

Blogs / The Architect / What a project!

"Moving the ASPD database from a very early version of MySQL database to the lastest version seemed a rather easy transition. It's one I have done before so when I was asked by Angelimnot to work with her on the data transition, I said sure thing! THEN, I looked at the backup of the ASPD data! In all, uncompressed it was over 12Gb with over 18million line entries. I made two attempts to import the file in one pass, no dice.

I spent the next 3 days splitting the database into what eventually turned out to be 142 different scripts to create the database, create and populate the data tables and change the permissions on the database and tables to allow the vBulletin software to connect, query and manipulate the data. It took over 44 hours for those scripts to complete execution. No errors were encountered!

Now, I have handed the task of making sure the forums are correct to Deuce and Angel. I'm back to making minor changes in the configs and setting up the new Flash Chat application. I can't wait to get back to my passion, hobbying! I need some playtime."

Yes - Call it a reincarnation of ASPD.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 02-23-2010, 04:21 PM
The problem I have is Angelimnot and Duece never owned that database to begin with, Amber did. They have no right to have it now, especially with my user name and password in it. They are basically stealing all of the work that was done by other people and trying to continue a profit off of it. If they want to run a hobby site, they should start from scratch the hard way like everyone else does.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Staff requests that all discussions of other hobby sites take place in this thread...

[ame="http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=286"]Other Hobby Sites - ECCIE - Your source for escort reviews[/ame]

Thanks for your cooperation.

GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 02-23-2010, 05:18 PM
All you'll find on ERAPS, however, are a handful of stolen but increasingly outdated reviews. Originally Posted by Raphael
Key word, stolen!
GneissGuy's Avatar
Join it, stay a member, or don't.

If you don't want to be associated with the site, go log in, delete your PMs, remove any info from your profile, delete any AIM, etc. ID's. Change your e-mail address to a throwaway yahoo account. (You probably have to have a valid e-mail account to process the change.)

Then forget the site exists.

If you insist, after you do the above things, ask them politely to change your ID and guest your account. Just remember, nothing really vanishes on the internet.

Don't "stalk" the old site like a pathetic ex-boyfriend who has to know everything his ex-girlfriend is doing. Ignore them. There's plenty of other hobby boards out there that you don't want to be involved in either.

Eccie and every other board will live and die based on the behaviour of the management and the contributions of its members. Pay attention and you will figure out which boards are good, which are pimp boards, which are troll boards, and which are useful.
JackNapier's Avatar
"Then forget the site exists."

The problem is trying to forget it when the pumpers for the site insist on coming onto Eccie to try and "remind" us why we should be at the other site. I see nothing at ERAPS now to benefit me as a hobbyist.

Question: If you ask for your account to be deleted, will they remove your posts and reviews as well? That would be the best way to truly forget them...
TinMan's Avatar
The problem I have is Angelimnot and Duece never owned that database to begin with, Amber did. They have no right to have it now, especially with my user name and password in it. They are basically stealing all of the work that was done by other people and trying to continue a profit off of it. If they want to run a hobby site, they should start from scratch the hard way like everyone else does. Originally Posted by GP
Amber is dead, so who the hell owns it now?

I can somewhat buy into the argument that we (the community) own the database, since we provided that data. That being the case, if you don't like the fact that someone else is using your information then do what some others have done and request it be removed. I believe that is a right you have.

I was a top 50 poster when that site went dark, so I believe I have as much stake in it as anyone. I feel the opposite of you on how or if the data should be used by Deuce and Angelimnot, and I like the fact they are maintaining the data I worked so hard to create.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-23-2010, 09:41 PM
"Then forget the site exists."

The problem is trying to forget it when the pumpers for the site insist on coming onto Eccie to try and "remind" us why we should be at the other site. I see nothing at ERAPS now to benefit me as a hobbyist.

... Originally Posted by JackNapier
Damn jack.....there is a forum on this site titled The Time Capsule - A Look Back at ASPD's Rich History

I think GneissGuy had it right.
Eccie and every other board will live and die based on the behaviour of the management and the contributions of its members. Pay attention and you will figure out which boards are good, which are pimp boards, which are troll boards, and which are useful. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
Can you enlighten us as to your opinions and labels?
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Just one small time provider's point of view...

1. I like ECCIE. A lot of people I know have migrated this way since the death of ASPD. But, I also believe in good marketing, so, as a provider, I utilize as many of the boards as I can to make sure I get my "message" out. While hobbyists can choose thier favorite board, that is not a luxury when it comes to my advertising. However, I can choose a board where I will do most of my socializing and develop on line relationships on the message boards. ECCIE is filling that need for now!

2. I think it is funny that people have gotten upset that ERAPS used the ASPD database. Just prior to shut down of ASPD, many many people were worried about losing all that info! There is a simple solution already stated by others in this thread, ask ERAPS to remove your handle and all info connected with it. I am personally glad it is still out there! As for it being a "for profit" business... I don't see the problem there... either they have a service you want, or they don't.

3. Some guys are worried that they will have to write a half dozen reviews for a half dozen boards so the provider will be a happy camper. I rather have the guy post to his favorite board or boards... I can always link to the review through my website. No big deal!

In all, it is just different from a provider's view... we have to market, we have to keep expanding our market reach, so there is not a real loyalty involved when it comes to business. The loyalty I think kicks in with the people that you connect with on a particular site!


JackNapier's Avatar
"Damn jack.....there is a forum on this site titled The Time Capsule - A Look Back at ASPD's Rich History"

Great! Let's just move the old database there and we can all look at whenever we want. Why don't you talk to Deuce and angelImNot? :^)
Did any of you guys get an email last night about midnight about this site ? I cut and pasted a portion of that email below.

......We are pleased to inform you that www.eRAPS.net has gone live! Please use your old apsd user-name and password to log in. Please note, eRAPS is not ASPD, we don't have the same rules ASPD did, and the rules for the moderators have changed a bit. eRAPS will use a lighter hand when it comes to moderation of the site, but don't take that to mean that we will not take care of issues when we have to either. Respect is a must. Please see our "Meet the eRAPS staff" thread to view our Staff..........

I see no reason to switch back, ECCIE has taken off in the past two months.
GneissGuy's Avatar
I got the e-mail, too..
ANONONE's Avatar
Yep, me too, was getting a lap dance when it came and the Blackberry buzzed right when she was grinding on my thigh.

Beyond the giggle, I figure why bother--this place is home.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-24-2010, 03:21 PM
"Damn jack.....there is a forum on this site titled The Time Capsule - A Look Back at ASPD's Rich History"

Great! Let's just move the old database there and we can all look at whenever we want. Why don't you talk to Deuce and angelImNot? :^) Originally Posted by JackNapier
I was talking to you.

If you hate the past so....why don't you request that they just shut down discussing it here on eccie?

eccie will have the same growing pains aspd had. Discussion boards are like Lake Tahoe. Encourage to much home building and you destroy the beauty of what the orginial members were seeking.

Think about that.