Signed, sealed, delivered! Who else has a new health insurance policy?

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  • 10-30-2013, 12:00 PM
A 'poet' and a 'dont know it' have spoken
LexusLover's Avatar
obama, sebelius et al just dont get it... Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
She finally admitted it was Obaminable's responsibility for how ObaminableCare works.

She, like a lot of their "snake oil" consumers, gets "copays" confused as they are defined and limited in the regs SHE WROTE to limit the quality of the coverage demanded to satisfy the mandates on insurance companies to comply with "standardized policies"!

Under oath. Hopefully when she gets to the Senate she will not forget her lies.
She finally admitted it was Obaminable's responsibility for how ObaminableCare works.

She, like a lot of their "snake oil" consumers, gets "copays" confused as they are defined and limited in the regs SHE WROTE to limit the quality of the coverage demanded to satisfy the mandates on insurance companies to comply with "standardized policies"!

Under oath. Hopefully when she gets to the Senate she will not forget her lies. Originally Posted by LexusLover

its all designed to destroy private healthcare

there are two camps in america, with a small idiotic mushy middle,...that have nothing, not one thing, in common save citizenship

only time will tell if america survives. oh not as some land, but as the ideal given us. can we survive obama-ism, not just the next 3 some odd years of this current dour schemer, but the now twisted mindset and rapaciousness of the masses giving up a birth right for a mess of pottage? especially given the warpedness of the american educational system from day care through college.

obama and sebelius just cannot understand the impact to many americans of being forced into a "subsidy". Many Americans, having paid their own way with a plan designed for their needs for years, standing on thier own feet, accomplishing something by themselves, and now their plan is cancelled and the only healthcare plan available is 5 or 6 times the cost and the answer by obama is, apply for subsidies? the socialists just do not understand the gallness of that nor can they understand the wretched feeling of having no choice in purchasing a plan of our own choosing

not everyone wishes to be such a serf,
obama certainly does not care
LexusLover's Avatar
its all designed to destroy private healthcare
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Nancy is silent, because Kaiser-California got what it wanted, and she's set. The obligations of California are now going to be passed on to the rest of the country ... another bailout for Californians ... but this time no loan .. it's a HUGE SUBSIDY/GRANT..
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  • 10-30-2013, 04:08 PM
Cry baby Cry baby Cry baby Cry...

Love that song.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
we sure hear it a lot around here.
You cry about one lie and defend the other...of course I'm laughing at you! I got you yellow cake supporters all bent outta shape.. Originally Posted by WTF
What lie do you think I'm defending?

As usual, you are giving yourself too much credit. Obama, Selebius and a bunch of other Dimtard politicians and media types got us bent out of shape...mainly because this has hit us in our wallets and quality of healthcare...not you. But when you keep your own scorecard, who's gonna check?

The whole yellow cake argument just makes you look like the moronic buffoon you are.

And of course I'm a hypocrite , just like we all are. We want the government to spend money on things we think are best for us (or the country if you really want to try and stretch it) and not on things we do not believe in. That is called politics you dumbshit. Originally Posted by WTF
The whole everyones a racist argument again. What a moronic buffoon you are WTF.

I'm curious. When and why did you quit the "slippery slope" arguments for the "only a sliver, therefore the whole" arguments? On second thought, forget the "why", just the "when." The "why" is're a moronic buffoon.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I just love watching you dumb fuckers taking it up the ass from your leader.
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  • 10-30-2013, 06:40 PM

As usual, you are giving yourself too much credit. Obama, Selebius and a bunch of other Dimtard politicians and media types got us bent out of shape...mainly because this has hit us in our wallets and quality of healthcare...not you. But when you keep your own scorecard, who's gonna check?

. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You do understand that by Bush giving those tax cuts/MedicareD/unfundedWar
we can not continue at these tax rates. Grover has you fuckers demanding quality care from the government without paying for it. That bill is starting to come due. We need higher taxes and a reduction in healthcare costs. That is just pure math you are crying about. Of course he had to lie to you, just like Bush had to lie to you about yellow cake and Saddam being a clear and present threat.

The good thing is we have found a shit load of oil in this we got that going for us. So quit your whining about politicians lying to you...of course they do, they're politicians!
The Good Names Are Taken's Avatar
See WTF?
What are you going to do in a few years when the fee is 700, Names? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Not too sure. Hopefully we get a Republican in there to reverse all of his wrong doings! Historically speaking the Republicans should win the next election. I'll wait it out for now.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Joke (good jokes are reality based): Obama dressed as a doctor, "if you have a hard time swallowing that pill (obamacare), we will jam it down your throat" Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Uh, actually . . . It's a suppository.
The Motley Fool's Avatar
Wow! I was just skimming the thread. Is it true, some of you are or were paying like $2000 a month for health insurance. Really? That's crazy!!! Screw that...
LexusLover's Avatar
Wow! I was just skimming the thread. Is it true, some of you are or were paying like $2000 a month for health insurance. Really? .. Originally Posted by The Motley Fool
If they were, it proves a point that is often mentioned on here. They are dumb.
just another stalinistic obamaism

insurance execs told to keep quiet:

COOPER: So, I mean, what specifically are, do they say they’re being told to keep quiet about?
GRIFFIN: About the fact that clarifications were made to the Affordable Care Act after the law was passed, and those clarifications are forcing the insurance industry to drop insurance plans that do not meet ObamaCare requirements. There is a lot of coverage now required in these plans that was not part of many people’s private healthcare plans. Those are the people, Anderson, who are being dropped. And despite all the rhetoric, I should say, from the president, you simply cannot keep your current healthcare plan if it does not meet these requirements. Laszewski says the insurance industry is embarrassed about cancelling the plans, but in an interview last week, he told me the administration was warned about this very scenario and ignored the advice.

they want all us lemmings to go into the exchanges and therefore forced the insurance companies to drop individual plans....contrary to the crap spewed by obama and threatened them, the insurance companies, yeah threatened americans to be quiet and not to speak to their own customers

in a few years, employers will be dropping company coverage and all the rest of the ppl will: a. be employed less than 30 hours, and b. forced into these same boxes of coverage
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  • WTF
  • 10-31-2013, 07:36 AM

in a few years, employers will be dropping company coverage and all the rest of the ppl will: a. be employed less than 30 hours, and b. forced into these same boxes of coverage Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

a) What an idiot. 30 hours

b) Kinda like your choice has gotten smaller on which airline carrier to fly?