Houston Vs. Dallas

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Lol are you just making up rules as you go now?
Maybe you should be a MOD. Originally Posted by tiatate
These issues falls under that common sense thing I just mentioned. Fuck, some of this had to have been covered in all that education you got. Maybe in one of your business classes?

No board/forum is going to allow you to post your website on their board in hopes to lure their boards members to your site, in which you then turn around and collect data on those members.

Every thing and everyone around here is assumed to be discreet. There should be no IP tracking motives by any members here. Man or woman.
winn dixie's Avatar
You tried it. My legs are amazing. I work out 5x a week. One of the few I know to have thick thighs and minimal cellulite.
But its obvious you just want to be relevant in this thread. Its about done boo. Originally Posted by tiatate
Hey idiot your pics. don't lie- stamped concrete!! You have been doing everything you can to be relevant!! I suspect you are offering bareback just to get some good reviews! how's that working fer ya''??
tiatate's Avatar
Goodness you two are annoying.
Have a goodnight. I'm going to bed.
Have a goodnight. I'm going to bed. Originally Posted by tiatate

Hell yeah girl! Give these chubby potty-mouth hookers some what-for! Charge whatever you want. If a trick is willing to pay than why do they care what you charge.

Very entertaining thread.

Also, I hope the chubby hookers are getting the points they deserve for unnecessary rudeness.
TryWeakly's Avatar
She must have your IP address too... ^

Oh well..a new day....

And it ain't even Octubre yet....
She must have your IP address too... ^

Oh well..a new day....

And it ain't even Octubre yet.... Originally Posted by TryWeakly

Hookers be hacking?
Hell yeah girl! Give these chubby potty-mouth hookers some what-for! Charge whatever you want. If a trick is willing to pay than why do they care what you charge.

Very entertaining thread.

Also, I hope the chubby hookers are getting the points they deserve for unnecessary rudeness. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Might want to read the thread before you give stupidass advice. We weren't saying she should drop her rates. Get out of here with your unsolicited advice.
Hookers be hacking? Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Again, READ! Geez.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Elchapo has his work cut out for him with this thread.
TryWeakly's Avatar

rmrstyle23's Avatar
This should be a lesson on how NOT to visit Houston. To the Op I was the first to tell you to listen to Brooke because what she said was actually solid advice and atleast Imo no shade given. But now you've had a meltdown on eccie for all to see. Tragic just Tragic
SweetDulce's Avatar
She says in this thread she is an Ebony Provider.

He showcase says mixed.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Samcro84's Avatar
I hobby in SA, Austin and Houston. I love the Houston ladies but a lot of then I want to see are in Galeria area, I travel into town so that area is not good.

To the OP's comments. Ladies visiting a city / including area of city IMOP need to fit in based on rate, body and looks. Most of us have regulars we see or ladies we know and have a rate we are willing to pay. So to see lady at higher rate we need something that will convince us to see her. I agree with previous comments I think she is high for Houston.

And why are you awake? Looking for your next victim? Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
But I find myself amongst fools. I suppose you lead that bunch.