Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created!


42% unemployment? Probably at the Taj Mahal! Only junior knows how to measure economic indicators. As long as they're covered in DICKS!

lustylad's Avatar
As Chris Christie would say...

"There it is, there it is!"


hahahahahahahshssaaaaaaas! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Of course we're talking about asswipe's retarded Hyena Cackle!

Thank you, oinkboy, for making my point (again) by demonstrating what an ignorant fuck you are. As well as a lazy POS who is too old and stupid to learn anything new, even in the era of Google Search.

You couldn't even get through the first paragraph of David Stockman's blogpost. But let's not move on without a lesson in Asswipeconomics. Stockman obviously had YOU in mind when he added this to his exposition of our 42.9% unemployment rate:

"Yes, we have to allow for non-working wives, students, the disabled, early retirees and coupon clippers. We also have drifters, grifters, welfare cheats, bums and people between jobs, enrolled in training programs, on sabbaticals and much else."
Trump will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created!


42% unemployment? Probably at the Taj Mahal! Only junior knows how to measure economic indicators. As long as they're covered in DICKS!

hahahahahahahshssaaaaaaas! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
But, but, but SURELY he can NEVER beat YOUR hero odummer and all of those " shovel ready " jobs that got funding in a Congressional bailout that NEVER materialized ( except for some of idummer's cronies skimming from the till !! ) ya lying liberal POS ! GFY, zwiffle !
0zombie Cows are easy to herd...
Herding conservatives .

Herding conservancies.

Originally Posted by i'va biggen

"conservancies" looks more like 0pussies frolicking in catnip... eeehhBERNehhrrrr the "Independent"...

"conservatives" looks more like 0pussies frolicking in catnip... eeehhBERNehhrrrr the "Independent"...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
close as you come to pussy, whiffy?
Can't say that about you and Cock... eehhBERNiehhhrrrr... you schlong loving "Independent" communist...

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Herding conservatives .

Originally Posted by i'va biggen

only you would pull a ten year old super bowl ad about "herding pussy" you fucktard.

can't you even embed the real ad? or is that too much for a fag who can count to potato?

cptjohnstone's Avatar
only you would pull a ten year old super bowl ad about "herding pussy" you fucktard.

can't you even embed the real ad? or is that too much for a fag who can count to potato?

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
baby steps, remember it took him 6 years to post a link
baby steps, remember it took him 6 years to post a link Originally Posted by cptjohnstone

You two idiots make a cute couple, an pissing chimp, and a redneck hillbilly, with a MS in stupidity.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
this is the perfect thread, with the perfect tone of discussion for Trump fans. Remember, he doesn't have supporters or "faithful," he has fans.

Believe it.

HAHAHSHSHEHEBIHVJOUTCYFCJG. Hahshshshdhdhdhahahahahhahabah ohohoyohohohohohidjrjg
lustylad's Avatar
HAHAHSHSHEHEBIHVJOUTCYFCJG. Hahshshshdhdhdhahahahahhahabah ohohoyohohohohohidjrjg Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
See what you get when you give a monkey a keyboard!