Do you think Colonel Peters is correct?

LexusLover's Avatar
A problem with the underlying data IS ...

.. it is based on "polls" ...... Here's my point.

"Knock, knock! Hi, I'm Joe Smuck with the National Syndicate Polling Institute doing a survey on how many people have firearms in their homes. Do you have a firearm in your home?"

Peson at door: "Fuck you!" and slams door.

Pollster: I'll mark that down as a "NO"!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-23-2015, 03:24 PM
Only YOU are stupid enough to think that THIS:

Your drunken little troll bit is quite stagnant, Old-THUMPER. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Is an answer to THIS question:

Are you now saying those words I highlighted in red--but neither changed no took out of context--are NOT yours? Or in your mind are they not insults and name calling? Which is it? Originally Posted by Old-T
I B Hankering's Avatar
A problem with the underlying data IS ...

.. it is based on "polls" ...... Here's my point.

"Knock, knock! Hi, I'm Joe Smuck with the National Syndicate Polling Institute doing a survey on how many people have firearms in their homes. Do you have a firearm in your home?"

Peson at door: "Fuck you!" and slams door.

Pollster: I'll mark that down as a "NO"! Originally Posted by LexusLover

Only YOU are stupid enough to think that THIS:

Is an answer to THIS question:
Originally Posted by Old-T
There's no one nearly so stupid as a pathetic little drunken troll like you, Old-THUMPER.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Evidently your hypocritical dumb-ass forgets what the "D" in the "DOTY" epithet you keep hurling means, speedy. So take your pretentious holier-than-thou attitude and shove it where the sun doesn't shine, speedy. And yes U R an Idiot, speedy, because you're too stupid to understand that your CNN article explicitly states that it used data from the U.S. Census bureau and the U.N. to support its lib-retard view point.

Once again you are advertising your trollishly diminished reading and comprehension skills, Old-THUMPER. Speedy was also hurling invectives, jackass.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And YOU dare criticize anybody for their punctuation errors?

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-23-2015, 06:30 PM
Count on IB to go completely off-topic on a regular, recurring basis.

Since you posted it again I assume it is fair game for me to point out your gross stupidity (not that in need pointing out, it really is rather obvious).

No, "Mexicans" do not equal "Aztecs". While there are Mexicans who are decedents of the Aztecs, they are not the same. There are Mexicans who are Myan people, not Aztecs. And Mexicans include people who (shock!) came from Spain with no Aztec or Native American blood.

You post that you seem so proud of is just as dumb as objecting to "The United States defeated the Confederates" by saying "The Confederates ARE Americans."

A basic truth of logic: the whole is often more than any one part.

You are truly astonishingly stupid. I discover new levels of stupidity reading some of your posts.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Count on IB to go completely off-topic on a regular, recurring basis.

Since you posted it again I assume it is fair game for me to point out your gross stupidity (not that in need pointing out, it really is rather obvious).

No, "Mexicans" do not equal "Aztecs". While there are Mexicans who are decedents of the Aztecs, they are not the same. There are Mexicans who are Myan people, not Aztecs. And Mexicans include people who (shock!) came from Spain with no Aztec or Native American blood.

You post that you seem so proud of is just as dumb as objecting to "The United States defeated the Confederates" by saying "The Confederates ARE Americans."

A basic truth of logic: the whole is often more than any one part.

You are truly astonishingly stupid. I discover new levels of stupidity reading some of your posts.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Just showing everyone how fucking stupid you are, Old-THUMPER. Your statement was that the "Mexicans stole it from the Aztecs", Old-THUMPER. The Aztecs were/are the Mexicas, Old-THUMPER. They were the original "Mexicans" when the Spanish arrived, Old-THUMPER. Now, 500 years later, Old-THUMPER, ethnically pure Aztecs are still "Mexicans".

You can throw your petty, little troll fit and stomp your little troll feet, but you're just showing everyone how really fucking stupid you are, Old-THUMPER.
The Aztecs / Mexicas were the native American people who dominated northern Mexico at the time of the Spanish conquest led by Hernan CORTES in the early 16th century.

And YOU dare criticize anybody for their punctuation errors?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
LexusLover's Avatar
Since you posted it again I assume it is fair game for me to point out your gross stupidity (not that in need pointing out, it really is rather obvious).

No, "Mexicans" do not equal ...
Originally Posted by Old-T
Huuuhhh .... "Mexicans" is a "nationality" ....

"Mexicans" are also "Americans" .... Just ask one!

In fact they are "Norte Americanos" .... Just like YOU!

When one calls someone out on being stupid ... it's a good idea not to be ignorant, as you were.

And to be exact: There is no such "nationality" as "American" ...

... that's an egocentric term that marginalizes all "American" countries and people, which includes South, Central, and North AMERICA.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
A problem with the underlying data IS ...

.. it is based on "polls" ...... Here's my point.

"Knock, knock! Hi, I'm Joe Smuck with the National Syndicate Polling Institute doing a survey on how many people have firearms in their homes. Do you have a firearm in your home?"

Peson at door: "Fuck you!" and slams door.

Pollster: I'll mark that down as a "NO"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
First, how many polls do you think are done door-to-door? The answer is practically none. I guarantee you that all the polls cited in this thread were by telephone or other non face-to-face method.

Second, have you ever been in a room where polling is being conducted? If a respondent did not answer such a question that you mentioned as "Yes" or "No", the question would be asked again and if not answered with a valid response, "N/A' or "Not answered" is entered.

I won't ask IB the question because he has not shown enough intelligence to come up with a coherent thought, but I'll ask you or anyone else-- if you wanted to find the MOST accurate count of households with a gun in them, how would you go about coming up with that answer?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-24-2015, 07:17 AM
You are correct, but few people use the term "United Statesian", or spell it out as "citizen of the United States of America". Even most Mexicans and Canadians user "Americans" to refer to US citizens. It is not worth my energy, but anyone care to go count how often people of all political persuasions use "Americans" that way on this board?

If your point is that people use sloppy shortcut language, well then I agree with you. And can a person be described multiple correct ways? Why of course. A Mexican is also a North American. They can also be a Mayan. And a woman. And a resident of a specific city, whatever that might be. So what is your point?

IB's point was that Aztecs and Mexicans are synonymous. My point was that is stupid. Cutting through your post it seem you agree with my opinion on this.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Evidently your hypocritical dumb-ass forgets what the "D" in the "DOTY" epithet you keep hurling means, speedy. So take your pretentious holier-than-thou attitude and shove it where the sun doesn't shine, speedy. And yes U R an Idiot, speedy, because you're too stupid to understand that your CNN article explicitly states that it used data from the U.S. Census bureau and the U.N. to support its lib-retard view point.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Once again you are WRONG. The data I cited from the CNN article was NEVER stated to be from a poll. The information in the article was being cited to contradict YOUR statement that gun sales were increasing under Obama. The CNN article does state very explicitly that households owning guns is decreasing. But does not give a percentage of homes so my 33% to 47% numbers are not impacted. However, the data you presented showing an increase in handgun sales and an increase in background checks makes no such statements as to the impact on handguns in homes. Therefore any assumptions you make from your data is just that -- YOUR assumptions. No facts.

"Those who own guns, own more guns," said Josh Sugarmann, the executive director and founder of the Violence Policy Center, a Washington-based gun control advocacy group. Last year the organization released an analysis of figures from the General Social Survey, which found that both the number of households owning guns and the number of people owning guns were decreasing.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You are correct, but few people use the term "United Statesian", or spell it out as "citizen of the United States of America". Even most Mexicans and Canadians user "Americans" to refer to US citizens. It is not worth my energy, but anyone care to go count how often people of all political persuasions use "Americans" that way on this board?

If your point is that people use sloppy shortcut language, well then I agree with you. And can a person be described multiple correct ways? Why of course. A Mexican is also a North American. They can also be a Mayan. And a woman. And a resident of a specific city, whatever that might be. So what is your point?

IB's point was that Aztecs and Mexicans are synonymous. My point was that is stupid. Cutting through your post it seem you agree with my opinion on this. Originally Posted by Old-T
I always used to take exception to people who equated "Americans" to "U.S. citizens". So, FWIW, I looked up the definition of "American", and just about every source has 2 definitions --


noun \ə-ˈmer-ə-kən, -ˈmər-, -ˈme-rə-\ : a person born, raised, or living in the U.S.
: a person born, raised, or living in North America or South America
I B Hankering's Avatar
First, how many polls do you think are done door-to-door? The answer is practically none. I guarantee you that all the polls cited in this thread were by telephone or other non face-to-face method.

Second, have you ever been in a room where polling is being conducted? If a respondent did not answer such a question that you mentioned as "Yes" or "No", the question would be asked again and if not answered with a valid response, "N/A' or "Not answered" is entered.

I won't ask IB the question because he has not shown enough intelligence to come up with a coherent thought, but I'll ask you or anyone else-- if you wanted to find the MOST accurate count of households with a gun in them, how would you go about coming up with that answer?
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You're not intelligent enough to understand that many people will not answer that type of question and reveal that they possess weapons, speedy. Now, speedy, since you are such a damn fine example of a pollster, tell the forum how many people told you they had guns in their home when you asked them such a question.

You are correct, but few people use the term "United Statesian", or spell it out as "citizen of the United States of America". Even most Mexicans and Canadians user "Americans" to refer to US citizens. It is not worth my energy, but anyone care to go count how often people of all political persuasions use "Americans" that way on this board?

If your point is that people use sloppy shortcut language, well then I agree with you. And can a person be described multiple correct ways? Why of course. A Mexican is also a North American. They can also be a Mayan. And a woman. And a resident of a specific city, whatever that might be. So what is your point?

IB's point was that Aztecs and Mexicans are synonymous. My point was that is stupid. Cutting through your post it seem you agree with my opinion on this.
Originally Posted by Old-T
You're a pathetic, little, trollish, liar, Old-THUMPER. Your statement that "Mexicans stole it from the Aztecs" is stupid and absurd, Old-THUMPER. The Aztecs called themselves "Mexica", Old-THUMPER. "Mexico" has its eponymous origin with the "Mexica", Old-THUMPER. The Aztecs are Mexicans, Old-THUMPER. Ethnographers and historians recognize and teach these facts, Old-THUMPER. So your ipso facto notion that "Mexicans stole it from the Mexicans" is stupid and absurd, Old-THUMPER.

Once again you are WRONG. The data I cited from the CNN article was NEVER stated to be from a poll. The information in the article was being cited to contradict YOUR statement that gun sales were increasing under Obama. The CNN article does state very explicitly that households owning guns is decreasing. But does not give a percentage of homes so my 33% to 47% numbers are not impacted. However, the data you presented showing an increase in handgun sales and an increase in background checks makes no such statements as to the impact on handguns in homes. Therefore any assumptions you make from your data is just that -- YOUR assumptions. No facts.

"Those who own guns, own more guns," said Josh Sugarmann, the executive director and founder of the Violence Policy Center, a Washington-based gun control advocacy group. Last year the organization released an analysis of figures from the General Social Survey, which found that both the number of households owning guns and the number of people owning guns were decreasing.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Can't be wrong when you just admitted you used a CNN article employing Census and U.N. data to support your POV, speedy.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Lt Colonel Ralph Peters for you who don't know him is a contributor to Fox News. He has recently opined that it is time for us to do something different in the war against Islamic terrorism. He thinks we should, "leave behind smoking ruins and crying widows." How many support him on this? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I gotta wear my glasses more and/or learn to read english

I thought this was about chicken.....Spicy original is best
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You're not intelligent enough to understand that many people will not answer that type of question and reveal that they possess weapons, speedy. Now, speedy, since you are such a damn fine example of a pollster, tell the forum how many people told you they had guns in their home when you asked them such a question.

Can't be wrong when you just admitted you used a CNN article employing Census and U.N. data to support your POV, speedy.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Then how do you think polls are done? Personally I have never asked anyone if they have a gun in there home so the responses have been 100% correct. You are simply clueless when it comes to polling methodology so when you at least TRY to educate yourself on the subject then come back and re-enter the discussion.

You were WRONG when you made it out to be that I was using government data in my references to polls. None of the POLLS I cited were based on government data.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Then how do you think polls are done? Personally I have never asked anyone if they have a gun in there home so the responses have been 100% correct. You are simply clueless when it comes to polling methodology so when you at least TRY to educate yourself on the subject then come back and re-enter the discussion.

You were WRONG when you made it out to be that I was using government data in my references to polls. None of the POLLS I cited were based on government data.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You've already admitted you cannot identify with a gun owner's POV, speedy, since you do not own a gun. You've already admitted that you have never experienced dealing with the petty-ass bureaucratic requirements associated with the gun laws you like, speedy. Yet, since you're such a damn fine pollster, speedy, you cannot fathom why a gun owner would not tell you they have a gun in the house, speedy. Your ignorance is compounded by your ignorance, speedy.