Unhinged: Out of 20 threads on the 1rst page 19 are started by Trump lickers

Yssup Rider's Avatar
JimiNy Christmas! We’re nowhere near a spam free day, mateys!

However, I have no doubt that our resident town crier is crying to staff today and every day about how the whole forum is infringing his “right” to cut and paste (poorly btw) every link that shows up on his morning news feed.

I, too, get a feed from various news sources (sports mostly) and I assume everybody who owns a mobile device of every kind also does. So we’ve likely all seen half of what gets spackled across the front page of this forum every morning, which is likely why many if not most of those threads get few responses if any at all Why we start the threads we do is personal…. But rarely have we seen one or two posters just spam the board for weeks on end with teh same comment. The motive is pretty clear.

I can promise the town caller that this thread will go on for as long as he continues.
winn dixie's Avatar
i will no longer grace the 'spammer accusations' with a reply

this has degenerated to nonsense
Time to ask the Mods to Close This Thread Originally Posted by oeb11
Well Well Well Look whos calling for censorship like comrade xi himself. Teh hypocrisy is limitless.

Should we all start posting on your Drug thread?

Or your beastality thread? Or have you not started that one yet? Originally Posted by WTF
Snick Yeah the bed was shat in with that thread
winn dixie's Avatar
Did #1 take the day off after 8? Things seem amiss
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He’s back in full force today. As is Thing two.

I find it comical that a person who can type fast enough to post to 15 threads in 20 minutes every day can read fast enough to know what he’s posting two.

I point out the diminishing number of right wingers posting in this forum every day.

Thing one and Thing two should get a room, if they don’t already share one.
winn dixie's Avatar
Folks run for the hills when they see spam
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thanks for your service, WD. We may disagree on a lot of things, but we do agree on duty and honor.

Apparently others ignorantly believe that’s reserved for one side only.

Others can kiss my kosher ass.

winn dixie's Avatar
And thanks for your service Yssup!
  • oeb11
  • 11-13-2021, 07:48 AM
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-13-2021, 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by oeb11
20 threads in 20 minutes...you're like rice o rono
winn dixie's Avatar
Saturdays arnt safe from spamapalooza!

Some favorite spams-

Teh DPST's --[went platinum]

xinn and his commies

buck the fiden
winn dixie's Avatar
20 threads in 20 minutes...you're like rice o rono Originally Posted by WTF
Heres yssup today vhasx.jpg
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is that a titmouse?

Because I love titties. On women.
matchingmole's Avatar
Originally Posted by oeb11

Oeb- well written
More divisiveness from the Trumptardanista party and Townfall
Yssup Rider's Avatar
20 threads in 20 minutes...you're like rice o rono Originally Posted by WTF
Where’s Thing 2? It’s kinda late for him.

I worry about that one,,,hmm so their.
  • oeb11
  • 11-13-2021, 11:31 AM
Thank you - for name-calling, insulting, and insulted to teh developmentally delayed community with your insulting terms. .

You should be ashamed of Oneself.

But - being a democraticommunist entitled, elitist, arrogant minion - shame is unknown to One.

The only thing more dangerous than ignorance coupled with arrogance - is teh hubris of being deluded that one is not ignorant/arrogant.