Just remember what the previous post to yours says Cy if you do go
Originally Posted by Precious_b
Um...No. The name of the group is "Angry" and that's just a silly song with a silly name.
South Koreans in general

the U.S. Their name for the U.S. IN Korean is
미국 (Mi guk) which means "Beautiful Country"
Korea had been an independent Country since (at least) 2333 B.C.until Japan came in and "enslaved" them in 1910. We liberated them during WWII and gave them their country back, they have been one of our top allies ever since.
(Note: unfortunately Russia set up an alternate government up in the North, defying the U.N., and thus split the country in two)
It could be said that KPop (and a lot of SKorean culture) is directly inspired/derived from the U.S.
@cyranose69 - You are one LUCKY Bastard!! Make sure you take advantage of it and hit a lot of that FINE tail! (they remind of real life Elves

As you can tell, I have a HUGE Sweet tooth when it comes to K-Girls.
I have a sneaking suspicion that if I moved there, after a few years, I would... long for U.S. Women!!!

(Male nature is ironic and cruel. Probably that whole - want what you can't have thing...)