And secondly, as far as your "assholes" comment, i'll just say this:
So, Rooster, who's "kind of a jerk" now?
Originally Posted by Doove
Ummmm..... you. Still. And if you are assuming the "assholes" comment was indirectly aimed at you - you are CORRECT. Part of me hates myself for saying that.... it hurts my credibility in this thread and as a Mod.... but I don't want to be on this board if I have to put up with you any more without being able to speak my mind.
But this is the last time I will speak to you in this or any thread - board "business" excepted, of course. I know I said that before (again.... I'm damaging my cred).... but one way or another, this is it.
You keep spouting bullshit, saying inane things like your statement about cars and bowling balls. I believe you do it only to inflame, not to further the dialog.
My point about high-performance cars is painfully accurate, IMHO. They are DEADLY. They are INTENTIONALLY MISUSED by many who use them (if not all). And they kill FAR MORE people than "assault weapons."
But you cannot even agree that there is some truth to the analogy. You just say it is invalid because a car was not originally conceived as a weapon. Pretty weak.
You are in major denial over this whole issue. You don't like (nor understand) these guns. You don't like (nor understand) me. Actually, I don't think you like most on here. And you seem to be arguing just for the sake of arguing. Enough.
Post freely. I'm done with this. And you.
And I admit that I am a jerk also. And an asshole.
(that was strangely satisfying.... someone needs to report my ass quick... that will probably make it more so....)