nothing reply anything you want

offshoredrilling's Avatar Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie

mmmm... ♫ New York ♪ New York ♫ If ♫ you ♪ can''t ♫ find ♫ a ♪ way ♪ out-a-here ♫ ... needs more work

dang it was a bloody Sunday morn in ROC
winn dixie's Avatar
I hope no whokers were harmed in the ROC!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I hope no whokers were harmed in the ROC! Originally Posted by winn dixie
♫ New York ♪ New York ♫ If ♫ you ♪ can' ♫ make ♪ it ♫ here ♫ you ♫ have ♫ the ♪ bucks ♫ ta ♫ leave ♫ ..... still needs work

oh ya ah only the dead ones, ... the wounded its just part of life

shot, stabbed and run over n a few houses
winn dixie's Avatar
♫ New York ♪ New York ♫ If ♫ you ♪ can' ♫ make ♪ it ♫ here ♫ you ♫ have ♫ the ♪ bucks ♫ ta ♫ leave ♫ ..... still needs work

oh ya ah only the dead ones, ... the wounded its just part of life

shot, stabbed and run over n a few houses Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
There should be laws that you cant hurt whokers!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
There should be laws that you cant hurt whokers! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Its mostly woke that are killing the woke Sir in ROC. . And in NYS ya can't keep woke in jail for doing so. Unless it goes to a FED court. The woke FED judge here is feeling so use in a dirty way
lilylivered's Avatar
She sits and shells
She sits and shells
She sits and shells
lilylivered's Avatar
Moses supposes his toeses are roses
but Moses supposes erroneously
because nobodies toeses are roses
as Moses supposes his toeses to be
lilylivered's Avatar
: )
ben dover's Avatar
Ok then...
lilylivered's Avatar
Every one went away.
I thought some tongue twisters would liven the old place up lol
winn dixie's Avatar
Thanks lily. Glad a few are still trying.

Go bills
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Every one went away.
I thought some tongue twisters would liven the old place up lol Originally Posted by lilylivered
yes Upset NY been
Thanks lily. Glad a few are still trying.

Go bills Originally Posted by winn dixie
Bill's should bring back the Jill's. No matter how the game is going, its better with eye candy
lilylivered's Avatar
I remember a game against the Bengals, there was about 20000 people there and you could sit just about anywhere you wanted. I moved a few times checking out different areas. Ended up about 3 rows up in front of the cheerleaders. This was when they wore skimpy outfits, not like they did later. Was watching them and missed the only score of the game. lol Didnt have replay back then. They had an old black and white board with light bulbs but it was unreliable.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I remember a game against the Bengals, there was about 20000 people there and you could sit just about anywhere you wanted. I moved a few times checking out different areas. Ended up about 3 rows up in front of the cheerleaders. This was when they wore skimpy outfits, not like they did later. Was watching them and missed the only score of the game. lol Didnt have replay back then. They had an old black and white board with light bulbs but it was unreliable. Originally Posted by lilylivered
ya dirty minded fuck
Tops must be skimpy so the sisters may get out, even if only in a dream. And not hide if the headlights are on. Bottoms so tight every girl seems to have a camel toe.

Each should act like a hot to trot slut even if a whore
offshoredrilling's Avatar
in ROC a band named "Bat Sisters" will be playing

I wonder if they well say anything about another song writer that got shot n killed taking a walk in his hood ????

also if anyone goes to the Little to see the 2 lady's playing each others songs. Report please n thank you if one or both are BSC in a good way. The show is Friday night

'Bat Sisters' to perform at The Little Friday - YouTube
also was the show any good, if BSC also