Texas school shooting

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I suppose they could charge the teacher with being an accessory to 21 murders. That would show them. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
A bright spot light, aka floor lamp (even use an incandescent bulb), a rubber hose, lot's and lot's of questions over many, many hours.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
A bright spot light, aka floor lamp (even use an incandescent bulb), a rubber hose, lot's and lot's of questions over many, many hours. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
It has to be a LED lamp. For the environment!
Precious_b's Avatar
Even little hick towns have a well known, but not always perfect, support system known as parents. His parents were nonexistent. That should be a red flag to any school employee, except maybe the janitor.

*if* he had problems?!? Seriously? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I agree with the family angle.
Ima sure we have a good group of parents here

And ima waiting for the dust to settle and such.
You know something we all don't know?
We already know there is an issue with a person shooting kids.
What no one wants to address is stopping the endless revolving door to such events.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...You know something we all don't know?.. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Only piece of inside dope I got was from a relative of mine down there who said that most people in town knew him to be "a bit off of his nut". The rest I'm getting from multiple news sights, but I only just started really. I tend to let these sensational things stew a bit. Too much rumor and blame casting goes on in the first few days.

But I have lived in small towns and they are small. So small that typically people know entire families and relatives and friends of families that live across the state. That is small.
It's just a good thing that God blessed texas with the national police to save our children that at least four Texas police agencies wouldn't...including the nationally disgraced Texas funking chicken shit rangers.

God didn't bless Texas with good leadership or education or healthcare...including big cuts to mental health care by the abbott in chief of fucking morons. They need to just get on with cancelling teachers and sucking energy and nra dirty stinky dicks.lol n omg another Texas national disgrace

Dah...abbot prays for reelection
It's just a good thing that God blessed texas with the national police to save our children that at least four Texas police agencies wouldn't...including the nationally disgraced Texas funking chicken shit rangers.

God didn't bless Texas with good leadership or education or healthcare...including big cuts to mental health care by the abbott in chief of fucking morons. They need to just get on with cancelling teachers and sucking energy and nra dirty stinky ducks

Dah...abbot prays for reelection

Edit to add that the chicken shit texas wanna be cops were caught on tape like the fucking texas morons that taped themselves on 1/6. Sorry to say that God didn't bless texas in this century...except with a lot of chicken shit fucking morons
Precious_b's Avatar
Only piece of inside dope I got was from a relative of mine down there who said that most people in town knew him to be "a bit off of his nut". The rest I'm getting from multiple news sights, but I only just started really. I tend to let these sensational things stew a bit. Too much rumor and blame casting goes on in the first few days.

But I have lived in small towns and they are small. So small that typically people know entire families and relatives and friends of families that live across the state. That is small. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
With a family member there, i'd take that bit of chisme (sp) more seriously than the "sensationalism" that is the standard orgasm of activity to get something aired.

I agree with you: I ain't lending creedence to anything that is put out immediately after the event. Hence my *if* disclaimer.

Only thing floating on my social media feed was that the Border Patrol agents showed up because they were told by family, who were at the school, the situation and they took matters in their own hands. Don't know if true. But the way the news is playing out, I wouldn't doubt it.

It's just a good thing that God blessed texas with the national police to save our children that at least four Texas police agencies wouldn't...including the nationally disgraced Texas funking chicken shit rangers.

God didn't bless Texas with good leadership or education or healthcare...including big cuts to mental health care by the abbott in chief of fucking morons. They need to just get on with cancelling teachers and sucking energy and nra dirty stinky dicks.lol n omg another Texas national disgrace

Dah...abbot prays for reelection
Originally Posted by Tsmokies
As I posted previously, that cut in the above programs could have had benefits if they didn't happen.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
yeah, considering this teacher did this just to get the cell phone out of the car before going back to class.

alleged of course.

Inadvertently?!? I'm questioning, when it was carelessly propped open. They best be reviewing some CCTV cams here. If that occurred during the lock-down being declared - that would be a serious breach.

Actually, the more I think about it, that likely falls into the dereliction of duty bucket. Schools are not intended to be a public concourse and those teachers have some responsibilities for the students and their safety. But then, so do a butt load of politicians all the way up to, and especially at, the Federal level.

Not sure if anyone caught the article about it, but that school district had almost 50 lock-downs in the past year courtesy of F Joe Biden's wide the fuck open Southern boarder that allows an endless stream of miscreants to dash across that town looking for the promised land. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
texassapper's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Only thing floating on my social media feed was that the Border Patrol agents showed up because they were told by family, who were at the school, the situation and they took matters in their own hands. Don't know if true. But the way the news is playing out, I wouldn't doubt it.... Originally Posted by Precious_b
As I read in the news; he was getting a hair cut and his wife texted him. He borrowed the barber's shot gun, got to the school pronto and was told by local LE to stay put. He deliberated for a lengthy 1/3 of a Nano second and said screw you and F Joe Biden, grabbed a couple of his peeps and stormed in, rescued kids and teachers, shot the perp and got his own kid out as well.

I hope when they rebuild that school they name it after him and his statue gets placed out front with a bench so the local Dads can sit there and tell dumb LE jokes.

texassapper's Avatar
I hope when they rebuild that school they name it after him and his statue gets placed out front Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Nope. Can't have monuments to self motivation and toxic masculinity... people might get ideas.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Nope. Can't have monuments to self motivation and toxic masculinity... people might get ideas. Originally Posted by texassapper
Spell checker must have bit ya. Lemme fix that last part for ya: people might get the right frick'n ideas for a change!!