Flynn reverses guilty plea!

themystic's Avatar
He'll whine about not having anything to whine about!

His obsessive question reminds me of: "Are we there yet?" (From the backseat!) Originally Posted by LexusLover
you boys have been BWBT- Brain washed by Trump
you boys have been BWBT- Brain washed by Trump Originally Posted by themystic
Does that make you cry? mistyeyes...

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  • 03-12-2018, 11:20 AM
The judge's order is evidence they haven't. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Sullivan explained that in December, he had accidentally entered an older version of the Brady order that he issues in every criminal case, rather than the “current version,” and was seeking to remedy that error. It’s not a bombshell, it’s effectively a typo.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Sullivan explained[I] that in December, he had accidentally entered an older version of the Brady order that he issues in every criminal case, rather than the “current version,” and was seeking to remedy that error. It’s not a bombshell, it’s effectively a typo.[/I] Originally Posted by WTF
It's very recently come to light that the prosecution did indeed withhold information that would have benefited Flynn, Exhibit A: Comey's testimony under oath that he did not believe Flynn had lied. So, no, it's not a "typo", and to date there is no evidence that the prosecution has met the demands of the court ... not even a statement from the prosecution at the time of the judge's mandate that it did give Flynn's attorneys everything.
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  • 03-12-2018, 12:17 PM
It's very recently come to light that the prosecution did indeed withhold information that would have benefited Flynn, Exhibit A: Comey's testimony under oath that he did not believe Flynn had lied. So, no, it's not a "typo", and to date there is no evidence that the prosecution has met the demands of the court ... not even a statement from the prosecution at the time of the judge's mandate that it did give Flynn's attorneys everything. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I merely countered you claim that the Judge's order was proof that material had been withheld.

The Judge himself countered that claim.

The Judge merely issued what he always issues, updated it and said as much.

I still do not think Flynn will change his plea. I've already post where Muller can charge him with many more things.
themystic's Avatar
Does that make you cry? mistyeyes...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Ill take Socialism over an Autocratic like Donald J Putin.

Trump is scared to death of Mueller & Putin
I B Hankering's Avatar
I merely countered you claim that the Judge's order was proof that material had been withheld.

The Judge himself countered that claim.

The Judge merely issued what he always issues, updated it and said as much.

I still do not think Flynn will change his plea. I've already post where Muller can charge him with many more things.
Originally Posted by WTF
Flynn will be exonerated. The prosecution did not share all of the evidence as is revealed by the very charge of "lying to the FBI" when the FBI itself said in a court of law under oath that there was no indication that Flynn had lied to the FBI.
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  • 03-12-2018, 05:00 PM
Flynn will be exonerated. The prosecution did not share all of the evidence as is revealed by the very charge of "lying to the FBI" when the FBI itself said in a court of law under oath that there was no indication that Flynn had lied to the FBI. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Not in my book. He flat out lied to the FBI and the VP according to Trump , that is why he fired him.

Time will tell if he gets off a a technicality.

Hell his Turkey dealings alone should have disqualified him for the job. Flynn got greedy. A little time behind bars will hopefully be a reminder to other Generals who retire and then try and enrich themselves.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Not in my book. He flat out lied to the FBI and the VP according to Trump , that is why he fired him.

Time will tell if he gets off a a technicality.

Hell his Turkey dealings alone should have disqualified him for the job. Flynn got greedy. A little time behind bars will hopefully be a reminder to other Generals who retire and then try and enrich themselves. Originally Posted by WTF
Comey testified under oath that he and his men didn't believe Flynn had lied to the FBI, and that information was illegally withheld from the defense.
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  • 03-12-2018, 05:09 PM
Comey testified under oath that he and his men didn't believe Flynn had lied to the FBI, and that information was illegally withheld from the defense. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I have nothing but time to see if that will be the technicality he needs to reverse his guilty plea. I highly doubt it but time will tell.

Comey think Trump is guilty of obstruction ... maybe they should let Flynn go and lock up Trump since you put so much stock in what Comey says!
I B Hankering's Avatar
I have nothing but time to see if that will be the technicality he needs to reverse his guilty plea. I highly doubt it but time will tell.

Comey think Trump is guilty of obstruction ... maybe they should let Flynn go and lock up Trump since you put so much stock in what Comey says! Originally Posted by WTF

It's more than what Comey said under oath; it's that knowledge of what he testified to was withheld from the defense that is significant.
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  • 03-12-2018, 06:25 PM

It's more than what Comey said under oath; it's that knowledge of what he testified to was withheld from the defense that is significant.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
We will just have to wait and see if he changes his guilty as fuck plea.

Muller has multiple more charges he can bring aganist Flynn.
lustylad's Avatar
We will just have to wait and see if he changes his guilty as fuck plea.

Muller has multiple more charges he can bring aganist Flynn. Originally Posted by WTF
Why do you keep posting the same shit over and over again? Just to get in the last word? To run up your post count? You've already said "time will tell" or "we will see" a dozen times in this thread.

And what's the difference between a guilty plea and a "guilty as fuck" plea? When you are caught using multiple eccie handles do you plead "guilty as fuck"?

themystic's Avatar
Why do you keep posting the same shit over and over again? Just to get in the last word? To run up your post count? You've already said "time will tell" or "we will see" a dozen times in this thread.

And what's the difference between a guilty plea and a "guilty as fuck" plea? When you are caught using multiple eccie handles do you plead "guilty as fuck"?

YOU. ARE. A. MORONIC. BUFFOON. Originally Posted by lustylad
Because Idiot Anti American scum bags like you are too fucking ignorant to understand it the first time.

You and you're Russian " bot" friends in here are a disgrace to this Country

Move to Russia where you belong
lustylad's Avatar
Because Idiot Anti American scum bags like you are too fucking ignorant to understand it the first time.

You and you're Russian " bot" friends in here are a disgrace to this Country

Move to Russia where you belong Originally Posted by themystic

You're even worse than snitchy, if that's possible. You say nothing over and over again. Your posts add zero to any discussion. You have less substance than liquid flatulence.

The Russian bots in this forum are you, snitchy and dickmuncher. You're all obsessed with covering up for Putin when he gets caught red-handed attacking us in Syria and Trump kicks his ass!