GA Election Case - Back Open!

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...If you've got an attorney who's repping people who are absolute rule breakers,- they are doing the distortion of facts, or bending the applications of laws to fit narratives that make the deeds seem within bounds, when they aren't. .. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Let's add another movie reference: Rules and Consequences. Let's add 2 other concepts to that: Legal ethics and innocent until PROVEN guilty. Dems da rulz. I didn't make any of them.

A-N-D even if you are proven guilty, there is always the appeal process. So rinse and repeat. It's what separates us from the animals.

FWIW: I'm a super YUUUUUge fan of Saul Goodman. Frankly I'm surprised I haven't riffed off any quotes from him recently..
Precious_b's Avatar
Salty, don't let anyone kill your active imagination. Stay creative. But most importantly, always stay adorable. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Ah, yes. But I have to admit that veneer of adorability is showing like the worn fur on an original teddy bear.

And keep that helmet on! We don't want anything damaging that precious little noggin. Originally Posted by TechPapi
... And the novice Judge there dropped some o' the charges in
Fani's Georgia Case... Now we'll see - prolly Friday late whether
or not he drops Fani (pronounced "Fon-nee") from the case.

I'm thinking that the puss Judge is gonna attempt to keep her on
- and then face a whole patchel of pre-trial motions from the defence.

... But whatever you do and wherever you go - just wait!

#### Salty
... Crikey! ... Yet another wrinkle for Fani - Will she be held
in Contempt of Court?? ... As the House Judicial Committee
had asked Fani and her office for all documents related to
Federal money - that may have been mis-used by her office.

Fani has until 28 March to produce and turn over the said
documents and information.

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
Huge win for Fani Willis and for justice.

Looks like Donnie J's going to feel a little more heat very soon - just a matter of when. His little conspirators crew is going to be going down ...

Nathan Wade won't, but that wasn't a surprise or unexpected. Hopefully Fanny can keep her hands out of the county cookie jar long enough to get Justice served.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Maybe now this thread can die a natural and long overdue death?

The boyfriend’s out of the case and the spotlight.

Trump and his band of felons are back under the floodlight and back on track to busting rocks.
A picture says 1,000 words.
It may say 5,000 of Salty's words.

Originally Posted by VitaMan
I would swipe Left, lol.
... I DID say that the novice Judge there would keep Fani.
As he surely gets his marching orders from The White House
and Susan Rice. ... But no matter - all the pre-trial
motions will be coming, appeals and what-not.

And Fani (pronounced "Fon-nee") is in quite a bit of trouble
these days, anyway. ...

... Do I have to say it?


... Will I say it??


... No doubt! ... Surely wanna "Just Wait" there, mates!

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
… if you say so, mate!

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahah
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
This just in:

"Fani Willis and her office can stay on Trump Georgia 2020 election case if Nathan Wade steps aside, judge rules"

I would say this is bad news for Trump. The trial will go on.
winn dixie's Avatar
Ohh the fits of rage have started.
Fani gonna get trumpf.

adav8s28's Avatar
This just in:

"Fani Willis and her office can stay on Trump Georgia 2020 election case if Nathan Wade steps aside, judge rules"

I would say this is bad news for Trump. The trial will go on. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Wade did step aside. Fani gets to stay. A very good ruling by the judge. Memo to Fani, the next person you hire to be the lead attorney just make sure you don't go on a date with him/her.

You go girl! I hope you win your case. Just don't put Trump in jail. Trump is the easiest republican for Sleepy Joe and Kamala to beat!
... I DID say that the novice Judge there would keep Fani.
As he surely gets his marching orders from The White House
and Susan Rice. ... But no matter - all the pre-trial
motions will be coming, appeals and what-not.

And Fani (pronounced "Fon-nee") is in quite a bit of trouble
these days, anyway. ...

... Do I have to say it?


... Will I say it??


... No doubt! ... Surely wanna "Just Wait" there, mates!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Doesn't "Just Wait" resemble what you said about Frump being put back into the March of 2020???
... And Trump will be - soon! ... But this thread concerns
what's happening in Georgia.

We'll soon be sayin' bye-bye to the novice Judge,
who may be tossed from the case.

#### Salty
... And Trump will be - soon! ... But this thread concerns
what's happening in Georgia.

We'll soon be sayin' bye-bye to the novice Judge,
who may be tossed from the case.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Novice Judge? What does the lady down in Florida have to do with this case? You know...the immigrant one.