Right now, I'm on the computer even though I'm not supposed to. I cheeked my medication, then snuck out of my room again. Snuck out of my room again, you ask? Well, I did this before.
You see, last night, we had our evening medication pass. But, I did not want to take mine. So, when the nice people in the white lab coats gave me my medicines, I used my tongue to stash them underneath my tongue and between my upper teeth and my upper mouth.
So, when the nice young fella's, in the white lab coats, checked to make sure that I took my medications, they saw nothing. When I got to my room, I spit them into the garbage. Later on, I had this powerful urge to go wandering. I ended up in the day room.
There was nobody there. So, I got into the middle of the day room, and did what I wanted to do. This would make me feel free. I spread my legs a little bit while standing, then I hung my arms loose on either side. Then, I violently shook my upper body back and forth, leaving my arms to swing back and forth via momentum, while opening my eyes wider, and with my head slightly tilted to the side.
"This is fun," I thought, as I allowed my drool to drain down my lips and chin, "I felt freeeeeeee!" I was having so much of a blast that I kept doing this, shaking back and forth, arms swinging front and back. To make things more exciting, I added my own noises. I listened to my noises as they bounced off the wall as I shook my upper body front and back while keeping my legs anchored and still.
That's when the nice young folk, in the nice white lab coats, came out and came after me. "Oh dear," I thought, "they're coming to cart me away, ha, ha, they're going to take me away, he, he, ho, ho, to happy crazy land!"
Ah oh, the nice young fellas in the white lab coats are here again. Just felt a little "prick", feels like I'm blacking ou
Originally Posted by MT Pockets