• DSK
  • 05-31-2017, 03:56 PM
LOL! I live in the 4th highest income county in Texas and you live in a steel workers slum. Yet you call me trash? There is not even a trailer Park in McKinney . Better do a little research before you run your pie hole again. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Mc Kinney Mobile Park
Mobile home park in McKinney, Texas
Address: 400 E Louisiana St, McKinney, TX 75069
Phone: (972) 548-2363

Right across from the grain silo!!!

Not only that, steel workers built America into a great country, you ungrateful gay person.
I knew they had a Deli but....
I didn't know they had an All You Can Eat Buffet too? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
LUBE'S version of " all you can eat buffet " at HEB was slowly waddling up and down each aisle and " sampling " whatever food looked good. Whether it was actually offered as a sample never minded to seArgent shitburner. He always figured he was " entitled " to whatever he could grab and inhale before the store's management ran him off. Imagine all of the open containers with partially eaten food they find in his wake after one of his visits ! Bet they found a lot of pepperoni packets littering the meat market after one of his " raids " !
MT Pockets's Avatar
FTFYour moronic glory-hole habituating, WKing, cocksucking-ass, M T Brain Socket. Lubed Wide-ass repeatedly and consistently misspelled the word sergeant as "seargeant", you stupid-fuck, and for a thirty-year career sergeant he purported to be that would be exactly the same as repeatedly misspelling his own fucking name, M T Brain Socket. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You do know that spell check would catch that if he did. If that is all you have then I feel sorry for you. Here is something to ponder. How long did he spell it wrong before it was pointed out to you. Now answer this. Have you seen me defend him about anything besides his weight and the fact you have no proof anyone is telling the truth. The reason you always lose is you base your position with shit that can not be proven. Try logic for a change. It will be hard but I have faith in you.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Mc Kinney Mobile Park
Mobile home park in McKinney, Texas
Address: 400 E Louisiana St, McKinney, TX 75069
Phone: (972) 548-2363

Right across from the grain silo!!!

Not only that, steel workers built America into a great country, you ungrateful gay person. Originally Posted by DSK
I think that is a RV parts supplier. Dungans? But if there is one you would know. I guess the Bakery is not doing so well.

Steel workers are hardworking folks. I have a friend that owns a Steelworks company. But I bet your sissy friend is not a steel worker is he? Maybe I can call Fuller and have him rezone that area so you will have to move. And who said I was ungrateful. Your fag buddy talked shit about Mckinney and then you defend him. Now who is the WK?
I B Hankering's Avatar
You do know that spell check would catch that if he did. If that is all you have then I feel sorry for you. Here is something to ponder. How long did he spell it wrong before it was pointed out to you. Now answer this. Have you seen me defend him about anything besides his weight and the fact you have no proof anyone is telling the truth. The reason you always lose is you base your position with shit that can not be proven. Try logic for a change. It will be hard but I have faith in you. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Lubed Wide-ass misspelled it in his profile, in his avatar with First Sergeant stripes where he let it ride for days and in his posts until it was pointed out to him that he was spelling it wrong, M T Brain Socket.
You're a moron WKing for a Stolen Valor POS, M T Brain Socket.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Lubed Wide-ass misspelled it in his profile, in his avatar with First Sergeant stripes where he let it ride for days and in his posts until it was pointed out to him that he was spelling it wrong, M T Brain Socket.
You're a moron WKing for a Stolen Valor POS, M T Brain Socket.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Okay , so how did you find out about it? And why didn't spellcheck catch it? And how do you know what kind of learning disability he may have from an injury ? And does a misspelled word have any significance to what a person is or was or is doing? If there was other evidence then it would be one thing, but what seems to be happening here is if you guys collectively state he is not the rank he says, he is somehow wrong on counts by default? There is no chain of command here. I have no idea if he was ever in the service and neither do you or anyone else here. The witch hunt is because of his opinion not his weight or rank is it now?
You're a brainless WKing cocksucker, M T Brain Socket. A REAL career 1st Sergeant would never consistently and repeatedly misspell "sergeant", you fucking retard. The title "sergeant" for a REAL career 1st Sergeant or Sergeant Major would have de facto become a veritable part of his fucking name, M T Brain Socket. It's a fucking word that a REAL career 1st Sergeant or Sergeant Major would have seen and used multiple times each and every fucking day for over twenty years, you fucking cretin moron, and not an occasional word lending itself to being misspelled. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And to ENSURE that MT Fluffer has a chance to read this AGAIN ( not that the Fluffer will get it this time either ! ) , I offer this description of YOUR hero seArgent shitburner's LIE about his " military " service.
But keep WKing for YOUR butt-buddy and HERO there FLUFFER !!!! Keep defending a serial liar. What does that say about YOU ??????????
I B Hankering's Avatar
Okay , so how did you find out about it? And why didn't spellcheck catch it? And how do you know what kind of learning disability he may have from an injury ? And does a misspelled word have any significance to what a person is or was or is doing? If there was other evidence then it would be one thing, but what seems to be happening here is if you guys collectively state he is not the rank he says, he is somehow wrong on counts by default? There is no chain of command here. I have no idea if he was ever in the service and neither do you or anyone else here. The witch hunt is because of his opinion not his weight or rank is it now? Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You're a dumb fucking WK if you think repeatedly and consistently misspelling a title one has held for over twenty years is an everyday happening, M T Brain Socket.
  • DSK
  • 05-31-2017, 08:13 PM
I think that is a RV parts supplier. Dungans? But if there is one you would know. I guess the Bakery is not doing so well.

Steel workers are hardworking folks. I have a friend that owns a Steelworks company. But I bet your sissy friend is not a steel worker is he? Maybe I can call Fuller and have him rezone that area so you will have to move. And who said I was ungrateful. Your fag buddy talked shit about Mckinney and then you defend him. Now who is the WK? Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Look, you brainless gay dingleberry eater, it took me two seconds to find that on google, then check the pictures by clicking the streets. I rarely go that far north, but no one in my neighborhood considers McKinney anything but the minor league.

Now, admit you are wrong, or that you have no honor.
lustylad's Avatar
LOL! I live in the 4th highest income county in Texas and you live in a steel workers slum...

Is that you down on your knees ready to shovel some more cock in your mouth? Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Wow... you had to reach all the back to the late 19th century for that photo of the Edgar Thomson Steel Works, dintcha pockface?

And thanks for the more recent City of Champions picture! Back in 1979 when Pittsburgh won both the World Series and the Super Bowl, Willie Stargell and Terry Bradshaw always received a warm welcome down at the mills. You remember Terry, dontcha pockface? He's the guy who trounced the Dallas Cowboys in two Super Bowls. Any Cowboy fans up there in your McKinney trailer park, pockface?

Oh, and here is what my fine city looks like eat your heart out, you slum dwelling reprobate!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's all negative Covfefe, just like the Orange Sphincter says.

You can't believe it!
It's all negative Covfefe, just like the Orange Sphincter says.

You can't believe it! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
And YOU'VE never met a sphincter that YOU didn't want to ply with YOUR tongue !
BTW, LUBE, everyone on YOUR list for that one way vacation IS STILL HERE !!!! :cla p:
LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by lustylad
Nice bridges! Steel?

You can see his "confusion" and "misinformed" condition"

He is from McKinney, isn't he?

MT Pockets's Avatar
Look, you brainless gay dingleberry eater, it took me two seconds to find that on google, then check the pictures by clicking the streets. I rarely go that far north, but no one in my neighborhood considers McKinney anything but the minor league.

Now, admit you are wrong, or that you have no honor. Originally Posted by DSK
it took me two seconds to find that on google
Wow you Googled some shit and posted the address to a RV repair shop WTF? You are an idiot.
I rarely go that far north
So what you mean is you live in the Trailer park between McKinney and Fairview at the corner of hwy 5 and the spur that connects it to 121? Figured as much.
If you live in Mckinney and yet you say its Minor league? I guess from your perspective I can see that.

So what is it I am wrong about? That you know where all the trash lives? Actually I should not say that, most of the folks living in poverty are more respectable that ones like you and Lusty.