Post a beautiful and artsy pic

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
LolaBrea01 - She's on Fire

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Seeing as how she is your avatar I'd say you have a thing for this gal.
DallasRain's Avatar

I luv erotic photography!

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Eroticism is a true woven art. Friction and grunts from the Id were a necessity to our survival once of course. However we still seem to have a taste for it like braised fat and sugar.
ElumEno's Avatar
LolaBrea01 - She's on Fire

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
Seeing as how she is your avatar I'd say you have a thing for this gal. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Even though it took me awhile to notice them.... but maybe he has a thing for the toys and she just happens to be in the picture too...

EDIT: after looking at his avatar picture and putting on my glasses I now notice that what I thought was a red truck is actually a red rose.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Cowgirl, unhorsed and disarmed.
DallasRain's Avatar
Iaintliein's Avatar
Originally Posted by Megan Love
Amazing. I bought a fan just like that at a garage sale in April thinking it would be a good prop!
ICU 812's Avatar
Nautilus: From

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
She had to be injured.

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I love MC.
I love biker chicks.
I hate rice.
I hate hip hop and all that.
I'm old school and proud.
kenzsquatch's Avatar
I second that!!!!! Real biker chicks rock and rice grinders blow!