Who's your Favorite Showcase On Eccie

Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Wow, under both Sonya and Ms. G!!! An awesome combination of class and beauty.... Originally Posted by drgnfire7
Hola, drgnfire! Wee

Yes! My 5000 post haha
funnyboy's Avatar
I forgot how damn sexy Sonya is......and the new pics are amazing.

Need to start clearing schedule time!!!!!
JMcB's Avatar
  • JMcB
  • 07-24-2013, 11:37 AM
Saw this one on the left hand side under "New ShowCases".


rex-man's Avatar
So many to choose from and SOO little time to play.

I will say that I found this one with one of the VERY BEST PINK MOON SHOTs that I have ever seen....


Ladies please feel free to take some of your own and prove me wrong........
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Saw this one on the left hand side under "New ShowCases".


http://eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=196630 Originally Posted by JMcB
She is hot!!
txhuggybare4u's Avatar
Damn Sonya your #1
Yur right your pic is a F*%King Hottie

Speaking of hot showcases...

Guess who just revamped her showcase?
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Here is a nice one!

http://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=202529 Originally Posted by Sonya Playmate
Nice doesn't begin to do her justice. exquisite comes to mind.

Thanks for sharing Sonya, and that discreption fits you as well......
My oh my, I have never seen this showcase before... this is like my hands down favorite so far!! That body!! Those curves... and she is local!!

This one is quite lovely as well... http://eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=47235
guest091214-2's Avatar
Awe Ty sweetie!!!!!! Can u believe i shot those myself!!??? It was hard! I saw that other showcase of Selena too! Playing with the greenscreen is fun!! Ill be buying one soon!!!
Awe Ty sweetie!!!!!! Can u believe i shot those myself!!??? It was hard! Originally Posted by *LusciousLeo*
I was thinking that earlier... "Hmm, I wonder if she shot those herself with her camera on a stand." Hehe nice work!! I do all mine myself but, um... they are nowhere near as good as yours... but, I try(:
Samcro84's Avatar
Did not look at all posts so do not know if these were mentioned.

We don't want to forget another home town girl.


Or this one from Austin

Sonya Playmate's Avatar
JMcB's Avatar
  • JMcB
  • 09-27-2013, 05:55 PM

http://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=202529 Originally Posted by Sonya Playmate

Yeah, I also saw that one. Was wondering if you had seen it too. Now I know