How come we are so far behind in testing ? Some of these what have been called "shit-hole countries" are so far ahead of us on testing. How come he keeps feeding us bogus info on everything including something about a google website ? One reason our cases are low ; We aren't testing.
Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Testing for What ? Oh you mean that "hoax" put forth by the Dems regarding the Coronavirus pandemic.
It wasn't more than a few days ago that Trump stated that its something and nothing, just a few cases and it will all go away by April. That its one of those "foreign" viruses, nothing to do with us and its ALL under control.
But just tobe on the safe side Trump has disregarded what the WHO recommends and their Testing kits aren't "certified"
thats because Trump and his infinite wisdom has given the job of kits to his corporate buddies Quest and Labcorp and we know all about Trump and his goal to profit from any thing resembling $$$.
Bottom line is that Trump has no interest in being a leader and showing any kind of compassion, or proaction. Its all about HIM, HIM and HIM. Countries like Thailand Singapore and Shanghai have been able to quell the spread of the disease.
But Trump....NAH, he's too busy Tweeting or itching play golf. Oh and he's really
good at blaming somebody else for his incompetence. Thats what ALL failures do.