Some Texans Have Prepared a Petition to Secede from the USA

You admitted defeat when you started deflecting and creating “straw-man” arguments, ExNYer. Continue to deflect and stand by your latest "straw-man" topic, but you know the argument was never about Confederate victories and defeats. It remains, your POV was found faulty and wanting, ExNYer; even your own source says so. Own your failures, you pretentious bitch! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Why is it that every time I make a point against you, you immediately copy it? Incompetently, I might add.

I pointed out that you made strawman arguments regarding Missouri and now all of a sudden you are talking about straw man arguments - even though you haven't actually pointed one out.

I told you to "own" your Confederate history and you immediately copied that phrase and told me to own my NY history, my English history, my Scottish history, my Irish history.

I have accused you of repeatedly changing the subject whenever things are going badly for you. Well you did it again

You tried to defend to the death your ridiculous claim that AG Bates - a man you clearly knew nothing about - was some constitutional scholar. When I pointed out he was a frontier lawyer who became famous as an
abolitionist and got a political appointment from Lincoln, you dropped that point and started talking about"the argument was never about Confederate victories and defeats".

Where the fuck did THAT come from? I never said anything about
"Confederate victories and defeats". Changing the subject again? Another straw man?

Are you going to start copying the term "incompetently" in your posts now? I noticed you are back to using "pretentious" again.
I B Hankering's Avatar

Why is it that every time I make a point against you, you immediately copy it? Incompetently, I might add.

I pointed out that you made strawman arguments regarding Missouri and now all of a sudden you are talking about straw man arguments - even though you haven't actually pointed one out.

I told you to "own" your Confederate history and you immediately copied that phrase and told me to own my NY history, my English history, my Scottish history, my Irish history.

I have accused you of repeatedly changing the subject whenever things are going badly for you. Well you did it again

You tried to defend to the death your ridiculous claim that AG Bates - a man you clearly knew nothing about - was some constitutional scholar. When I pointed out he was a frontier lawyer who became famous as an
abolitionist and got a political appointment from Lincoln, you dropped that point and started talking about"the argument was never about Confederate victories and defeats".

Where the fuck did THAT come from? I never said anything about
"Confederate victories and defeats". Changing the subject again? Another straw man?

Are you going to start copying the term "incompetently" in your posts now? I noticed you are back to using "pretentious" again.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
You admitted defeat when you started deflecting and creating “straw-man” arguments, ExNYer. Every point you just enumerated was addressing one of YOUR "deflections", moron. Continue to deflect and stand by your latest "straw-man" topic, but you know the argument was never about Confederate victories and defeats. It remains, your POV was found faulty and wanting, ExNYer; even your own source says so. Own your failures, you pretentious bitch!
IGNORE THIS ASSHOLE. He'll never make sense and he'll never back off. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I say we take turns wasting his time until his redneck skull explodes.

I'll go from 8 AM to noon.

You can have the noon to 4 PM shift.

BigTex can have the 4 PM to 8 PM shift.

I'm sure someone will volunteer for 8 PM to midnight. Time and a half pay, you know.
You admitted defeat when you started deflecting and creating “straw-man” arguments, ExNYer. Every point you just enumerated was addressing one of YOUR "deflections", moron. Continue to deflect and stand by your latest "straw-man" topic, but you know the argument was never about Confederate victories and defeats. It remains, your POV was found faulty and wanting, ExNYer; even your own source says so. Own your failures, you pretentious bitch! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You're just writing pure gibberish now, aren't you?

The Queen of Cut-and-Paste cannot even Google offpoint articles anymore. Now she just copies her own previous posts.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I say we take turns wasting his time until his redneck skull explodes.

I'll go from 8 AM to noon. Assup can have the noon to 4 PM shift. BigTex can have the 4 PM to 8 PM shift. I'm sure someone will volunteer for 8 PM to midnight. Time and a half pay, you know. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You just admitted your skull imploded when you agreed to join with Assup in any enterprise, ExNYer, you pretentious prick.
I B Hankering's Avatar

You're just writing pure gibberish now, aren't you?

The Queen of Cut-and-Paste cannot even Google offpoint articles anymore. Now she just copies her own previous posts.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
The only gibberish was your lame-ass POV, exNYer. BTW, you admitted defeat when you started deflecting and creating “straw-man” arguments, ExNYer. It remains, your POV was found faulty and wanting, ExNYer; even your own source says so. Own your failures, you pretentious bitch!
You just admitted your skull imploded when agreed to join with Assup in any enterprise, ExNYer, you pretentious prick. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Really? Did I admit that? Ooooooooooh!

Pray tell how, O Queen!
I B Hankering's Avatar

Really? Did I admit that? Ooooooooooh!

Pray tell how, ExNYer is a Drag-Queen!
Originally Posted by ExNYer
When you stooped to asking Assup for help, you pretentious prick.
When you stooped to asking Assup for help, you pretentious prick. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Damn. Do you french you mother with that filthy mouth, hillbilly?
I B Hankering's Avatar

Damn. Do you french you mother with that filthy mouth, hillbilly?
Originally Posted by ExNYer
Deflect, deflect, deflect, you pretentious prick. You're twisting in the wind, you lame-ass fuck. You admitted defeat when you started deflecting and you're still at it! Continue to deflect and stand by your latest "straw-man" topic. It remains, your POV was found faulty and wanting, ExNYer; even your own source says so. Own your failures, you pretentious bitch!
Deflect, deflect, deflect, you pretentious prick. You're twisting in the wind, you lame-ass fuck. You admitted defeat when you started deflecting and you're still at it! Continue to deflect and stand by your latest "straw-man" topic. It remains, your POV was found faulty and wanting, ExNYer; even your own source says so. Own your failures, you pretentious bitch! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Keep telling yourself you're winning. No one else will.

Well, may be that idiot ChoomCzar will. Just goes to show the good company you keep.

Virginia still lost - whether the issue of constitutionality was reached or not - something I pointed out to YOU by the way. Before you try to claim that, too.

And if, that's not enough, why doesn't VA tried to sue directly for violation of Article IV, Section 3? Maybe because everyone but you and a few other Confederate sympathizers think it is a losing argument?
I B Hankering's Avatar

Keep telling yourself you're winning. No one else will.

Well, may be that idiot ChoomCzar will. Just goes to show the good company you keep.

Virginia still lost - whether the issue of constitutionality was reached or not - something I pointed out to YOU by the way. Before you try to claim that, too.

And if, that's not enough, why doesn't VA tried to sue directly for violation of Article IV, Section 3? Maybe because everyone but you and a few other Confederate sympathizers think it is a losing argument?
Originally Posted by ExNYer
You argued admitting West Virginia was constitutional, moron, but now you are trying to scurry away from that lame-ass POV. It violated Art IV, Sec 3 of the Constitution, so it WASN'T constitutional! Own your failures, you pretentious bitch!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-18-2012, 10:27 PM
You're just writing pure gibberish now, aren't you? Originally Posted by ExNYer
"Now"? He started with pure gibberish from the first post he made on here, and hasn't stopped.

His support of the Confederacy and slavery is just the most recent in a long history of such stupidity.

He supports Mexicans shooting unarmed Blacks.

He thinks the Inquisition and Crusades were GOOD things, and can't understand why Jews and Muslims should hold any grudges over such things.

His brain just works a little differently from normal human beings. OK, a lot different. I believe somewhere there is evidence that his brain works more like a banana slug than a human, but I could be wrong.

Not even ChooMarshall is racing to his defense--that says something right there.

And watch, even though I am talking to you, IBH will almost certainly jump in here any moment to continue his historic melt down.

IBH concedes that he is an assinine, bloated, ignorant, lieing, blowhard forever!
Congratulations, you earned it!
And he knows how to change it: just answer the question. But he won't.

I B Hankering's Avatar
"Now"? He started with pure gibberish from the first post he made on here, and hasn't stopped.

His support of the Confederacy and slavery is just the most recent in a long history of such stupidity.

He supports Mexicans shooting unarmed Blacks.

He thinks the Inquisition and Crusades were GOOD things, and can't understand why Jews and Muslims should hold any grudges over such things.

His brain just works a little differently from normal human beings. OK, a lot different. I believe somewhere there is evidence that his brain works more like a banana slug than a human, but I could be wrong.

Not even ChooMarshall is racing to his defense--that says something right there.

And watch, even though I am talking to you, IBH will almost certainly jump in here any moment to continue his historic melt down.

IBH concedes that he is an assinine, bloated, ignorant, lieing, blowhard forever!
Congratulations, you earned it!
And he knows how to change it: just answer the question. But he won't.

Originally Posted by Old-T
More of your shrill pussy-bitch whining, Old-goaT! Old-goaT wants to slander and cast aspersions but cries like a bitch when he is likewise challenged. Cry, cry, cry, you pussy-bitch Old-goaT, cry.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Rabid dawg foaming from the mouth. I don't think he mamma hugged him enough when he was a kid.

He'll keep whining, crying and arguing over topics he's long forgotten. I figure he'll piss off his "base" before long.

Don't seem to be too many of his fellow brotherhood members standing with him on this one.

Just give it a rest IBStubborn! for Chrissakes man, look at what you're writing!