NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Dorian Gray's Avatar

Bob McNair hold press conference to announced the firing of Gary Kubiak!!!

Wade is inter rem coach.
Word has it Daddio was seen dancing a gig on Kirby drinking champagne.

McNair wants a coach that's innovative, flexible, & can make adjustments.
(i.e. won't go "Damn, they sure did make those half-time adjustments. Wish I could do that." *Sticks thumb back in butt.*)

Bob McNair said the final straw was losing to Jacksonville (an inferior team in McNair's words) twice.

Rick Smiths throws Kubes under the bus.

Bob McNair says Case Keenum is the QB for the rest of the year.
*Schaub was reported to of shit himself.*


McNair says team is not rebuilding but wants a coach that is going to win NOW with the core talent.

McNair alludes to wanting an NFL head coach. Not a college coach or promoting an offensive or defensive coordinator (from another team) to the spot. Wade will get an interview.
Solemate62's Avatar
Fired! Press conference now!
hornfreak's Avatar
Rebuilding time!
I have a little extra skip in my step today!! Glad we played in Jacksonville last night where it was warm. It apparently enabled McNuttless to finally find his sack and fire the butt plug of a coach. If he were in houston it would be harder to find the nuts because it's cold out there!!!

Now play Case and TJ. TJ Is really getting fucked. He was #2 and got unfairly evaluated in mop up duty after Schaubs shit fest.
jstone420's Avatar
Fuck him
kerwil62's Avatar

They should've done this shit at the midway point of the season!

Schaub's hoe ass should be next!!
BigLouie's Avatar
Let's see if the Jags win out. I think they will. Also Kubiak has been fired. Since Rick Smith is still around I do not think he will pick a good coach or draft well at all
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-06-2013, 01:38 PM
He pretty much gave Matt his walking papers as well, he's a dead man sitting at this point. I still think Rick may get his pink slip at the end of the year. I have no idea who they may go for as a head coach, don't think wade is that guy though. Next year will be interesting with Johnny fuckin football behind the line.
TheDon's Avatar
Let's see if the Jags win out. I think they will. Also Kubiak has been fired. Since Rick Smith is still around I do not think he will pick a good coach or draft well at all Originally Posted by BigLouie
I agree with you on Jax, it's crazy to think they started out 0-8 and can make the playoffs in a manageable way...

And they do have talent, anyone who says otherwise has clearly not actually watching them.

I'd like Ted Thompson as GM plz
Solemate62's Avatar
Coaches? Some of the NFL network 'experts' are already claiming that past and current LOSERS are on the list - like Tom Cable who was a dismal failure at Oakland and Shanahan of the DeadSkins! WTF?
jstone420's Avatar
Jax are trash no way in hell they can make the playoffs I don't know what you are watching fuck the whole afc south the division is weak an by the way the Ravens hold that last spot right now
I heard Gruden was being considered. I am. Glad this is done now. Hopefully we will be at the forefront of the pro coaching carousel on hiring a new guy.

The college coaching carousel has already begun. USC in my opinion fucked up by letting Orageron go, then Washington screws USC by getting the Boise guy who is much better than sarkisian who was the old Washington guy.
TheDon's Avatar
Would have loved for that Boise guy to be our coach, it's funny cause he took that job in 06, first year Kubs was here.

Btw as much as I'm happy about his ass being gone, I still don't see this as an overhaul until Rick Smith is gone too. Our roster is garbage for the most part.

Kubs gone as a nice start, but it had to be done. Feel the same way about Smith.
I heard Gruden was being considered. I am. Glad this is done now. Hopefully we will be at the forefront of the pro coaching carousel on hiring a new guy.

The college coaching carousel has already begun. USC in my opinion fucked up by letting Orageron go, then Washington screws USC by getting the Boise guy who is much better than sarkisian who was the old Washington guy. Originally Posted by Daddio
Daddio Orageron quit in a huff because they did not make him head coach. and they were wise not to. He is a great coordinator but not a good head coach.

They guy they got will have them back to the top soon, and that pisses me off because I hate USC, They will forever have egg on their face for hiring the spoiled brat who never won anything. It is amazing to me that Kiffen kept getting one head coaching job after another without ever having any success whatsoever.
O'Mike's Avatar
A man has got to know his limitations, and I hope Wade does and does not get all butt hurt if he is offered the opportunity to continue as defensive coordinator under a new head coach next year.


Lovie Smith?

Bill Cowher?

It will be interesting..............espec ially if the Redskins get crossways with Mike Shanahan and be goes looking for a new home.