NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Alex Smith has become more and more serviceable thru the last few years but C'mon man is he gonna bring you a Super bowl? Fuck no!! Who is KC's back up QB? Tyler Bray or Chase Daniel? Chase Daniel has some upside as he looked good under Brees but still the jury is way out on him. KC damn sure needs a QB. If we do they do.

When you ask yourself would you rather have Alex Smith or Case Keenum and you hesitate for just a flinch, you need a fucking QB.
BigLouie's Avatar
Alex Smith has become more and more serviceable thru the last few years but C'mon man is he gonna bring you a Super bowl? Fuck no!! Who is KC's back up QB? Tyler Bray or Chase Daniel? Chase Daniel has some upside as he looked good under Brees but still the jury is way out on him. KC damn sure needs a QB. If we do they do.

When you ask yourself would you rather have Alex Smith or Case Keenum and you hesitate for just a flinch, you need a fucking QB. Originally Posted by Daddio
It really does not matter what you think, all that matters is what management and the coaching staff of KC think and so far there has been NO indication they have a desire to draft a QB. Sure they draft one in the lower rounds as a back up if they don't feel the ones they have can do the job but it will NOT be to replace Alex.
BigLouie's Avatar

Jacksonville Yes
Tennessee Probably Should
Texans Yes
Browns Probably Should
KC - Definitely NOT
Bears maybe
Vikes Yes
Bucs Probably Not
Cardinals Probably Not
Rams Probably Not

This list is longer than I first thought. I was thinking we might be able to get Teddy Bridgetitty, or Johnny Foosball with the first pick in the 2nd round but probably not. Maybe Brett Hundly from UCLA but I have not seen him play. Originally Posted by Daddio
Brett is going back to school.
Nor does it matter what you think BL, I know Alex Smith is very Schaub like. He does run considerably better but he is not a super bowl caliber QB. Unless the Chiefs defense dominates like the Ravens D back in the day when they had Trent Dilfer as the QB the Chiefs will not go much farther than the first round playoff victory. Looking at ESPN's QB ratings, Alex Smith is ranked 22nd out of 32 teams. The real problem is there are not very many Peyton Manning's or Tom Brady's or Aaron Rogers or Drew Brees's or Big Ben's out there. You have to find an Eli Manning, Joe Flaco, type guy that is good enough to win one for you.

The past several Super Bowl QB's have been studs
Big Ben
Big Ben
Brad Johnson? WTF?
Trent Dilfer
Kurt Warner

Has Brett Hundley officially said he is coming back? I was bummed Mariotta decided to return to school.

I don't see any of the College Qb's coming in and setting the world on fire like Luck or RG3 did last year. I am definitely not sold on Teddy Bridgetitty.
TheDon's Avatar
Man guys, I must admit, I do have some more respect for Kubs now that he has come out with this dis track, would have never expected something like this from a guy like him.
Don, what do you think of Alex Smith? Schaub or no Schaub?
TheDon's Avatar
Eh, I think Smith is fine, good fit in KC. The Fucker has a beastly defense with him anywhere he goes, so that doesn't hurt, at the same time, he had a different offensive coordinator almost every other year in the first half of his career, so I guess having a nice D kind of makes up for the bullshit he had to put up with early on. But I've hardly watched the Chiefs though this season, can't really comment, same for Flacco and the Ravens.

But I think it's too damning of an insult to compare almost any QB to Schaub. It's kind of sad, Schaub had a decent career, but I think he'll always be remembered for the pick six fiasco of this season.

All I know is we can't afford to get another veteran QB. It's either gonna be Case or whatever Rookie we draft in either the 1st or 2nd round. And there's maybe a 1% it can be TJ Yates.

And with all the QB's staying for their senior year, we pretty much have no option but to go QB first round, this was supposed to be one of the deepest QB drafts in history, not looking like that anymore....

And I pretty much have no faith in Rick Smith anymore, the guy just flat out sucks, no other way to put it. Wouldn't even be surprised if WU is right and we don't go QB first round for whatever reason.
BigLouie's Avatar
When drawing up a list of teams who you expect to draft a QB you should not list a team just because you think they should. You have to see it front their view point and in KC their view is that Alex is just fine. Right or wrong does not matter
I agree Alex smith is better than dopey. I also agree that Dopes will be remembered for the pick six bonanza of 2013. He was fucked by conservative Kubes to a degree but he should have been benched long ago.

Did Hundley say he is going back to ucla?
Solemate62's Avatar
Denver is precariously close to losing home field advantage all through the playoffs after falling flat at home tonight versus the Chargers!
TheDon's Avatar
I don't think Hundley has made up his mind, he doesn't look that great anyway, his best outing was against an overatted Nebraska team, he could probably benefit staying his another year.

with Gronk out I think Denver should have an easy road to the SB, I think they would have been better had Welker played.

The AFC sucks and was open to take this year. Stupid texans smh
BigLouie's Avatar
People are, if nothing else, predictable. Texans need a QB, Teddy Bridgewater is the highest rated or at least the current flavor of the day, which means the overwhelming odds are that the Texans take him as the first pick, like it or not. I don't see Rick Smith doing anything as creative as moving around in the draft, just not his nature.
Solemate62's Avatar
Bridgewater would have the kink of checkered rookie year as is Geno Smith, with the Jets!
jstone420's Avatar
Denver is not going to the super bowl all they have is manning there defense is real weak run the ball keep his ass off the field you will win
kerwil62's Avatar
Denver is precariously close to losing home field advantage all through the playoffs after falling flat at home tonight versus the Chargers! Originally Posted by Solemate62
I can't believe Denver lost! Snaps a 13 home game winning streak. This has pissed them off and they will come down here next week and beat the shit out of the Texans out of frustration.

The Patriots WILL be on that ass for home field though. And might end up taking it if Denver loses one more game.