Assholes's Speech

I stand corrected on that poll. I was going more on my personal experience. Every time I go on base at Ft. Hood and start talking to the guys out there - it's positive conversation about Trump. - not like here in Austin. Same up in Dallas/Ft. Worth and the surrounding area. Austin is the worst at always bashing him and telling everybody how unenlightened the Trump supporters are.

The only thing that Bill Mahr said --that I agree with is -- the democrats need to cut that out or they will lose again. Btw - President Trump already filed paperwork for the 2020 election. Just thought I'd throw that nugget of information in. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Again. My family lives in Dallas and some in smaller towns, a lot of my friends in Houston. I don't think you have a full experience of what people of certain age and race think of Trump. My friends, younger than 35 all despise Trump. My family, African Americans hate him. And we all have good reasons to both with his policies and things he has said. So I think you should just be careful generalizing what you think cities or this state think of him as a whole. I don't think all Trump's voters are unenlightened. But I do think he isn't that smart. And many of this voters are uninformed, which doesn't mean they aren't smart.
There was a poll - google it if you are that interested.
If you read my last post ----oh never mind - you wouldn't get it even if I explained it to you. Have a nice evening.

Obvious thing to do is provide a link to this poll.

Ah. So there was no poll, and you're just making shit up? Well, of course, duh. Originally Posted by Gamer
So you are saying all African Americans hate Trump???

Again. My family lives in Dallas and some in smaller towns, a lot of my friends in Houston. I don't think you have a full experience of what people of certain age and race think of Trump. My friends, younger than 35 all despise Trump. My family, African Americans hate him. And we all have good reasons to both with his policies and things he has said. So I think you should just be careful generalizing what you think cities or this state think of him as a whole. I don't think all Trump's voters are unenlightened. But I do think he isn't that smart. And many of this voters are uninformed, which doesn't mean they aren't smart. Originally Posted by Milly23

Milly - have you seen these 2 wonderful ladies?
So you are saying all African Americans hate Trump??? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Umm show me exactly were I said that all African Americans hate Trump? I wouldn't say that because I don't speak for all of my race. I spoke for my family and friends who I've had conversations with. Maybe you read that my family followed by a common stating they were African Americans as my family and African Americans. Just like I said the sentence before that my friends are under 35. You didn't comment on that though so idk. Yes I've seen those two and Omarosa. But having a few African Americans support you doesn't mean that race supports you. Because I could safely say over 90% of the African American population doesn't like Trump. Trump supporters should probably stop hanging their hat on a few people from demographics that dislike Trump for the things he has said as proof its not bad. Thing is, I could disapprove of the stances Trump takes and still not dislike the guy. But he has said things that personally offended me. And the fact that his supporters can't understand that is what drives many from demographics to believe that they support things he said.
OK, I read that wrong. Yes, I understand that too because Bill Clinton and his wife offended me, my family and friends. I just cringe every time I see the Clintons - so yeah, I get it.
Ok good luck to you.

Umm show me exactly were I said that all African Americans hate Trump? I wouldn't say that because I don't speak for all of my race. I spoke for my family and friends who I've had conversations with. Maybe you read that my family followed by a common stating they were African Americans as my family and African Americans. Just like I said the sentence before that my friends are under 35. You didn't comment on that though so idk. Yes I've seen those two and Omarosa. But having a few African Americans support you doesn't mean that race supports you. Because I could safely say over 90% of the African American population doesn't like Trump. Trump supporters should probably stop hanging their hat on a few people from demographics that dislike Trump for the things he has said as proof its not bad. Thing is, I could disapprove of the stances Trump takes and still not dislike the guy. But he has said things that personally offended me. And the fact that his supporters can't understand that is what drives my from demographics to believe that they support things he said. Originally Posted by Milly23
OK, I read that wrong. Yes, I understand that too because Bill Clinton and his wife offended me, my family and friends. I just cringe every time I see the Clintons - so yeah, I get it.
Ok good luck to you. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I know you were trying to show you understood. But please don't compare the two. That's so bad. I can understand not liking the things that the Clinton's have done. I personally have never been a huge Hillary fan. But to compare disliking a person for what they've done politically is not the same as having a guy say racially insensitive things that offend you.

Trump has said things like "great relationship with the blacks", he was sued for not renting to African Americans, he didn't apologize for calling for the deaths of innocent minority kids, he said that blacks are lazy because of inherited traits, he said that blacks live in communities with violence that you can't walk down the street in (to an all white audience no less), "look at my African-American over there". Just a few things that were offensive.

Now you may disagree with the Clintons on policy. But what have they said that has offended you in anyway in the way Trump has to African Americans? If it has anything to do with Bill Clinton and women. You should leave that argument at home because Fox News and Trump play in that field too.

Be disgusted with the Clintons. They bring it on themselves at times. But to compare being offended by them the way African Americans are by Trump is a false parallel.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
OK, I read that wrong. Yes, I understand that too because Bill Clinton and his wife offended me, my family and friends. I just cringe every time I see the Clintons - so yeah, I get it.
Ok good luck to you. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I can completely understand why Bill and Hillary might "offend" you. They don't offend me, but there are some characteristics about them that can rub some people the wrong way.

However, I believe you need to try and understand why Trump haters find him so grossly offensive. And I am saying "understand," NOT "agree with". Denying all the markers for discontent is a blind spot.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I stand corrected on that poll. I was going more on my personal experience. Every time I go on base at Ft. Hood and start talking to the guys out there - it's positive conversation about Trump. - not like here in Austin. Same up in Dallas/Ft. Worth and the surrounding area. Austin is the worst at always bashing him and telling everybody how unenlightened the Trump supporters are.

The only thing that Bill Mahr said --that I agree with is -- the democrats need to cut that out or they will lose again. Btw - President Trump already filed paperwork for the 2020 election. Just thought I'd throw that nugget of information in. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
The military is as right wing as it gets so I wouldn't use them as the norm. Nor would I use the citizens of Austin as the norm in the state of Texas.

For 8 years Republicans bashed Obama at every turn and they won in 2016 so why is it hard to believe that Democrats bashing Trump will not work in the same way? Trump has the lowest approval ratings of ANY President in history at this point in time in his Presidency. So far he has talked big and acted small, in my opinion. The next few days will be rather important for Trump as he tries to resurrect the health care act and propose what he believes will be the largest tax cut in history. Where is the money coming from?
nuglet's Avatar
just wait until there's another gov shutdown on Friday.. maybe trump and his Cabal will pull $$ out of their own pockets to solve the monetary issue.. yeah, let's wait for THAT. LOL
pussycat's Avatar
The military is as right wing as it gets so I wouldn't use them as the norm. Nor would I use the citizens of Austin as the norm in the state of Texas.

For 8 years Republicans bashed Obama at every turn and they won in 2016 so why is it hard to believe that Democrats bashing Trump will not work in the same way? Trump has the lowest approval ratings of ANY President in history at this point in time in his Presidency. So far he has talked big and acted small, in my opinion. The next few days will be rather important for Trump as he tries to resurrect the health care act and propose what he believes will be the largest tax cut in history. Where is the money coming from? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You're mistaken that the American officer corps or enlisted personnel are right wing. I think they are pretty much divided along the same lines as the public generally.

As far as "acting small" I think you might reconsider that. He has issued more orders to make changes in policy than any President in his first days in office. Incidentally one of his orders was to the IRS to not enforce the $700 penalty for individuals choosing not to buy insurance, so the heart of Obamacare is now dead anyway.

Obamacare is now dead by executive order. It exists as a statute but the Tax Penalty which enforced it's coercion on the public to purchase a product from a private party is now dead.

Trump is faced with a Republican party full of morons and idiots like Ryan and Lindsey Graham and McCain. They want open borders, open trade, the elimination of all social programs, and on and on....

He's a much at war with the other Republicans as he is with the Dems, so it won't surprise me if executive orders are the only tool he has.
pussycat's Avatar
I can completely understand why Bill and Hillary might "offend" you. They don't offend me, but there are some characteristics about them that can rub some people the wrong way.

However, I believe you need to try and understand why Trump haters find him so grossly offensive. And I am saying "understand," NOT "agree with". Denying all the markers for discontent is a blind spot. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Hillary offends me because when her husband lied under oath about sex with an intern she pretended it didn't happen and called the intern insulting names. Hillary is a monster and her husband is Satan. Together they will walk hand in hand into the lower depths of the Inferno unto which all such evil doers must reside when they shed their mortal coil.

(and by appearances that won't be long because both of them look aweful and are ready for the grave)
Oh I get it. Obama offended me with Jeremiah Wright - Obama did try to distance himself from his remarks but Obama believed everything Wright was saying - he just wanted to be PC about it. But - there it is.

I know you were trying to show you understood. But please don't compare the two. That's so bad. I can understand not liking the things that the Clinton's have done. I personally have never been a huge Hillary fan. But to compare disliking a person for what they've done politically is not the same as having a guy say racially insensitive things that offend you.

Trump has said things like "great relationship with the blacks", he was sued for not renting to African Americans, he didn't apologize for calling for the deaths of innocent minority kids, he said that blacks are lazy because of inherited traits, he said that blacks live in communities with violence that you can't walk down the street in (to an all white audience no less), "look at my African-American over there". Just a few things that were offensive.

Now you may disagree with the Clintons on policy. But what have they said that has offended you in anyway in the way Trump has to African Americans? If it has anything to do with Bill Clinton and women. You should leave that argument at home because Fox News and Trump play in that field too.

Be disgusted with the Clintons. They bring it on themselves at times. But to compare being offended by them the way African Americans are by Trump is a false parallel. Originally Posted by Milly23
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You're mistaken that the American officer corps or enlisted personnel are right wing. I think they are pretty much divided along the same lines as the public generally.

As far as "acting small" I think you might reconsider that. He has issued more orders to make changes in policy than any President in his first days in office. Incidentally one of his orders was to the IRS to not enforce the $700 penalty for individuals choosing not to buy insurance, so the heart of Obamacare is now dead anyway.

Obamacare is now dead by executive order. It exists as a statute but the Tax Penalty which enforced it's coercion on the public to purchase a product from a private party is now dead.

Trump is faced with a Republican party full of morons and idiots like Ryan and Lindsey Graham and McCain. They want open borders, open trade, the elimination of all social programs, and on and on....

He's a much at war with the other Republicans as he is with the Dems, so it won't surprise me if executive orders are the only tool he has. Originally Posted by pussycat
Almost every ex-soldier I know is to the right.

Obamacare???? Almost NOTHING has changed. If you think that an EO to the IRS has done much, you are wrong. Obamacare is still the law of the land.

Executive orders???? Trump may have signed a ton of executive orders but none of them have had a major impact on the U.S. Here is an excerpt from a CNN article published today.

"Trump will start his second 100 days from a low point, though his base support has thus far stuck with him.

Unlike many new presidents, he lacks a large legislative triumph: His predecessor Barack Obama passed a huge stimulus plan and equal pay legislation in his first 100 days. The House backed George W. Bush's tax cut plan, which he eventually signed into law in June. Bill Clinton passed the Family and Medical Leave Act. Roosevelt used a banking crisis to pass the most consequential flurry of bills in decades. Lyndon Johnson picked a mourning nation off its knees after the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Trump, by comparison, struggled to implement parts of his own agenda at a moment when a new president is seen as being at the apex of his political power.

Mexico is not paying for the wall. His travel ban has twice been blocked by the courts. He has failed to mobilize a Republican monopoly on power in Washington and his big legislative goal -- repealing Obamacare -- crashed."

Obama fought Congress for 6 of his 8 years. And you're complaining about 100 days and Trump can't even get a REPUBLICAN congress to support him. That spells trouble.
Oh I get it. Obama offended me with Jeremiah Wright - Obama did try to distance himself from his remarks but Obama believed everything Wright was saying - he just wanted to be PC about it. But - there it is. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Lol so now it's Obama that has offended you? Why are you trying so hard to equate someone else to offenses that people have felt from Trump with racial insensitivity. So you know what Obama really believes now? Obama denounced the statement. How long did it take Trump to denounce David Duke. He took a long time to denounce the anti Semitic things that were happening. If you want to go do that road, just assuming you know how some really feels. I'm going to start saying I know that Trump really is the racist, sexual harassing, anti Semitic, misogynistic guy who likes likes being pissed on. So yeah please stop trying to make parallel examples for you to be offended in a way to less what Trump has done that were racially offensive. You sound like the person with no kids telling the parent they know how they feel because they have a dog that's like a son to you. It's not the same.