Trump made us No. 1 — in the spread of a deadly disease

Jaxson66's Avatar
Ignore won’t work for Obsey, one of the trump piss boy club members will make sure I see it. It’s the way they roll.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Trump preparing to unveil second coronavirus task force, officials say

The economic task force — which will be separate from the main coronavirus task force, despite having some overlapping members — will focus on how to reopen the country, as well as what businesses need to rebound amid catastrophic conditions. The goal is to get as much of the country as possible open by April 30, the current deadline Trump set for stringent social distancing measures.

The economic task force will not meet every day, like the large one, and is expected to have a more informal feel, with many of the meetings held over the phone and as in-person briefings with the president.

An announcement could come as early as this week, although within the West Wing, there were previous plans to announce this second task force earlier this week — and those were delayed.

I suppose having your food served by someone in PPE is going to take some getting use to.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Stay home if you’re afraid. Real men will work double so you can put a government check in your panty drawer.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Stay home if you’re afraid. Real men will work double so you can put a government check in your panty drawer. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Real men and women are already working their ass off, first responders, and each and every employee of a Hospital staff all over the country.

Hey, I’m retired and do not intend to seek employment so that’s one job left open for you.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
so.. is j666 telling everyone how masculine he is???

I thought this was verboten among lib gentry....
  • oeb11
  • 04-09-2020, 03:57 PM
Very true - those non-gays afflicted with a Y chromosome are persona non-grata in the fascist DPST party.

Just ask Ellen - confirmation will be swift.

Poor j666 - cast out by those he so desperately wishes to be accepted by!
Jaxson66's Avatar
What if facts matter?

President Trump was irate on Thursday — not because unemployment claims topped 17 million, or because more than 16,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus, or because we lack a national testing program, or because African Americans and Hispanics are dying in disproportionate numbers. What really fried him was the statement from the usually accommodating Wall Street Journal editorial board that his briefings are “less about the virus and more about the many feuds of Donald J. Trump.” (Did the Journal just notice this?)

This is what the twisted mind of a narcissist focuses upon — himself. His definition of “fake news” is those reports that offer insufficient praise. That’s also become his main obsession with reporters at the daily briefings, whose basic, factual questions he calls “nasty.”

In addition to the Journal’s criticism, Trump’s ire can be attributed to the disappearance of his polling “bump” as the magnitude of the pandemic and the utter ineptness of his response hit home. One does not need to watch his briefings daily to realize his serial promises never seem to pan out. The Post reports, “There, from the podium, generous quantities of medical supplies are distributed. The innovative forces of American science and industry are marshaling to defeat the enemy and make testing widely available. The economy gets the intensive care it needs for America to quickly recover. The ‘medical war,’ as Trump calls it, is being won.” But none of that is true, as the far more reliable sources of information (e.g., public health professionals, governors) remind us every day. The unemployment claims, the deaths and the hospitalization numbers are proof all is not well.

Trump’s sycophants naturally argue the bad news and horrible figures must be “inflated.” On Thursday, Anthony S. Fauci of the National Institutes of Health batted this down. "There is absolutely no evidence that that’s the case at all,” Fauci told NBC. “I think it falls under the category of something that’s very unfortunate — these conspiracy theories that we hear about. Any time we have a crisis of any sort there is always this popping up of conspiracy theories.” In other words, the real-world numbers are correct; the fake news comes from Trump and his sycophants.

If the racist pig fuckers in the Senate hadn’t whitewashed the fat lying bastards trial the country would have president Pence running this pandemic instead of a moron.
If the racist pig fuckers in the Senate hadn’t whitewashed the fat lying bastards trial the country would have president Pence running this pandemic instead of a moron. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Aww. More butthurt bullshit that the scam of an impeachment was discovered when the Senate actually voted.

Poor, Poor Jax. Still stuck on that sham.

Seek help man, for God's sake, seek help.
Jaxson66's Avatar
If anyone in this forum needs to seek help it’s the devout loyalists of the fat lying bastard. Save your medical advice for a trumptard, those people will swallow anything.
  • oeb11
  • 04-10-2020, 10:28 AM
Still stuck on "RACIST" - at the direction of the NYT Edictorial (not a mis-spellinig) - office.

Laughable - and pitiable.

Get some help j666 - it is badly needed.

Until then - LOL!!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Well what do you know, Yale Medical is now using Hydroxychloroquine as their primary treatment for Covid19. The French study just out shows tremendous results also. The Trump hating media must get awful sick of eating crow.

Yale Medical flowchart for treating corona patients:

French study:
The HCQ-AZ combination, when started immediately after diagnosis, is a safe and efficient treatment for COVID-19, with a mortality rate of 0.5%, in elderly patients. It avoids worsening and clears virus persistence and contagiosity in most cases.

Don’t hold your breath for the apologies.
  • oeb11
  • 04-10-2020, 11:37 AM
J- Thanks much.
The US has a controlled study of 500 patients underway.
My concern is the supply of OH chloroquine - patients with SLE need it, and it should be used in ICU's and hospitalized patients. There are reports of patients with SLE denied their prescription - confiscated for Wuhan virus treatment - in the US.

Many with minor symptoms, or asymptomatic - may not need the drugs.

I do not have a good way to sort out the subset cohorts at this time.

It is encouraging to have a medical treatment that seems helpful - likely not a cure-all - but helpful. It may help in settling down the Dem Panic over this virus.

If we can manufacture enough - to treat all cases - we could reasonably open up the economy.

Of course, the Dem panic's will scream bloody murder - they like the control of the population, and the destruction of economy - it plays to their plans for One Party Rule.

I will apologise first. Who new the one out of 20 lies (5%) trump tells could actually be true. People just expect more from a self appointed stable, going bankrupt again, genius that talks alot
  • oeb11
  • 04-10-2020, 11:39 AM
Look in a mirror - with j666 - and re-read Ur above post!
Holy fk me shit ob1. Let the ink dry before you go all stupid again