Signed, sealed, delivered! Who else has a new health insurance policy?

who knows?? people aren't OFFICAL until Dec 15th when their first premium is due

best thing for the rightwing bitches would be for the puter to stay fucked up Originally Posted by CJ7
Hey, CJ7 pm me you addy. I'm going to send you a present...
who knows?? people aren't OFFICAL until Dec 15th when their first premium is due

best thing for the rightwing bitches would be for the puter to stay fucked up Originally Posted by CJ7
Who knows? Obama, and the insurance companies, that's who. Hear any of them talking about the number of, or the disparity of the sick and healthy signing up?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-31-2013, 09:31 PM
Who knows? Obama, and the insurance companies, that's who. Hear any of them talking about the number of, or the disparity of the sick and healthy signing up? Originally Posted by nwarounder

wtf does a persons health have to do with it ... the puter is fucked up, and the #s cant be counted until the first premium payment is made ... not exactly a way to determine the actyal count, yet

obviously you're in the biz, and somehow, some way the AHCA is hitting you in the wallet or you wouldn't have an excuse for every scenario in the book ... that or you're an idget.

which is it?
LexusLover's Avatar
In spite of all the hassles with the site, seems like they've finally gotten their shit together.

New policy saves us a lot of money, but mostly drastically lowers our deductible and drug costs and covers a bunch of new stuff that we had been denied for 20+ years.

October 14.


Anybody else have any luck? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

By the end of the day the day-by-day numbers will ooze out from beneath headlines like Huff-a-Puff did ... spinning the best stats they can ... but it will finally be revealed that ...

ONLY SIX (that is 6) "signed up" on Day One!

Literally 100's of billions of dollars in the ramp up to the BIG ROLL OUT ...


BY DAY THREE ... (October 3, 2013) ,... 248...

C7 ... the President of the United Stats was, and still is, lying about the failure.

How many times have you heard in your life ..

............ "hurry up" and "sign up" ... "everyone else is"?

Propaganda of the worse kind .. hype the numbers by talking about "hits" ....

.. if the computers are not "working" how do they get the number of hits?

Eccie can tell you how many people are ENROLLED ... but

... billions of dollars later, the Government of the United States of American ...

cannot ... CC can tell you how many members enrolled on October 1,

but President Obaminable of the United States of America cannot?

The "news" is starting to OOZE OUT ... like septic tank slush ....

Beginning of news release .. on MSN:

"The Obama administration has said it cannot provide enrollment figures from because it doesn't have the numbers. The federal website, where residents of 36 states can buy new healthcare plans under President Barack Obama's law, was launched on Oct. 1.

"We do not have any reliable data around enrollment, which is why we haven't given it to date," Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told lawmakers on Wednesday.


But the documents, which are labeled "war room" notes and appear to be summaries of issues with the problematic website beginning on Oct. 2, indicate a mere six enrollments had occurred by that morning — the day after the website was launched and almost immediately crashed.

"High capacity on the website, direct enrollment not working," the Oct. 2 notes said. By later that day, "approximately 100" enrollments had taken place.

"As of yesterday, there were 248 enrollments," said the notes from the morning of Oct. 3.

Here's the "war room" ... pose ...where's the one for YOUR HEALTH ?
WMB: "...but..but..but...YELLOW CAKE!"

So the company that built the Obama care web site is the laughing stock of Canada, they have sucked up 100s of millions of Canadians moneys for incomplete projects, non working web sites etc.
So OUR Govt picks them to do this multi million dollar deal, it fails and i dont give a rats ass what party you belong to it should piss you off. If it doesnt piss you off somethings bad wrong with ya.
And OUR Govt awarded the contract to them WHY ?

Toni Townes-Whitley, a college classmate of Michelle Obama and a senior executive at besieged Obamacare website contractor CGI Federal, has visited the White House several times for both personal and professional reasons.

Townes-Whitley visited the White House complex on four occasions earlier this year to meet with administration officials in her role as vice president for at CGI Federal, which secured a $678 million no-bid contract to build the Obamacare exchange web portal.

Townes-Whitley, a Princeton University classmate of first lady Michelle Obama, and her husband, John Whitley, who works as an engineer for CBS News, also attended a White House Christmas gathering together in 2010, posing for photos with the president and first lady.

Seems like if your gonna give your buddies no bid contracts at least make sure they can do something right. The more you read about this Canadian company the worse you feel, they dont seem to ever finish anything.
Jump in there libs, tell me how im a dumb ass, how this is all right wing bullshit. How stupid i am. Cant wait.
LexusLover's Avatar
WMB: "...but..but..but...YELLOW CAKE!"

priceless Originally Posted by gnadfly
Or any topic, but the Truth!

Now what are the odds that out of the ALLEGED 50 million non-insureds in the USA, our one and only YappyRunt WAS ABLE TO SIGN UP IN THE 2ND WEEK!!!!!!!!

He can't even find Clarksville on a map published by the City of Austin zoning department, which clearly identifies the boundaries of Clarksville, which are clearly defined with "pink," a color that YappyRunt may not enjoy .....!!!

The fool who keeps on giving ....

You still haven't clicked on the link, have you?

To a guy who prefers a hand drawn fictitious realtor's "map" to an official city rezoning map as evidence of his false allegation!

YR, and along with other fantasies and believing advertisements and publicity.....:

You took the bait ... you idiot .... hook, line, and sinker ..... thanks dumbshit!

YR, do you see "West Lynn"? Do you see the pink? That's Austin's official record as per the National Register of Historic Districts, which is consistent with the City of Austin Rezoning in 1976.

"Here's your sign"Bye, bye, fool,

...who sees no truth, hears no truth, or speaks none.

Enjoy your insurance next year ... that you "signed for" this year!!!!!

Oh, yes, I've known where Clarksville IS .. much longer than you ... AND

The City of Austin and the National Historic Register knows also!!!!!

Just click on the link and get an education .. for a change.
LexusLover's Avatar
So the company that built the Obama care web site is the laughing stock of Canada,

The more you read about this Canadian company the worse you feel, they dont seem to ever finish anything.

Jump in there libs, ........... Originally Posted by steamyromance
Remember that Obaminable didn't finish his "community organizer" project either.

By the time this mess is resolved ...

.. he'll be retired on the taxpayers' tit.....with his "bride."
So the company that built the Obama care web site is the laughing stock of Canada, they have sucked up 100s of millions of Canadians moneys for incomplete projects, non working web sites etc.
So OUR Govt picks them to do this multi million dollar deal, it fails and i dont give a rats ass what party you belong to it should piss you off. If it doesnt piss you off somethings bad wrong with ya.
And OUR Govt awarded the contract to them WHY ?

Toni Townes-Whitley, a college classmate of Michelle Obama and a senior executive at besieged Obamacare website contractor CGI Federal, has visited the White House several times for both personal and professional reasons.

Townes-Whitley visited the White House complex on four occasions earlier this year to meet with administration officials in her role as vice president for at CGI Federal, which secured a $678 million no-bid contract to build the Obamacare exchange web portal.

Townes-Whitley, a Princeton University classmate of first lady Michelle Obama, and her husband, John Whitley, who works as an engineer for CBS News, also attended a White House Christmas gathering together in 2010, posing for photos with the president and first lady.

Seems like if your gonna give your buddies no bid contracts at least make sure they can do something right. The more you read about this Canadian company the worse you feel, they dont seem to ever finish anything.
Jump in there libs, tell me how im a dumb ass, how this is all right wing bullshit. How stupid i am. Cant wait. Originally Posted by steamyromance
Every Damn penny of this money better be accounted for...
LexusLover's Avatar
Every Damn penny of this money better be accounted for... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB


It's in Canada ... and Michelle's part too!!!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-01-2013, 07:23 AM

ONLY SIX (that is 6) "signed up" on Day One!

Literally 100's of billions of dollars in the ramp up to the BIG ROLL OUT ...


BY DAY THREE ... (October 3, 2013) ,... 248...

Originally Posted by LexusLover
You haven't played much sports have ya sport.

It is not how ya start it is how ya finish.

Ted Cruz will find that out.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Or any topic, but the Truth!

Now what are the odds that out of the ALLEGED 50 million non-insureds in the USA, our one and only YappyRunt WAS ABLE TO SIGN UP IN THE 2ND WEEK!!!!!!!!

He can't even find Clarksville on a map published by the City of Austin zoning department, which clearly identifies the boundaries of Clarksville, which are clearly defined with "pink," a color that YappyRunt may not enjoy .....!!!

The fool who keeps on giving ....

You still haven't clicked on the link, have you?

To a guy who prefers a hand drawn fictitious realtor's "map" to an official city rezoning map as evidence of his false allegation!

YR, and along with other fantasies and believing advertisements and publicity.....:

You took the bait ... you idiot .... hook, line, and sinker ..... thanks dumbshit!

YR, do you see "West Lynn"? Do you see the pink? That's Austin's official record as per the National Register of Historic Districts, which is consistent with the City of Austin Rezoning in 1976.

"Here's your sign"Bye, bye, fool,

...who sees no truth, hears no truth, or speaks none.

Enjoy your insurance next year ... that you "signed for" this year!!!!!

Oh, yes, I've known where Clarksville IS .. much longer than you ... AND

The City of Austin and the National Historic Register knows also!!!!!

Just click on the link and get an education .. for a change. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Hey LLIdiot...

1) Where did I ever say I was uninsured? Provide that link or STFU. What are the odds out of all of the posters on ECCIE, our little closet queen, LLIdiot, wouldn't be able to distinguish fact from fantasy?

2). You still going on about the location of Clarksville? I showed you numerous links to Clarksville's official websites placing. Nau's Enfield Drug store in the neighborhood.

You're a complete fool, and an award winning asshole. Especially for a government leech.

Oh yeah, LLIduot's stupid big brother.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
So the company that built the Obama care web site is the laughing stock of Canada, they have sucked up 100s of millions of Canadians moneys for incomplete projects, non working web sites etc.
So OUR Govt picks them to do this multi million dollar deal, it fails and i dont give a rats ass what party you belong to it should piss you off. If it doesnt piss you off somethings bad wrong with ya.
And OUR Govt awarded the contract to them WHY ?

Toni Townes-Whitley, a college classmate of Michelle Obama and a senior executive at besieged Obamacare website contractor CGI Federal, has visited the White House several times for both personal and professional reasons.

Townes-Whitley visited the White House complex on four occasions earlier this year to meet with administration officials in her role as vice president for at CGI Federal, which secured a $678 million no-bid contract to build the Obamacare exchange web portal.

Townes-Whitley, a Princeton University classmate of first lady Michelle Obama, and her husband, John Whitley, who works as an engineer for CBS News, also attended a White House Christmas gathering together in 2010, posing for photos with the president and first lady.

Seems like if your gonna give your buddies no bid contracts at least make sure they can do something right. The more you read about this Canadian company the worse you feel, they dont seem to ever finish anything.
Jump in there libs, tell me how im a dumb ass, how this is all right wing bullshit. How stupid i am. Cant wait. Originally Posted by steamyromance
Makes sense to me. I don't mind Barack so much but his wife is a Grade A Cunt that needs to be ______. I can afford some points but I'm not going to say it.
LexusLover's Avatar
Hey LLIdiot...

1) Where did I ever say I was uninsured?

You mean you had insurance and turned it in for Obamacare? And you call me an "idiot" ... fuckin' funny shit right there. No wonder you don't know (or want to know) if Nau's is located in Clarksville.

2). I showed you numerous links to Clarksville's official websites ....

..... placing. Nau's Enfield Drug store in the neighborhood.

ADVERTISEMENTS!!! But like you did your obligation to yourself, your family, and the rest of society, you IGNORED reality and failed to click on the OFFICIAL CITY OF AUSTIN REAL ESTATE ZONING LINK and determine the ACTUAL PERIMETERS of Clarksville to determine THE TRUTH. ... AND YOUR BULL HEADEDNESS kept posting ADS and propaganda .. just like your hero OBAMINABLE ... lying about the TRUTH just so he could win ... just like YOU LIE TO WIN............BUT FAIL IN YOUR LIES.....

. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The fool who keeps on giving ....

You still haven't clicked on the link, have you?

To a guy who prefers a hand drawn fictitious realtor's "map" to an official city rezoning map as evidence of his false allegation!

YR, and along with other fantasies and believing advertisements and publicity.....:

You took the bait ... you idiot .... hook, line, and sinker ..... thanks dumbshit!

YR, do you see "West Lynn"? Do you see the pink? That's Austin's official record as per the National Register of Historic Districts, which is consistent with the City of Austin Rezoning in 1976.

"Here's your sign"Bye, bye, fool,

...who sees no truth, hears no truth, or speaks none.

Enjoy your insurance next year ... that you "signed for" this year!!!!!

Oh, yes, I've known where Clarksville IS .. much longer than you ... AND

The City of Austin and the National Historic Register knows also!!!!!

Just click on the link and get an education .. for a change.
LexusLover's Avatar
Makes sense to me. I don't mind Barack so much but his wife is a Grade A Cunt that needs to be ______. I can afford some points but I'm not going to say it. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap

Who knows, she might run against Hillary!!!!