Jackie our girl Condalisa

herfacechair's Avatar

HFC and his allies have been pounding BOTH, LW and my face into each other's cocks since post #101. Lustylad tried to warn me that I was going to get my face rubbed into my own shit in the most humiliating way, on Luke's cock stained with my shit, after my cock got callused from both, my beating off to my humiliation, and LW's unshaven face force rubbed onto my cock as he gets his own shit onto his face, like I got mine onto my own face. We all know that HFC and his allies are too devoted to their joy of slamming LW and my faces into each other's asses and cocks, but I'm too narcissistic and stupid to listen to LL's or anybody else's advice.

Each time LW and I try to come up for air, we get anallated all over again as HFC et al force LW and I into the BDSM homosexual acts of getting our faces and dicks slammed up each other's assholes!

If any of LW's WKs were immigrants, LW and I would be delighted! I mean, it's very challenging to find a tiny dick in my mouth, but two or more of them might be hard to miss. But it certainly is SATISFYING to watch Luke squirm uncomfortably as he is grilled point by point in a way that his phony persona, and argument, are disintegrated in a way that we can't argue against- Just look at how much I enjoy this humiliation! He's on his knees begging for a cease fire, and a halt to the destruction and humiliation, protesting that veterans and their allies are destroying his claims, like how HFC et al. destroy LW and my face and cocks by ramming our faces into the other's cocks and asses.

Meanwhile, I, MT, am so completely discombobulated I'm letting that monkey, that bangs its cymbals in my head, rip my ass wide open after doing this on the keyboard when he's not banging his cymbals!

Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Wow! thanks you for such compliments on my "monkey" though it's very mean of that monkey to consistently try to take me over, and to succeed most of those attempts! Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Both of you stupid guy fuckers are retarded. If you two were any dumber, you guys would be photosynthesizing! Originally Posted by MT Pockets

Now answer these questions: [/color]

1. Since you replied to me, again, after making the above statement, is your statement, that this is "fodder from the coo coo nest", wrong on the account that you would not have replied unless I had something constructive to say? YES [ ] NO [ ]

2. If you answered "NO" to question 1, then were you wrong, and I was right, regarding what you'd do if my reply "wasn't constructive"? YES [ ] NO [ ]

Copy and paste these two questions, their options, your reply. Put an "X" in the box that represents your reply. Spare me any additional BS that you would want to add regarding the questions and options.

MT Fluffer: What is the issue is why would those such as HFC and AV8 be held in such high esteem when they could be telling a big ass lie just as well.

Because you can't fake first hand military experience maybe? We could look at what other veterans say and tell, from what they relay, that they're veterans. They could do the same regarding me.

And, since you ignored this response to you the last time you attempted to doubt my statements about my own military background:

What are you basing this on? Your opinion doesn't count. However, other liberals tried unsuccessfully to do the same thing that you're doing here, including on this message board:


But, given that you are afraid of looking at references that prove you wrong, here is a link to a post made by someone who met me face-to-face when I was stationed at Fort Riley, KS:


A post, on that same thread, from a real veteran who recognized the fact, just by reading my posts, that I am who I say I am:


The people doubting me on both, this message board as well as the other message board, were liberals, like you. Like them, you couldn't stand the fact that I am in fact in the military, am a veteran, am a war veteran, and the fact that I'm leveraging those experiences to destroy an argument that you and your allies hold.

What I say about myself here is FACT. If you disagree with what I say about myself, then the opinion you hold based on that disagreement is not fact but uneducated opinion, driven by narcissism, emotion, and juvenile behavior.

Do I need to dig up a decade old thread, on Mistress Destiny's Femdom Forums, where liberals also doubted my claims of being in the military, just to have a moderator, who had seen documentations proving my credentials, prove them wrong?

Here's your achievement certificate:


MT Pockets's Avatar

Originally Posted by herfacechair
Since you replied to me, again, after making the above statement, is your statement, that this is "fodder from the coo coo nest", wrong on the account that you would not have replied unless I had something constructive to say? YES [X ] NO [ ]

I will say yes! They are like watching a train wreck and poking a bear at the same time. Every time I respond you come up with more psychobabble

Because you can't fake first hand military experience maybe? We could look at what other veterans say and tell, from what they relay, that they're veterans. They could do the same regarding me.

Actually you are wrong. Because of my job I am in contact with lots of people who have been a part of many things including just about every branch of the service. I could have an expert sitting right beside me and have him answer any question you have and you would think it was me.
Now we both know that even if I did that you would be able to dispute his answers and there would be no crosscheck. So you being the official has no legs Sir.
The rest of your babble is about how you only get called out by liberals and you kicked all their asses on a Fetish Forum or something. You are dealing with people on a forum that are submissive by nature so kicking a few sissy's asses is not all that impressive anyway.
I am not gonna waste my time pointing out those are pretty sad credentials.
It would be like me having a escort confirm I have a giant cock and I am the best lover she ever had.
herfacechair's Avatar
Since you replied to me, again, after making the above statement, is your statement, that this is "fodder from the coo coo nest", wrong on the account that you would not have replied unless I had something constructive to say? YES ]X ] NO [ ] Originally Posted by MT Pockets
MT Cranial Cavity: I will say yes!

I separated your amplifying information in order to make this consistent with the parameters of the question. Look at the above that has been left inside the quote. You admitted to being wrong.

MT Cranial Cavity: They are like watching a train wreck and poking a bear at the same time. Every time I respond you come up with more psychobabble

Again, you answered "yes" to the following question:

Since you replied to me, again, after making the above statement, is your statement, that this is "fodder from the coo coo nest", wrong on the account that you would not have replied unless I had something constructive to say?

Do you see the underlined portion of that question? You wouldn't have replied to me unless I had something constructive to say. Meaning, your statement that "I came up with more psychobabble" is FALSE given that you answered a question that contradicts your statement.

In your effort to pull shit out of your ass about why you replied, after saying that you wouldn't reply unless I have something constructive to say, you turned around and restated the sentence you claimed was wrong. No, you weren't attempting to "poke the bear", and you aren't really seeing this as watching a train wreck.

The reality is that you want me to stop destroying you, and demonstrating to the reader that you don't know WTF you're talking about.

MT Fluffer: Actually you are wrong.

WRONG. My statement, that you dismiss as my "being wrong", quotation marks used strongly, is dead accurate.

MT Cranial Cavity: Because of my job I am in contact with lots of people who have been a part of many things including just about every branch of the service. I could have an expert sitting right beside me and have him answer any question you have and you would think it was me.

Wrong again, don't you get tired of being wrong?

First hand experience beats your assumptions, based on working with others who "might" be veterans, when it comes to identifying another real veteran. Your job, putting you in contact with people who could possibly be in the military, doesn't put you on the same footing as someone like me, or other veterans here, who ACTUALLY are veterans, with first hand military experience.

There's no equivalence. I'm going to tell you the same thing I told another retard on Mistress Destiny's Femdom Forums who claimed to have worked in a hospital, thus "came into contact" with veterans. You, having no real firsthand military experience, aren't going to know if you're dealing with someone who was in the military, or who never was in. You don't have the firsthand experience to make that determination.

Since you couldn't tell the real deal veteran from a phony, you wouldn't be in position to know if someone would be an "expert" that would be able to answer my question. But, go ahead and try to make that "expert" answer. I'd be able to spot a faker. If that person isn't a phony, then you're going to have to keep bothering that person for an answer. That person will eventually get tired of you and stop replying on your behalf.

MT Cranial Cavity: Now we both know that even if I did that you would be able to dispute his answers and there would be no crosscheck.

False. If you had someone answer for you, I'd be able to spot if that person is a phony, or the real deal, based on a series of questions. Having firsthand military experience makes that possible. It doesn't matter if I'm dealing with Luke Wyatt, you, or somebody else.

You have no ability to tell if someone actually has military experience or not. This lack of knowledge cuts you off on the legs before you even begin. Yes, if that person, that you thought was a real deal, were a phony, I'd be able to spot that with his/her attempt to answer for you. If that person is actually a veteran, that person would eventually get tired of you running to him, as I'd ask follow on questions that'd require you to keep begging that person to respond for you.

Also, most veterans, worth their salt, won't participate with you in perpetrating this kind of fraud. The vast majority of us despite fakers; we won't help someone like you put up a phony military persona.

Do continue to tap dance.

MT Cranial Cavity: So you being the official has no legs Sir.

FALSE. My actually being a veteran, to Luke Wyatt and your NOT being veterans, HAS legs, I have a leg to stand on regarding this part of the debate, and I have a better vantage point, and credibility, than you when it comes to making this argument.

You, without military experience, trying to discount my military experience, when it comes to spotting whether someone is the real deal or not, speaks volumes to your lack of integrity, to your desire for control of the situation, your insistence on things going your way, and definitely this speaks volumes to your narcissism.

MT Cranial Cavity: The rest of your babble is about how you only get called out by liberals and you kicked all their asses on a Fetish Forum or something.

Do continue to prove to me that you're either incapable of understanding a post generated with a level of English that a fifth grader could understand, or you're so consumed with narcissism driven emotion, that you're unable to completely understand what you're reading.

The link that you're complaining about is one leading to other liberals falsely assuming that I wasn't in. That's not "calling out". You don't "call out" the real deal. Instead, you attempt to deny who they are.

What I showed you was an effort by others to do the same thing that you're dong now. That link shows a post by someone, who met me, who verified that I am who I stated I was. You refuse to acknowledge that part of the post, as it destroys what you WANT to believe with REALITY.

MT Cranial Cavity: You are dealing with people on a forum that are submissive by nature so kicking a few sissy's asses is not all that impressive anyway. (STRAWMAN)

False. BDSM involves both dominants and submissive. The person that vouched for me was a dominant. The other people, that I was hammering on that site, were dominants and submissives. What you're doing is advancing a strawman argument. Whether they're submissive or dominant isn't the issue. The fact of the matter is that one of the other members met me face to face and saw, for herself, that I was who I said I was. After all, she had to drive onto Fort Riley, KS, to pick me up. That's an infantry base.

MT Cranial Cavity: I am not gonna waste my time pointing out those are pretty sad credentials.

False, what you dismiss as "pretty sad credentials" is actually strong evidence that someone met me and saw that those that were attempting to question me were wrong. You refuse to "waste your time" on something that clearly proves you wrong. The person that vouched for me met me face to face. That gave her more credibility in that part of the fight than those that I was hammering.

MT Cranial Cavity: It would be like me having a escort confirm I have a giant cock and I am the best lover she ever had.

First, I didn't pay Aylee to come see me. I didn't pay her for her time. In fact, she took me out and treated me to a movie and dinner. She took me from Fort Riley, KS, to Lawrence, KS. In order for you to get an escort to verify something about you, you'd first have to pay her. Not the same thing.

Also, I've had a provider, on a local message board, describe people, that fit you and Luke Wyatt's attitudes on forums, as either having small cocks, being impotent, or both.
MT Pockets's Avatar
MT Cranial Cavity: I will say yes!

I separated your amplifying information in order to make this consistent with the parameters of the question. Look at the above that has been left inside the quote. You admitted to being wrong.
Read reply below
MT Cranial Cavity: They are like watching a train wreck and poking a bear at the same time. Every time I respond you come up with more psychobabble
read reply below
Again, you answered "yes" to the following question:
Again read reply below
Since you replied to me, again, after making the above statement, is your statement, that this is "fodder from the coo coo nest", wrong on the account that you would not have replied unless I had something constructive to say?

Do you see the underlined portion of that question? You wouldn't have replied to me unless I had something constructive to say. Meaning, your statement that "I came up with more psychobabble" is FALSE given that you answered a question that contradicts your statement.
And another read reply below
In your effort to pull shit out of your ass about why you replied, after saying that you wouldn't reply unless I have something constructive to say, you turned around and restated the sentence you claimed was wrong. No, you weren't attempting to "poke the bear", and you aren't really seeing this as watching a train wreck.
[B]Finally we get to the last useless comment about me sending a reply to your babble.
I sent a reply because your self absorbed "persona" is amusing.
Me and my "Liberal" friends as you say are having a blast reading your attempts at being witty. I feel like I have won the argument lottery. I have left openings for you to cross exam me and you are so full of yourself you pass right over them. Please keep it up I love the entertainment.

The reality is that you want me to stop destroying you, and demonstrating to the reader that you don't know WTF you're talking about.

I should have added this comment to the other babble about me sending a reply and how it fuels the fire of your obsession fantasy.
MT Fluffer: Actually you are wrong.

WRONG. My statement, that you dismiss as my "being wrong", quotation marks used strongly, is dead accurate.

Wow those quotes marks scare the shit out of me. Help me baby Jesus! I am on fire!

Wrong again, don't you get tired of being wrong?

More weak attempt ar trying to "Gaslight " me. Sorry not really working. You keep repeating yourself. It makes you look like you have been smothered one time too many.

First hand experience beats your assumptions, based on working with others who "might" be veterans, when it comes to identifying another real veteran. Your job, putting you in contact with people who could possibly be in the military, doesn't put you on the same footing as someone like me, or other veterans here, who ACTUALLY are veterans, with first hand military experience.

So If I was to hand over the keyboard to a retired General you would be able to tell it was not me or luke answering the questions. How?

There's no equivalence. I'm going to tell you the same thing I told another retard on Mistress Destiny's Femdom Forums who claimed to have worked in a hospital, thus "came into contact" with veterans. You, having no real firsthand military experience, aren't going to know if you're dealing with someone who was in the military, or who never was in. You don't have the firsthand experience to make that determination.

This is a repeat of your last assertion( see previous reply)

Since you couldn't tell the real deal veteran from a phony, you wouldn't be in position to know if someone would be an "expert" that would be able to answer my question. But, go ahead and try to make that "expert" answer. I'd be able to spot a faker. If that person isn't a phony, then you're going to have to keep bothering that person for an answer. That person will eventually get tired of you and stop replying on your behalf.

Dam! more fodder about you being the expert about every fucking thing. ( See above reply, again!)

MT Cranial Cavity: Now we both know that even if I did that you would be able to dispute his answers and there would be no crosscheck.

False. If you had someone answer for you, I'd be able to spot if that person is a phony, or the real deal, based on a series of questions. Having firsthand military experience makes that possible. It doesn't matter if I'm dealing with Luke Wyatt, you, or somebody else.

You have no ability to tell if someone actually has military experience or not. This lack of knowledge cuts you off on the legs before you even begin. Yes, if that person, that you thought was a real deal, were a phony, I'd be able to spot that with his/her attempt to answer for you. If that person is actually a veteran, that person would eventually get tired of you running to him, as I'd ask follow on questions that'd require you to keep begging that person to respond for you.

I see. you would continue to ask questions till the cows come home. Why of course you would. That way you would never admit they were military. So how many question would one need to answer? 10? 500?
You just gave away the fact you have no character by admitting you would ask a million questions till you had something to denounce them. Fucking Loser!

Also, most veterans, worth their salt, won't participate with you in perpetrating this kind of fraud. The vast majority of us despite fakers; we won't help someone like you put up a phony military persona.

Ahh but you said most not all. Maybe Luke is one of those not worth his salt you speak of. Or maybe you are the fake one.
I will give you this. Most High ranking Vets would not want any part of this forum. But some just might. remember you claim to be a double knot spy of some sort, and admit you have some very NON-Vanilla obsessions too.

Do continue to tap dance.

MT Cranial Cavity: So you being the official has no legs Sir.

FALSE. My actually being a veteran, to Luke Wyatt and your NOT being veterans, HAS legs, I have a leg to stand on regarding this part of the debate, and I have a better vantage point, and credibility, than you when it comes to making this argument.

Who said you are a vet? You?

You, without military experience, trying to discount my military experience, when it comes to spotting whether someone is the real deal or not, speaks volumes to your lack of integrity, to your desire for control of the situation, your insistence on things going your way, and definitely this speaks volumes to your narcissism.

[B]Narcissism? Really? I have not claimed to be anything and you claim to be some kind of Jason Bourne character. I am arguing with fact and logic. You are on bravado and insults.
MT Cranial Cavity: The rest of your babble is about how you only get called out by liberals and you kicked all their asses on a Fetish Forum or something. [/B]

Do continue to prove to me that you're either incapable of understanding a post generated with a level of English that a fifth grader could understand, or you're so consumed with narcissism driven emotion, that you're unable to completely understand what you're reading.

The link that you're complaining about is one leading to other liberals falsely assuming that I wasn't in. That's not "calling out". You don't "call out" the real deal. Instead, you attempt to deny who they are.

What I showed you was an effort by others to do the same thing that you're dong now. That link shows a post by someone, who met me, who verified that I am who I stated I was. You refuse to acknowledge that part of the post, as it destroys what you WANT to believe with REALITY.

WTF? Are you talking to me or is that a script walk through for the next Bourne sequel? Nobody gives a shit about a conversation you had on some other forum. Wake up dude!
MT Cranial Cavity: You are dealing with people on a forum that are submissive by nature so kicking a few sissy's asses is not all that impressive anyway. (STRAWMAN)

False. BDSM involves both dominants and submissive. The person that vouched for me was a dominant. The other people, that I was hammering on that site, were dominants and submissives. What you're doing is advancing a strawman argument. Whether they're submissive or dominant isn't the issue. The fact of the matter is that one of the other members met me face to face and saw, for herself, that I was who I said I was. After all, she had to drive onto Fort Riley, KS, to pick me up. That's an infantry base.
I do not care who you met and where you went. Maybe I could question her for six months till she said fuck it and stopped responding or I could say hey man I know that area and you are lying.
MT Cranial Cavity: I am not gonna waste my time pointing out those are pretty sad credentials.

False, what you dismiss as "pretty sad credentials" is actually strong evidence that someone met me and saw that those that were attempting to question me were wrong. You refuse to "waste your time" on something that clearly proves you wrong. The person that vouched for me met me face to face. That gave her more credibility in that part of the fight than those that I was hammering.
Still caterwauling about some chick that met you? Give it a rest.
MT Cranial Cavity: It would be like me having a escort confirm I have a giant cock and I am the best lover she ever had.

First, I didn't pay Aylee to come see me. I didn't pay her for her time. In fact, she took me out and treated me to a movie and dinner. She took me from Fort Riley, KS, to Lawrence, KS. In order for you to get an escort to verify something about you, you'd first have to pay her. Not the same thing.

Also, I've had a provider, on a local message board, describe people, that fit you and Luke Wyatt's attitudes on forums, as either having small cocks, being impotent, or both.
Originally Posted by herfacechair
You have no concept of logic. If I could get a Escort to tell a lie for me I could get her to lie about me paying her also. Just as you could. You are a ridiculous man.
Your escort friend is telling you that she can tell a mans size by his political views? She is an amazing person then. Can she tell you what "size" man likes to have his face sat on? I bet most are overweight and impotent or have a complex stemming from a traumatic sexual event in their past.
You have no concept of logic. If I could get a Escort to tell a lie for me I could get her to lie about me paying her also. Just as you could. You are a ridiculous man.
Your escort friend is telling you that she can tell a mans size by his political views? She is an amazing person then. Can she tell you what "size" man likes to have his face sat on? I bet most are overweight and impotent or have a complex stemming from a traumatic sexual event in their past.
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
LMFAO you nailed it- based on HFC fetish for ladies sitting on his face he's either have ED or a small penis.
Since you replied to me, again, after making the above statement, is your statement, that this is "fodder from the coo coo nest", wrong on the account that you would not have replied unless I had something constructive to say? YES [X ] NO [ ]

I will say yes! They are like watching a train wreck and poking a bear at the same time. Every time I respond you come up with more psychobabble

Because you can't fake first hand military experience maybe? We could look at what other veterans say and tell, from what they relay, that they're veterans. They could do the same regarding me.

Actually you are wrong. Because of my job I am in contact with lots of people who have been a part of many things including just about every branch of the service. I could have an expert sitting right beside me and have him answer any question you have and you would think it was me.
Now we both know that even if I did that you would be able to dispute his answers and there would be no crosscheck. So you being the official has no legs Sir.
The rest of your babble is about how you only get called out by liberals and you kicked all their asses on a Fetish Forum or something. You are dealing with people on a forum that are submissive by nature so kicking a few sissy's asses is not all that impressive anyway.
I am not gonna waste my time pointing out those are pretty sad credentials.
It would be like me having a escort confirm I have a giant cock and I am the best lover she ever had.
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
" It would be like me having a (sic) escort confirm that I have a giant cock and that I am the best lover she ever had. " So THAT'S why YOU WK for seArgent shitburner, huh MT Fluffer ! He willingly LIES to YOU when YOU are packing his fudge !
MT Pockets's Avatar
LMFAO you nailed it- based on HFC fetish for ladies sitting on his face he's either have ED or a small penis. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Me thinks he is really Temple Grandin's Offspring LOL!

MT Pockets's Avatar
" It would be like me having a (sic) escort confirm that I have a giant cock and that I am the best lover she ever had. " So THAT'S why YOU WK for seArgent shitburner, huh MT Fluffer ! He willingly LIES to YOU when YOU are packing his fudge ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I think I saw you buying this at HEB yesterday. Was it good? I bet your ass smells like Bologna today. Did you have an English major Ram in you or something?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I think I saw you buying this at HEB yesterday. Was it good? I bet your ass smells like Bologna today. Did you have an English major Ram in you or something?

Originally Posted by MT Pockets

nice to see you found a replacement for your missing pickle. but will your pickle be jealous when it comes home to find you fondling bologna??
herfacechair's Avatar
The fact that you would have to include your reply in a quote of my reply speaks volumes to the fact that I destroyed you. That's equivalent to the losing boxer attempting to hang onto the winning boxer in order to prevent himself from falling into the knock out position...

MT Sock Puppet: Read reply below

As much as I have been destroying your argument, point by point, that should be a given. I would have to read your reply in order to thoroughly dismantle your argument.

MT Sock Puppet: Finally we get to the last useless comment about me sending a reply to your babble.

Take it away MT Pockets:

"And until you have something constructive to say, bye Felicia!" -- MT Pockets

What part, of your own comment, did you not understand? You mentioned, earlier in this thread, that unless I had something constructive to say, "bye". However, there you are claiming that are presented "useless babble". If the fact-based, reason, logical argument that I'm using to destroy your arguments is "useless babble", then your comment, about your not responding unless I have something constructive to say, was nothing but you not knowing WTF you're talking about.

MT Sock Puppet: I sent a reply because your self absorbed "persona" is amusing.

False. You sent a reply because you are narcissistic, and are not used to someone, like me, consistently hammering you, and destroying your argument, like what I am doing here. The fact that you would dismiss my post as "useless babble" is nothing but you setting up stress shields to protect your narcissistic/sensitive self from seeing the reality that you got destroyed in debate.

It's much easier for you to dismiss the facts, destroying you, and showing you that you do not know what you're talking about, as "useless babble", just like a juvenile dismissing their parents was done because it rubs their ego wrong.

No, you are not amused. You are actually frustrated and upset that I keep coming back to destroy you instead of doing what you want me to do. You would much rather I leave your BS unchallenged, but I keep coming back to rub your face in it.

You do realize, that I look forward to seeing your meltdowns, do you? I've lost count of how many times I have laughed my ass off anticipating your reaction to reading my post, and anticipating your emotional/narcissistic driven response.

MT Sock Puppet: Me and my "Liberal" friends as you say are having a blast reading your attempts at being witty.

Wrong. Your liberal friends and you, yes, no quotation marks there, are not having a blast reading my posts. Also, these aren't "attempts". As I mentioned earlier in this thread, there is a purpose behind every word, sentence, and anything else I say in a post. What I put down, in my post, is based on what I know of the psychological profile of those that I am debating with. Both you and Private Luke_Wyatt, the phony retired SGM, are reacting exactly the way I intend you guys to react. You guys, like most other liberals that I have done this too, have reacted wonderfully in terms of doing exactly what I am causing you guys to do with my replies. It's like getting a puppy to chase after its own tail.

MT Sock Puppet: I feel like I have won the argument lottery.

Baghdad Bob? Is that you?

No, like most anything else that you have mentioned here, that is a lie. The balance of what you say is simply wrong. After losing the argument that we engaged in initially, you consistently shifted to a new topic, just to have me destroy you there. You attempted different ploys, ploys that I have seen liberals pull since debating them starting 13 years ago, and each time those ploys failed. Now, you are left with pulling crap out of your butt.

Any critical thinking person, reading your replies, would see that I got you good, your meltdowns and these replies are becoming more obvious.

MT Sock Puppet: I have left openings for you to cross exam me and you are so full of yourself you pass right over them (SOCK PUPPET ALERT)

Actually, when you talk about "cross-examination" based on your claims of having access to people who served in the military, due to your line of work, I stepped back and let you release more rope for me to hang you with.

The only person, on this thread, that I have provided questions to for the purposes of discussion and additional questions is Phony SGM Luke_Wyatt. Yet, you are showing too much emotion, too much energy, and arguing against such questioning, and even offering a phony attempt for me to ask you questions.

On the other side of the coin, Phony SGM Luke_Wyatt is on the other thread insisting that his betters answer his questions with a "yes" or a "no." These are questions that I insist you answer. Let's break this down. I slam you with "yes" or a "no" question. I slam Phony SGM Luke_Wyatt with a series of questions intended to open up both discussions and further questioning.

But, what ends up happening?

Phony SGM Luke_Wyatt focuses on asking "yes/no" questions and you focus on "cross-examination", which is more applicable to the questions that I asked Phony SGM Luke_Wyatt.

Both of you guys are sensitive, and have extremely thin skin. Yes, do keep on replying. I wish I could see the reaction on your face when you are reading my replies. That would probably be funnier than what I could imagine.

MT Sock Puppet: . Please keep it up I love the entertainment

the only side of the argument, that is enjoying this entertainment, is my side of the argument. I could see it in the replies of lustylad, ReyLengua, Gary, and others. I don't see that with either Phony SGM Luke_Wyatt or you. Both of you guys are showing too much sensitivity, and emotion, the kind of sensitivity and emotion they get you guys to lash out via copycat methods rather than originality.

You guys are doing the equivalent of a kid saying, "I'm not stupid, you're stupid". Your lack of originality proves that you're not being entertained, and that you do not see this as entertainment. It just proves that you are reacting emotionally, driven by narcissism.

MT Sock Puppet: I should have added this comment to the other babble about me sending a reply and how it fuels the fire of your obsession fantasy.

Again, your own words:

"And until you have something constructive to say, bye Felicia!" -- MT Pockets

If you were telling the truth, then your replies would mean that I said something constructive. However, you are replying and insisting that I am providing "babble". If this is the case, then you lied about "coming back if I had something constructive to say". But again, you've proven to either not know where you are talking about or straight up lying.

You are consistently contradicting yourself, not just because you cannot get your life straight. This is just proof that you are emotionally driven to reply, because your narcissism refuses to let you see that you have been thoroughly destroyed in this debate. Replying gives you a false sense of "victory" as well as a false sense of control.

No, you're not here to "fuel the fire" of my obsession. Your allies and you are simply fighting for something that you will not achieve. As I mentioned earlier:

Again, since you're too retarded to figure this out, and to see the relationship between our replies and counter replies, let me break this down to you.

Let "X" be your replies to me.

Let "Y" be my rebuttals to you.

Now, are you ready for this? What's happening, between us, is this:

If "X", then "Y".

You control "X", I control "Y". You advance "X", I respond with "Y". Like I said before, I'm going to keep hammering you, "ad infinitum". The only way that "Y" will stop is if "X" isn't advanced.

Your statement above is an attempt to get me off your back, and you're frustrated that it's not working.

THAT'S what's happening.

MT Sock Puppet: Wow those quotes marks scare the shit out of me.

You claimed that I was "wrong". Mentioning the quotation mark strength was my pointing out to you how wrong your claims were that I was "wrong". You're the one that has been wrong, and I have proven myself right.

MT Sock Puppet: Help me baby Jesus!

Nobody, but you, could help yourself. You could actually start by knowing what you are talking about. I have yet to see you demonstrate that you know what you are talking about. Your comments here are narcissism driven emotion-based uneducated opinions.

MT Sock Puppet: I am on fire!

That's one of the side effects of being carpet bombed in this exchange, you're starting to come around to waking up.

MT Sock Puppet: More weak attempt

The only thing that I see, that's weak, is your reading comprehension ability. You consistently demonstrate that you have problems reading something that a fifth grader could understand. Don't try to get into a reading comprehension contest with a fifth grader, that fifth grader would destroy you in a one-sided competition.

It would help if you read my posts with a cool, calm, and collected mind. In order to do that, you have to quit being sensitive, you have to grow a thicker skin, and to accept the fact that you simply don't know what you're talking about.

MT Sock Puppet: ar trying to "Gaslight " me.

The only gas lighting going on is what both Phony Retired SGM Luke_Wyatt, and you, are doing. Your responses to me, and to your other betters, is nothing but lies, bullshit, and you not knowing what you're talking about. Yet, you expect the opposition to believe what you're saying. You're consistently wrong, and you don't seem to get tired of lying, or proving to us that you don't know what you're talking about. Hence, my question asking you if you ever got tired of being wrong.

MT Sock Puppet: Sorry not really working.

Don't mistake your narcissistic level of denial as something that I'm doing as "not working". Anybody could deny whether someone said something legitimate, or whether their tactics is working or not. That doesn't change the fact that what they dismiss as "not really working" is actually working. You've reacted exactly the way I intended for you to react.

MT Sock Puppet: You keep repeating yourself. (REPEAT POINT)

What I say in my replies to you hinges on what you say. Notice that I take your arguments apart point by point. What I say depends on what you farted. Meaning, if you feel like I'm repeating myself, it's because YOU'RE repeating yourself. If you feel that my responses are "reworded" but repeated, guess what? It's because you repeated something and reworded it.

This bothers you, doesn't it? My doing that denies you even a false sense of victory. You're attempting to slide your BS into the equation without it getting stomped and splattered onto your face. I've lost count of how many times other liberals have advanced this same complaint, without recognizing the fact that they're repeating themselves.

Don't want to see a "repeat" of what I said before? Quit repeating yourself. We both know that I got you so good that you're engaging in the copycat maneuver

MT Sock Puppet: It makes you look like you have been smothered one time too many.

No, it's me making sure that you continuously get proven wrong. Also, you shouldn't attempt to use that in an attempt to "slam" when you consistently get your face smothered in your own shit, ahem, the disaster that you call, "your argument".

MT Sock Puppet: So If I was to hand over the keyboard to a retired General you would be able to tell it was not me or luke answering the questions. How?

A real retired general wouldn't post under your username, and would refuse to respond for you in an attempt to portray you as someone in the military. However, what if one did? A real general would've had to go through more advanced/formal schooling than what he/she had to go through via the Academy or college. Meaning, he/she would have a war college equivalent tour.

Which means that the amount of reading, and writing, that they had to do would put them in position to easily understand what I'm saying, and put them in position to where they wouldn't dismiss my logic here the way you're attempting to ignore it.

Starting to see where I'm getting with this?

As soon as that "retired general" jumps on, the language and tone of the post would CHANGE. I've seen writing done by general and flag officers. There's a LARGE difference in tone, logic, etc., between what I've seen with their writing, and with what I've seen from either Luke or You.

Second, where Phony Retired SGM Luke_Wyatt runs like a coward from my questions, a real retired general would easily respond to my questions... using a tone I know for a fact would be different from what you're using. The fact that it took long to finally answer those questions would be obvious.

MT Sock Puppet: This is a repeat of your last assertion( see previous reply) (REPEAT POINT)

What I say in my replies to you hinges on what you say. Notice that I take your arguments apart point by point. What I say depends on what you farted. Meaning, if you feel like I'm repeating myself, it's because YOU'RE repeating yourself. If you feel that my responses are "reworded" but repeated, guess what? It's because you repeated something and reworded it.

This bothers you, doesn't it? My doing that denies you even a false sense of victory. You're attempting to slide your BS into the equation without it getting stomped and splattered onto your face. I've lost count of how many times other liberals have advanced this same complaint, without recognizing the fact that they're repeating themselves.

Don't want to see a "repeat" of what I said before? Quit repeating yourself. We both know that I got you so good that you're engaging in the copycat maneuver

MT Sock Puppet: Dam! more fodder about you being the expert about every fucking thing.

Where, in any of my posts, do I claim to be an expert at everything? Where?

However, I won't enter an argument with someone unless it's clear that they're wrong, and unless I have expertise based on firsthand knowledge, researched knowledge, or both.

What I said remains fact, it takes firsthand military experience to recognize first hand military experience. This is why I could ask my questions to a real veteran, and get real veteran responses; and ask these same questions to a phony like Luke_Wyatt, and get NO response. Luke doesn't respond because he knows that he's lying about his military experience.

All your, "getting someone from the military to respond for me" is BS. The fact of the matter is that neither you nor Phony Retired SGM Luke_Wyatt can answer my questions. If he were a veteran, or had served in the capacity he claims, he wouldn't' have problems answering my questions. If you were a veteran, you wouldn't have a problem answering for him. Yet, neither one of you could answer those questions.

Even if you were to get a "retired general" to reply for you, the delay in response would prove that you were waiting to "cheat". If either of you were what Luke claims himself to be, you guys wouldn't keep tap dancing around the questions I've been asking that phony, aka your butt pounding buddy Luke_Wyatt, the phony retired SGM.

MT Sock Puppet: ( See above reply, again!)

See above rebuttal to your reply, again!

MT Sock Puppet: I see. you would continue to ask questions till the cows come home. Why of course you would.

You're getting close. I will continue to ask those questions for as long as the one that I'm asking those questions, and his/her allies, keep replying. So, how long I keep asking those questions depends on how long you guys keep replying... or until the opposition answers the questions I ask of them. Whichever comes first.

MT Sock Puppet: That way you would never admit they were military.

I can't "not admit" to anything that wasn't the case. Your statement implies that the fakers, that I send my military related questions to, are who they claim to be. The longer the opposition refuses to answer my questions, whether that's examining the validity of their military claims, or forcing them to see that they don't have an argument, the longer the opposition shows that they're wrong and they know it. The fact that you're expanding a lot of energy complaining about my persistence with these questions speaks volumes to the fact that this bothers you.

MT Sock Puppet: So how many question would one need to answer? 10? 500?

If you're referring to the questions I'm asking Luke_Wyatt, the phony retired SGM, just enough for me to determine if they are who they claim to be or not. If he were what he claimed to be, he wouldn't have problems answering my questions. It wouldn't matter if they were 14 or 14,000, he'd be able to answer the questions. He'd be able to engage in the conversation that follows, you know, like what usually happens when two veterans engage in conversation.

In fact, I've engaged in conversation with real veterans on his board regarding their military backgrounds. They had no problems answering my military related questions, or engaging in the conversation that followed as a result of those questions.

None of them bitched, whined, moaned, or groaned about the fact that I had asked them questions. They willingly answered. Not the reaction that I got from Luke_Wyatt, the phony retired SGM.

MT Sock Puppet: You just gave away the fact you have no character by admitting you would ask a million questions till you had something to denounce them.

The only person, between the two of us, that has no character is you. Where, in any of my posts, do I claim that I would ask a million questions until "I had something" to denounce them? If you are capable of understanding reading that a fifth grader would be able to understand, you'd realize that my questioning has everything to do with using the firsthand experience to firsthand experience test, and nothing to do with "trying to find something to denounce".

For someone not subject to my 14 questions, you sure as hell are getting real defensive over the fact that I'm asking these questions. You're definitely getting wrapped around the axel over the fact that I keep asking Luke_Wyatt these questions. Luke_Wyatt? Is this you? Are you sharing this profile with Baghdad Bob?

Maybe you are sharing your account with Luke_Wyatt.

MT Sock Puppet: Fucking Loser!

Says the guy that's getting destroyed on this thread, and elsewhere.

MT Sock Puppet: Ahh but you said most not all.

You're pulling strings in desperation. Given the percentage of the population that has served, and given the even smaller percentage of people who have reached general/flag rank, the chances that you'd find a "retired general" to jump on your profile to answer the 14 questions I've asked Luke_Wyatt, phony retired SGM, are none.

MT Sock Puppet: Maybe Luke is one of those not worth his salt you speak of.

Wrong. Luke_Wyatt, phony retired SGM, is NOT who he claims to be. If he were one, he'd easily be able to answer the 14 questions that you're getting hyper sensitive about. Maybe he did serve, but not in the Army. He's too sensitive, and thin skinned, to be a retired SGM. There's no way in hell that he'd get that far without the ability to take constructive feedback, or the consequences of his actions, like the infraction points that he's bitching about.

MT Sock Puppet: Or maybe you are the fake one.(REPEAT POINT)

What are you basing this on? Your opinion doesn't count. However, other liberals tried unsuccessfully to do the same thing that you're doing here, including on this message board:


But, given that you are afraid of looking at references that prove you wrong, here is a link to a post made by someone who met me face-to-face when I was stationed at Fort Riley, KS:


A post, on that same thread, from a real veteran who recognized the fact, just by reading my posts, that I am who I say I am:


The people doubting me on both, this message board as well as the other message board, were liberals, like you. Like them, you couldn't stand the fact that I am in fact in the military, am a veteran, am a war veteran, and the fact that I'm leveraging those experiences to destroy an argument that you and your allies hold.

What I say about myself here is FACT. If you disagree with what I say about myself, then the opinion you hold based on that disagreement is not fact but uneducated opinion, driven by narcissism, emotion, and juvenile behavior.

Do I need to dig up a decade old thread, on Mistress Destiny's Femdom Forums, where liberals also doubted my claims of being in the military, just to have a moderator, who had seen documentations proving my credentials, prove them wrong?

MT Sock Puppet: I will give you this. Most High ranking Vets would not want any part of this forum. But some just might.

Actually, unless they're retired, veterans no longer hold rank in the military. Retired veterans do, of which Luke_Wyatt insn't. You can't base your strategy on the "some just might" when it comes to finding a "retired general" answering for you.

MT Sock Puppet: remember you claim to be a double knot spy of some sort,

Where, in any of my posts, do I state that I'm a double knot spy of some sort? Quote me word for word, and link to my actual post, where I "claim" to be a "double knot spy".

What I have admitted to is the fact that I'm a veteran that could smell the bullshit from Luke_Wyatt's, phony retired SGM, veteran claims.

MT Sock Puppet: and admit you have some very NON-Vanilla obsessions too.

Just as you have a fetish for public humiliation, I have a fetish for facesitting. That's irrelevant to the argument as to whether your fellow Dutch Rudder Gang member is who he claims to be or not.

MT Sock Puppet: Who said you are a vet? You?

Don't be afraid, nobody is looking:


"I am making an appearance to say that I have met HFC, he is human, and he is in the military. Infantry and all." -- Aylee

MT Sock Puppet: Narcissism? Really? I have not claimed to be anything and you claim to be some kind of Jason Bourne character.

Yes, narcissism, because you dismissed my firsthand experience, something that you don't possess. If you weren't arrogant/narcissist, you'd accept the fact that my firsthand experience, when it comes to determining the validity of someone's military claims based on their responses to my questions, and willingness to engage in conversation that veterans would engage in, as my having credibility in this part of the argument where you lack it.

However, instead of accepting that fact, you try to create equivalence between my experience and your lack of it where there isn't any. That's as idiotic as attempting to dismiss the statements of a nuclear physicist in an argument that the losing side of the debate is losing mainly due to their lack of experience regarding nuclear physics.

MT Sock Puppet: I am arguing with fact and logic.

Don't confuse narcissism, and emotion, driven opinion as "fact and logic" simply because it sooths your ego. No, you're not arguing with fact and logic. If you argued with fact and logic, you'd actually be arguing on my side of the argument, not the side of the argument you're on right now.

MT Sock Puppet: You are on bravado and insults.

Don't dismiss my describing you as you come across to me as "Bravado and insults". Just like Luke_Wyatt, you're thin skinned and sensitive, and take constructive feedback as an attack/insult. You are chock full of insults, as that's all you have to fight with given that you've consistently gotten destroyed in whatever argument you attempted to engage in on this thread.

MT Sock Puppet: WTF? Are you talking to me or is that a script walk through for the next Bourne sequel?

Yes, I'm talking to you. If you have problems understanding something that a fifth grader could understand, hire an interpreter to translate what I said into retard terms so that you could understand what I said.

MT Sock Puppet: Nobody gives a shit about a conversation you had on some other forum. Wake up dude!

You attempted to call into question my factual statement that I'm a veteran. Every time you do that, I'm going to bring that conversation up to prove you wrong. You're pulling shit out of your ass, about "nobody giving a shit" about that conversation, because the fact that conversation took place speaks volumes to the fact that I am who I say I am, regardless of how much you want me to be someone other than who I identify myself to be. The fact that you don't see this proves that you're the one that needs to wake up. Don't want to see proof that this conversation happened? Then accept the facts that I'm giving you and quit repeating the falsehood that I'm "not" a veteran.

Everything that you responded to, with that statement, has something to do with the comment that you made that I'm rebutting.
Let that sink in.

MT Sock Puppet: I do not care who you met and where you went.

You don't care about that for the simple fact that the person I met, and the conversation we had, proves wrong your attempts to paint me as someone other than a veteran. You don't really care about any information that proves you colossally wrong. Guess what? I don't care what you think in this matter, I will constantly smack you around with that link, and comment, every time you attempt to question the fact that I'm a veteran. Get used to it.

MT Sock Puppet: Maybe I could question her for six months till she

Irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that she saw me while I was stationed in Fort Riley, KS. She picked me up in the barracks. It's a fact that I'm a veteran. However, its questionable whether Luke_Wyatt, phony retired SGM, is who he claims to be.

MT Sock Puppet: said fuck it and stopped responding

That's one of two ways you could stop the questioning... stop responding. If you respond without answering the question, I'll ask the question/questions again in my response until you either stop replying, or you answer the question/questions.

The other way is to actually answer the questions. Got it Luke?

MT Sock Puppet: or I could say hey man I know that area and you are lying.

Which would be, in your case, an uneducated opinion, a narcissistic driven line of BS. You've yet to prove that I'm "lying" or doing anything other than what I've stated I'm doing... destroying your arguments with facts, reason, and logic.

MT Sock Puppet: Still caterwauling about some chick that met you?

Because you still insist in advancing the uneducated, ignorant, opinion that I'm not who I identify myself as. Every time you do that, I'm going to prove you wrong by mentioning this encounter.

MT Sock Puppet: Give it a rest.

That hinges on what you do. If you want me to stop smacking you in the head with the fact that someone met me, saw that I was who I said I was, then accept the fact that I am who I say I am, and accept the fact that I'm giving you a fact based, logical, reasoned argument. Until then, I'm going to keep hammering you. See above "If 'X' then 'Y'" explanation above. The only way that you could stop "Y" is to stop "X". Otherwise, I will always advance "Y" every time you advance "X." That's how I do business when it comes to these debates. Get used to it.

MT Sock Puppet: You have no concept of logic.

Again, don't dismiss narcissistic driven emotion as "logic". What you want to be "reality", "fact", "truth", etc., are things that massage your ego. The fact that I could maintain a consistent argument, destroying your argument in a way that's getting you to meltdown worse than you melted down in your previous replies is proof that I have a powerful concept of logic.

MT Sock Puppet: If I could get a Escort to tell a lie for me I could get her to lie about me paying her also. Just as you could. (INDUCTIVE FALLACY: STRAWMAN)

This is irrelevant to the argument being waged on this thread. We're not arguing about whether escorts will lie about something or not. However, since you're on the topic, guess who else talked about escorts lying:

"Do you realize this is a hooker site full of lies and deceit?" -- Luke_Wyatt

"Let me ask you this question you probably fall for it all the time when a hooker calls you and tells you how much she's been thinking of you and missed you ? Or when a hooker tells you that you were the best Fuck she's ever had in her life?" -- Luke_Wyatt

Both of you make the "lies and hookers" statements while in a state of desperation. Luke? Is that you posting for MT Cranial Cavity?

MT Sock Puppet: You are a ridiculous man.

Take it away MT Pocket:

"You are on bravado and insults." -- MT Pockets

Thanks. You're turning out to be an additional ally when it comes to hammering your arguments. Rebutting you with your own words is like beating a man up with his own prosthetic limb.

We both know that there's only one ridiculous man in this exchange, and it's you.

MT Sock Puppet: Your escort friend is telling you that she can tell a mans size by his political views?

What I actually said:

Also, I've had a provider, on a local message board, describe people, that fit you and Luke Wyatt's
attitudes on forums, as either having small cocks, being impotent, or both. -- herfacechair

Keyword: attitude

What part of "attitude" did you not understand? Are you that retarded that you can't tell the difference between "attitude" and "political views"? Or, is this a case where I struck a nerve, like I usually do, and you did exactly what I wanted you to do by pushing your button?

But yes, there was a character that jumped on that message board, and acted exactly the way both Luke Wyatt and you acted on this thread. Based on her experiences with clients that behaved that way, they tended to have small dicks, were impotent, or both. You guys attempt to compensate for that with your narcissistic driven attitudes on message boards like this.

MT Sock Puppet: She is an amazing person then.

She definitely is. She's one of the providers that I reviewed here a few years ago.

MT Sock Puppet: Can she tell you what "size" man likes to have his face sat on? I bet most are overweight and impotent or have a complex stemming from a traumatic sexual event in their past.

Well, MT Cranial Cavity, why don't you come over here and let me tell you about this neat thing called "Google". Enter "facesitting" in the search engine, you'll get videos and pictures. Go ahead, try it, you'll get plenty of results.

If you're implying that you're describing me, then perhaps you could ask our "retired SGM", aka your butt buddy Luke Wyatt, what it means to NOT need to be tapped during the APFT.

Just think of how much you enjoy being humiliated on these threads, it's what people call a "fetish". You have a fetish for the humiliation you get from getting destroyed in a way your arrogance can't handle.

Just like how I enjoy living up to my username. This fetish is what allowed me to gift the Mustang Ranch woman less than $ back in 1990 when the common rate, back then, was $$.5 to $$$$$, or the fact that I only gifted the Mustang Ranch 2.0 woman $$ where the common rate runs from $$$$$ to $$$$$$$$$$. This has nothing to do with any kind of complex similar to what you experienced in the past.

Both you and Luke are attempting to make up, for your real-life shortages in character and physical traits, by your narcissistic driven attitudes here.
herfacechair's Avatar
You stay away from this thread for a long time... Until I say something to MT Pockets that got you to the core that you HAD to come back. BWAAAAHAAAAAHAAAAA!

LMFAO you nailed it- based on HFC fetish for ladies sitting on his face he's either have ED or a small penis. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
I've been partying with a young woman (ATF) every week, to include CG. Naturally, SOMF is included in the party. My dick gets hard even without simulation, all I have to do is think about my ATF subjecting me to SOMF. I've even woken up in the morning to my dick being hard and erect. My dick is the right size for these women, I don't need to suck my gut in to either see my dick or pubic hairs.

Hint: This has something to do with the fact that I don't need to be taped during the APFT. If you were in, you probably busted tape constantly.

But, do know this. In addition to you fitting the description, attitude wise, that this provider mentioned regarding clients with either small dicks, impotence, or both, your claimed weight is another risk factor to ED. I struck a nerve with you with my reply to MT Brain Bucket, didn't I?

I'm also seeing a pattern to where you're getting offended by the things that I've said to MT Pockets, and MT Pockets is getting offended by the questions I keep asking you. Is there a connection? Hmmmm

Again, answer these questions:

1. What was your MOS while you were in the Army?

2. Where did you go to Basic Combat Training/One Station Unit Training at?

3. Where did you go to Advanced Individual Training?

4. From what year to what year did you serve?

5. How long did it take you to get from one rank to the next one, starting from when you were an E-1? For example, E-1 to E2; E2 to E3;

6. What positions did you hold when you "were" a Sergeant? When you "were" a Staff Sergeant? When you "were" a Sergeant First Class? When you "were" a Master Sergeant? When you "were" a Sergeant Major? [This is a multi-part question; each part must be answered.]

7. You claimed combat deployments, where did you combat deploy, and what years?

8. What was your duty position when you combat deployed?

9. What's "REDCON1", without researching it, and when would you say it? Give an example of when you used it.

10. Where did you accumulate your points from?

11. What's a typical day in garrison like?

12. What's a typical day in the field like?

13. What's a typical day like when you go out to the field?

14. From the time you get information that you're about to go on a mission, till the time you go on a mission, what are the general things that happen?

Know that I'll respond to you, and that when I do, I'll include these questions in one of my responses to you per salvo. I hope the others keep quoting these questions in their replies to you as well.
You stay away from this thread for a long time... Until I say something to MT Pockets that got you to the core that you HAD to come back. BWAAAAHAAAAAHAAAAA!

I've been partying with a young woman (ATF) every week, to include CG. Naturally, SOMF is included in the party. My dick gets hard even without simulation, all I have to do is think about my ATF subjecting me to SOMF. I've even woken up in the morning to my dick being hard and erect. My dick is the right size for these women, I don't need to suck my gut in to either see my dick or pubic hairs.

Hint: This has something to do with the fact that I don't need to be taped during the APFT. If you were in, you probably busted tape constantly.

But, do know this. In addition to you fitting the description, attitude wise, that this provider mentioned regarding clients with either small dicks, impotence, or both, your claimed weight is another risk factor to ED. I struck a nerve with you with my reply to MT Brain Bucket, didn't I?

I'm also seeing a pattern to where you're getting offended by the things that I've said to MT Pockets, and MT Pockets is getting offended by the questions I keep asking you. Is there a connection? Hmmmm

Again, answer these questions:

1. What was your MOS while you were in the Army?
None of your damn business
2. Where did you go to Basic Combat Training/One Station Unit Training at?
Why do you care ?
3. Where did you go to Advanced Individual Training?
Where did you do yours
4. From what year to what year did you serve?
When did you serve from what year to what year
5. How long did it take you to get from one rank to the next one, starting from when you were an E-1? For example, E-1 to E2; E2 to E3;
None of your damn business
6. What positions did you hold when you "were" a Sergeant? When you "were" a Staff Sergeant? When you "were" a Sergeant First Class? When you "were" a Master Sergeant? When you "were" a Sergeant Major? [This is a multi-part question; each part must be answered.]
Am I under oathe or we having a court proceeding
7. You claimed combat deployments, where did you combat deploy, and what years?
Am I under oathe on a whore board ?
8. What was your duty position when you combat deployed?
Fucking your mother
9. What's "REDCON1", without researching it, and when would you say it? Give an example of when you used it.
Stupid question
10. Where did you accumulate your points from?
Am I under oathe
11. What's a typical day in garrison like?
Go find out
12. What's a typical day in the field like?
Am I under oathe
13. What's a typical day like when you go out to the field?
Do you really think any vet would answer these question SB
14. From the time you get information that you're about to go on a mission, till the time you go on a mission, what are the general things that happen?

See my above comments
Know that I'll respond to you, and that when I do, I'll include these questions in one of my responses to you per salvo. I hope the others keep quoting these questions in their replies to you as well. Originally Posted by herfacechair
Do you know how silly and redundant you sound ? A 18 year old could research and answer every one of those questions and never served a day. It would prove nothing to answer your questions. Someone could lie and say they been to Italy and I could ask them 14 questions and they could research it and provide me what the correct answers - I think one too many ladies have sat on your face
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-26-2017, 04:23 AM
Me thinks he is really Temple Grandin's Offspring LOL!

Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Please don't compare Dr. Temple Grandin to that piece of shit. She has actually done something positive for man kind.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Glad to see our political debate continues to keep pace with the brilliance of the Turd Reich.

I'd expect no less from you Idiot Jihadists.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Please don't compare Dr. Temple Grandin to that piece of shit. She has actually done something positive for man kind. Originally Posted by R.M.
You are absolutely right RM Temple was an amazing woman. I should be ashamed.
Maybe he was some of the cattle she helped not be so anxious.