Odds on Trump's Impeachment

I am not a fan of Trump but support him 100% on the Wall, mass exportation of immigrants, etc. Please Trump, take your job seriously and do everything you can to help "make America great again". We desperately need you. Originally Posted by camero73

Amen....and amen.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I'm not sure what they are trying to do. I think they are stuck on the individual mandate. The mandate is a tax, which is constitutional. They can't or don't want to cut other budget items to make up the difference. Conservatives don want to raise taxes but if they cannot figure out what else they can cut, not sure they will be successful.

They are decreasing coverage and increasing costs. The exact opposite of what Trump promised!!

Who else is tired of winning already? ??

Jeepers Originally Posted by grean
It's been clear for fifteen or twenty years that they have no plan. Anyone with a lick of sense knew that more coverage at lower cost was a lie from Republicans. The only ways to accomplish those goals all involve more government to correct market failures unique to health care finance.
So both FBI director and NSA director said Trump is full of it, yesterday.

There is an open investigation into Trumps campaign. Originally Posted by grean
24 Repubes aren't on the Trumpcare bandwagon. Originally Posted by Prolongus
They are decreasing coverage and increasing costs. The exact opposite of what Trump promised!! Originally Posted by grean
Anyone with a lick of sense knew that more coverage at lower cost was a lie from Republicans. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
and TRUMP is only begun to fuck shit up, wait til this time next year. lol

We will all be shocked and surprised if twit head last for four years. The best part is, besides his Russian connection, is watching the gop faithful kissing his hated ass or they won't be re-elected lol. He is truly a national treasure on what we have become due to the trump huggers and Russia.
BREAKING NEWS: U.S Officials have info about Trump and his associates that have coordinated with the Russians. The Republicans are trying to sweep it all under the rug fast but, the Democrats have a fan under that rug and it's all coming out in the open now. I am not a bit surprised. IMPEACH him for Treason. LOCK HIM UP. lol




WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, took the extraordinary step on Monday of announcing that the agency is investigating whether members of President Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election.

Opinion: House Republicans Are Colluding With Trump To Conceal Treason
Given Trump’s refusal to acknowledge the threat to national security, it is essential that Congress discover the truth about Russia’s activities and stop colluding with Trump.

PeterBota's Avatar
BREAKING NEWS: U.S Officials have info about Trump and his associates that have coordinated with the Russians. The Republicans are trying to sweep it all under the rug fast but, the Democrats have a fan under that rug and it's all coming out in the open now. I am not a bit surprised. IMPEACH him for Treason. LOCK HIM UP. lol


Opinion: House Republicans Are Colluding With Trump To Conceal Treason
Given Trump’s refusal to acknowledge the threat to national security, it is essential that Congress discover the truth about Russia’s activities and stop colluding with Trump.

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
Funny stuff lad
  • grean
  • 03-23-2017, 10:15 AM
Republicans who do not run fast away from Trump are going to be badly burned come mid terms.

They are doing the same thing as Democrats did when Obamacare passed. They are have complete control yet cannot pass a good bill.

If they bring it to the floor for a vote and it fails to pass out of the house, that's bad.

If they don't fix health care and they procrastinate in their investigation of Trump, they better pray the FBI doesn't uncover any wrong doing in Trumps camp. No health care and criminals in Trump campaign, [Trump fans, notice I didn't say Trump himself ], that's the coffin nail in the party. The split that causes will be the end of the party.
  • grean
  • 03-23-2017, 10:23 AM
and TRUMP is only begun to fuck shit up, wait til this time next year. lol

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
So you think he's got a shot at making it thato long?
Let's assume that he actually does have clean hands.
Republicans will use Trump to deflect attention from their failure on health care if anyone of any consequence in his campaign at all at anytime is found to be in dirty with the Russians. They'll crucify him to save themselves.

If not on Russia they'll come round to business conflicts.
  • grean
  • 03-23-2017, 10:29 AM
It's been clear for fifteen or twenty years that they have no plan. Anyone with a lick of sense knew that more coverage at lower cost was a lie from Republicans. The only ways to accomplish those goals all involve more government to correct market failures unique to health care finance. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

Oh...they have a plan. Just nothing to do with health care....

More government, what! Them there be fightin' words..... lol.
themystic's Avatar
Looks like the Republicans Healthcare plan is going to fail. I hope so. Its basically a tax break for the wealthy and cutting healtcare for the poorer people.

The Republicans are so mean spirited. Its so hypocritical that they hide behind Christianity in thier politics. They do the exact opposite of Jesus teachings.

The Republicans are the ones who want DJT gone. Keep winning DJT!
Looks like the Republicans Healthcare plan is going to fail. I hope so. Its basically a tax break for the wealthy and cutting healtcare for the poorer people.

The Republicans are so mean spirited. Its so hypocritical that they hide behind Christianity in thier politics. They do the exact opposite of Jesus teachings.

The Republicans are the ones who want DJT gone. Keep winning DJT! Originally Posted by themystic
I am not a fan of Trump but support and voted for him and was hoping against hope he meant what he said during his campaign but I am sadly beginning to think he may be nothing more than a big fraud.

How many time did he say during his campaign "Obamacare is a disaster" and he will "repeal and replace" it. Yeah, Obamacare is a disaster but Trump's "Trump Care" he submitted recently people are saying is a joke and basically an insignificant tweak of Obamacare.

And if I am not mistaken he said as much yesterday that, you either take my "Trump Care" plan as is or keep Obamacare because I am moving on to the next thing. WTF!
WTF is...twit head and the gop will give another tax break to the rich and make the dirty air we breath worse. The middle class can't buy a gop politician. Only the wealthy and greedy corporations can buy influence. They will promise anything to get elected and do WTF they want to do. Always have and always will.

Never forget that in Texas, you can vote with a gun license....just don't ever try to vote with a college ID. College kids are stupid butt....gun owners have rights
  • grean
  • 03-24-2017, 12:58 PM
I am not a fan of Trump but support and voted for him and was hoping against hope he meant what he said during his campaign but I am sadly beginning to think he may be nothing more than a big fraud.

How many time did he say during his campaign "Obamacare is a disaster" and he will "repeal and replace" it. Yeah, Obamacare is a disaster but Trump's "Trump Care" he submitted recently people are saying is a joke and basically an insignificant tweak of Obamacare.

And if I am not mistaken he said as much yesterday that, you either take my "Trump Care" plan as is or keep Obamacare because I am moving on to the next thing. WTF! Originally Posted by camero73
Sorry you're having to find out this way,Camero.

He sold everyone that voted for him a bill of goods. He was never once forced to explain how he would do all those "great, wonderful, big" ideas he had. Everytime someone got too close to making him explain his plan on any issue, he would just start attacking who ever it was.

questions Trump was nevery forced to answer:

How are you going to make insurance cheaper as well as expand the number of people covered?

Will you raise taxes?

If so, whose taxes will you raise?

(On national TV, Grover Norquist would have rushed the debate stage a beheaded Trump if Trump said yes to raising taxes as a Republican candidate. )

If you are not going to raise taxes, what budget cuts do you plan to make in order to make health insurance more affordable?

If you're not going to raise taxes or cut other budgets, where is the money coming from?

Do you want to increase our debt even more?

How do you plan on making Mexico pay for a border wall?

What experts in border security advised you that building a wall would be effective in reducing illegal immigration?

Because Mexico is unlikely to agree to pay for the wall, how will you pay for it?

Make him really answer any of those, you would hear only silence. He had no real answers. He still doesn't.

The man is not a deal maker. He is a shyster. He is a horrible businessman. 6 times is the number of times he has filed bankruptcy.

That's 6 times where vendors he used were out massive amounts of money he owed to them because he couldn't make a sustainable business model.

He lies. He then covers his lies with more lies.

Almost every other expert in the field of intelligence that wasn't supporting him said his Muslim ban would actually endanger the country more.

He was so horrible that Generals actually came out for Hilary.

They not only didn't support him. They gave their support to someone they absolutely hated! HE CAUSED DEEP LIFE LONG REPUBLICAN GENERALS TO SUPPORT HILARY.

That's how bad Trump is.

He disgraces the Office every day he sits in it.
WTF is....they wasted our middle class tax dollars and repealed Obama care what 7 times? Now that can't even take a vote. Twit head don't like non-ass kissers. He just didn't want to know how many would tell his dumbass to fuck off lol. You have to wonder how long the bought and paid for Ryan will kiss his ass. I'm guessing until his money men tell him enough. Just get the rich a tax break...that's what they're paying him for. They have healthcare and make billions off dirty air.

Turn the page and read all about the new chapter coming from our fake president. I can't wait to see him twit and lose again.
And of course made America great again (the economy suks after all) and build that wall for free. That will keep the airplanes off our towers

Now back to the Russian connection that won't go away no matter how many times Obama wire tapped his no fkn clue Dumbass.
themystic's Avatar
I am not a fan of Trump but support and voted for him and was hoping against hope he meant what he said during his campaign but I am sadly beginning to think he may be nothing more than a big fraud.

How many time did he say during his campaign "Obamacare is a disaster" and he will "repeal and replace" it. Yeah, Obamacare is a disaster but Trump's "Trump Care" he submitted recently people are saying is a joke and basically an insignificant tweak of Obamacare.

And if I am not mistaken he said as much yesterday that, you either take my "Trump Care" plan as is or keep Obamacare because I am moving on to the next thing. WTF! Originally Posted by camero73
It takes a big man to admit being mislead about something this up close and personal. You are an honorable man Camero. Unfortunatley the people getting smoked by DJT are the people who most vehemently supported him.

Hopefully he turns it around. I actually think the GOP Hate Machine with Pence will be dangerous.if DJT were to exit for any reason. DJT was a big liberal untill just recently. If this doesnt either humble or inspire him, Im not sure what will.

I know(, yes CB, I know) that DJT knows the GOP Hate Machine fucked him big time. The bill they wrote was no where even close to what DJT promised during the Election. DJT has some big hurt feelings and is embarresed. He likes to fancy himself a counter puncher. I wonder where the blows are going to land