Flynn reverses guilty plea!

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  • 03-12-2018, 07:53 PM
. You're all obsessed with covering up for Putin when he gets caught red-handed attacking us in Syria and Trump kicks his ass! Originally Posted by lustylad
Trump ain't kicking nobody's ass with those Bone Spurs of his! He might just stick a finger up your ass though....

themystic's Avatar
You're even worse than snitchy, if that's possible. You say nothing over and over again. Your posts add zero to any discussion. You have less substance than liquid flatulence.

The Russian bots in this forum are you, snitchy and dickmuncher. You're all obsessed with covering up for Putin when he gets caught red-handed attacking us in Syria and Trump kicks his ass! Originally Posted by lustylad

Hows that Election in Steeler country going for the Trump / Putin coalition?

Btw, Trumps shtick at his rallies is getting old. Could someone give him some new material?
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  • 03-12-2018, 08:00 PM
Hows that Election in Steeler country going for the Trump / Putin coalition?

Btw, Trumps shtick at his rallies is getting old. Could someone give him some new material? Originally Posted by themystic
They'll hate Trump more than they did GWB before its all said and done.

lustylad's Avatar
Btw, Trumps shtick at his rallies is getting old. Could someone give him some new material? Originally Posted by themystic
His material is fine as long as it annoys the fuck out of libtard jackasses like you. Since he is unscripted and adlibs most of the time, it's always fresh.

Trumpy is a performer, like Lady Gaga. As he said at last Saturday's rally, compared to him other politicians look like "stiffs".
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Lecturing you would imply that I think you can learn.
So no, I'm not lecturing you. Just correcting you.

PS Thanks for giving me the rope (the simpson case) to hang you with.

Sober up before you post.

OJ Simpson is NOT GUILTY of the murder of his ex-wife and her toy. Good call. He was found "Not Guilty" in the criminal case because they couldn't prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, he murdered his ex-wife.
In the civil case for wrongful death brought by Fred Goldman, simpson was found guilty and had $25 million in punitive damages, awarded to Goldman and others, by a jury using a preponderance of the evidence to reach that verdict.

(Are you now lecturing me on the burdens of proof? You are drunk!) Originally Posted by LexusLover
Pretty funny. You interpret your hubris plus your lack of knowledge to equal me drinking.
Another instance of you going with what you know when you get caught.

"Burden of Proof
Generally, describes the standard that a party seeking to prove a fact in court must satisfy to have that fact legally established. There are different standards in different circumstances. For example, in criminal cases, the burden of proving the defendant’s guilt is on the prosecution, and they must establish that fact beyond a reasonable doubt. In civil cases, the plaintiff has the burden of proving his case by a preponderance of the evidence."

"burden of proof
n. the requirement that the plaintiff (the party bringing a civil lawsuit) show by a "preponderance of evidence" or "weight of evidence" that all the facts necessary to win a judgment are presented and are probably true. In a criminal trial the burden of proof required of the prosecutor is to prove the guilt of the accused "beyond a reasonable doubt," a much more difficult task."
LexusLover's Avatar
Nice cut and paste, Munchie. You just keep yapping about shit you know nothing about.

OJ Simpson is "NOT GUILTY" of the killing of his ex-wife and her BF.

Why is that so difficult a concept of you to understand?

Oh ... never mind.

I forget occasionally, until you post, that someone who can log onto the internet has enough intelligence to understand English. You just babble.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

You haven’t r-u-n-n-o-f-t yet?
Thanks for proving what a dumbshit you are whathefuckdoiknow. Comey can NOT claim obstruction of justice because by federal law, in his position, if obstruction of justice is present he is REQUIRED to report it. He did no such thing. If he claims it exists now, HE is in violation of federal law. Along with perjury, lying to a FISA court and a slew of other violations. You and mistake can go bow to your Russian flags now. Putin has you two doing whatever he wants.
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  • 03-14-2018, 08:36 AM
Thanks for proving what a dumbshit you are whathefuckdoiknow. Comey can NOT claim obstruction of justice because by federal law, in his position, if obstruction of justice is present he is REQUIRED to report it. . Originally Posted by Lantern2814
You forget he was making a paper trail of Trumps obstructions....and then was fired, which is just more evidence.

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  • 03-14-2018, 08:40 AM
. Since he is unscripted and adlibs most of the time, it's always fresh.

". Originally Posted by lustylad
He says slight versions of the exact same material. You really need to move to Syria and adopt a family , it's safe now. Trump shot up a airfield.

Wrong again whathefuckdoiknow. Comey testified under oath that NO attempt to impede or halt the investigation was ever made by Trump. Funny how lemmings like you jump on the Comey firing as if both sides in Washington didn't want him gone.
LexusLover's Avatar
Wrong again whathefuckdoiknow. Originally Posted by Lantern2814
As long as he keeps singing the CNN Fight Song on here, he will be.
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  • 03-14-2018, 02:52 PM
Wrong again whathefuckdoiknow. . Originally Posted by Lantern2814
That was BEFORE he was fired!

I've tried to point out that you believe Comey when convenient. And that Comey is not the Judge in this case.
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  • 03-14-2018, 03:29 PM
Flynn has not reversed his plea so far...just in case any of you conspiracy theorist are wondering
I B Hankering's Avatar
FBI agent McCabe who had direct oversight over the Flynn interview will possibly be fired by Sessions for "wrongdoing".

Mar 14 2018, 4:11 pm ET

Sessions may fire top FBI official Andrew McCabe before pension eligibility

WASHINGTON — The FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility has recommended the firing of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who remains on the payroll — a move that could put his pension at risk, according to officials familiar with the process.

It is now up to Attorney General Jeff Sessions whether to reverse that recommendation or to accept it.


Another arrow in Flynn's quiver for overturning his plea. It doesn't matter whether or not McCabe is actually fired. The fact that the IG has evidence that a senior FBI agent on the Flynn case was guilty of "wrongdoing" will serve to weaken the government's case against Flynn.