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Plastic Man's Avatar
capon nooooooooooo!
Plastic Man's Avatar
plastic man ...was always good ...ta him but lately somethin ...changed

...maybes politics gots in the way ofs our jimmiehood
Plastic Man's Avatar
guys we alls gots ...ta be betters than this!

...we cant ...lets ...politics break us aparts er destroy the common bond we share overs lovin ta breaks ...the law ta love funnels
lilylivered's Avatar
lilylivered's Avatar
got to calm down....
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
crap not again dang nab it.
entertainment getting low Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Rip needs to mass produce his decoder ring so there's enough for everyone.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
got to calm down.... Originally Posted by lilylivered
But like why
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
got to calm down.... Originally Posted by lilylivered
But like why Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
To avoid invites to Band Camp

But we do miss Rip, he can be entertaining, at times,
well-infrequently, honestly-hardly ever.
winn dixie's Avatar
I miss rip and roo
Hard2Kill's Avatar
Don't miss any. Wish a couple more useless ones would leave
Hard2Kill's Avatar
Don't miss any. Wish a couple more useless ones would leave
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

ol' roo goes down for a 90 count. again.

like rippy he gets what he posts for. if yer post has "i'll take the points!!" in it you're going to get pointed.

also .. "F U username!"

does not help. lol

beyond classic trolling i've never understood people who get so worked up over a whore site that they have to intentionally insult posters and even staff. it is TWK's hope that these people aren't so butthurt in the real world as they apparently are on the internet.

Plastic Man's Avatar
it is TWK's hope that these people aren't so butthurt in the real world as they apparently are on the internet. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
they ...are

...but lets all ...try ...ta embrace each ...other no matter whats we ...may says
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

lilylivered's Avatar

sad. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
not really