Odds on Trump's Impeachment

  • grean
  • 03-24-2017, 02:47 PM
What DJT promised durine the campaign was no where in the same orbit as conservative lines of thought.

He said stuff that people wanted to hear, not what he planned to or actually could do.
  • grean
  • 03-24-2017, 02:59 PM
Perhaps, and nobody laugh, this will make GOP & Dems work together. If the GOP doesn't have the votes within its own ranks to pass a bill, maybe they'll make a bill that is actually good and pull some Democrats over to support it.

OK....yeah. laugh. I Couldn't write that without giggling like a school girl.
DFWClubgoer's Avatar
Just start with, I don't like Trump but I'm not afraid of him either.

1: Just what do you think he is going to with Russia? Did HRC, DNC or Poedetsa say the emails weren't true. Just because they came from Russian hackers doesn't change what was said. America is not going collaborate with Russia to take over the world. Crimea and Georgia were taken over by Russia with no resistance by the US or the United Nations.

2: Trump/ Ryan care sucks.! Obama care let the Jennie out of the bottle. The only way to bring down healthcare costs now without taking back entitlements is a multi-prong approach. All of which are going to piss off large groups.

A: True and comprehensive Tort reform. set a schedule of payouts for malpractice and negligence. Along with streamlining and modernization of records and payments to prevent waste and fraud.

B: A fair and reasonable tax on EVERONE'S gross income. A single percentage for all income before any adjustments (even if your on gov. support.) to fund research on the top 5 medical problems in the US.

C: Contol on pharmaceuticals. When company comes out with a new drug they should be able to pay for the research and make reasonable profit. BUT, then it should be made generic allowing for competition bringing prices down.

D: Incentives for individuals who actively participate in their own well being.

E: A 10 BILLION reward for any company or person the discovers a cure for any ofthe top 5 health problems. A drop in the bucket compared to their costs.

"THE WALL" A physical wall were possible and an electronic wall comprised of drones and other advance detection systems. Paying for it is the easiest part! Fees (small) to enter the US by foreign nationals and 1percent tax on everything coming in from Mexico until it's paid for. US entry fee would stay in place to enhance all boarder controls and maintain the wall.

Told you it was going to piss people off!
Perhaps, and nobody laugh, this will make GOP & Dems work together. Originally Posted by grean

A good start on that, grean, would be for that walking-talking cartoon character, Chuck Schumer, to (first) pull his head outa his ass and give Gorsuch his endorsement....in fact, encourage an overwhelming congressional approval. Time to start being smart and pick your battles....it's that "next" appointee the Dims need to concern themselves with, not this one....and Ginsberg ain't gettin' any younger, ya know....

The second thing the Dims could do is unplug those two idiot West-coasters, Schiff and Pelosi....until further notice, no more camera time for them.
If you google that phrase A FAILURE TO PERFORM,
you will see a picture of TRUMP.

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
Trump can't run a country.
The ONLY thing he can run, is his mouth.

This health care law defeat is no big deal. We had the Affordable care act before and we still do. That is a zero change. Every defeat paves the way for a victory in the future. This won't be the last time this is visited.
  • grean
  • 03-24-2017, 08:42 PM
This health care law defeat is no big deal. We had the Affordable care act before and we still do. That is a zero change. Every defeat paves the way for a victory in the future. This won't be the last time this is visited. Originally Posted by Fishy2
Repeal & Replace was one of the big items he promised in his first 100 days in office. So yeah....kind of a big deal.
Tx Noob's Avatar
  • grean
  • 03-24-2017, 09:08 PM
A good start on that, grean, would be for that walking-talking cartoon character, Chuck Schumer, to (first) pull his head outa his ass and give Gorsuch his endorsement....in fact, encourage an overwhelming congressional approval. Time to start being smart and pick your battles....it's that "next" appointee the Dims need to concern themselves with, not this one....and Ginsberg ain't gettin' any younger, ya know....

The second thing the Dims could do is unplug those two idiot West-coasters, Schiff and Pelosi....until further notice, no more camera time for them. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
I think Gorsuch is a fine battle to pick. He writes dissents on big business cases. All 8 SCOTUS judges knocked dowm one of his cases during his confirmation . He is so far right ,Thomas couldn't even agree with him.

If the Republicans want an easy nomination, they need to pick someone more centered.
Repeal & Replace was one of the big items he promised in his first 100 days in office. So yeah....kind of a big deal. Originally Posted by grean
+1 but trump promised to repeal and replace obamacare on DAY ONE.
It’s true Trump didn’t pledge Obamacare repeal in 64 days. He pledged it in one.



68 times Trump promised to repeal Obamacare. LOL


IMHO, the price of healthcare insurance would go down IF we attack the problem at the source, the billionaire drug companies, that raise the price of LIFE SAVING prescription drugs 300 to 600 times, maybe more than that. AND the hospitals that double test and double charge for the same procedures. AND the PILL PUSHING DOCTORS that are in bed with the drug companies.Think about how it all trickles down to YOUR pocketbook, AND how all these people work together to CHARGE YOU.

Yesterday signaled the beginning of the end for the Trump administration. His own party members rejected this shitty bill, and they were right to so. So what does Trump do? He blames the DEMOCRATS for killing the bill, lol. But hey, the buck never stops at Trump's desk, just like it didn't after the first Muslim ban was overturned and our Pussy-In-Chief said blame the judge for terrorists swamping America.

Donny Johnny Trump... a lame dick president...
The healthcare bill was very flawed, it shifted MORE wealth to billionaires from the poor and especially the middle class. Donny Tinyhands was dealt a fatal blow, but prison might be worse...there are more shoes to drop regarding 'collusion with a hostile government', stay tuned.
The reason Trump is successful is he is able to let things like this slide right off his back. He didn't exactly spend a ton of time on this. He let Paul Ryan take his shot at it. Paul Ryan's plan did not win the day. That's progress. Trump is playing his cards masterfully and none of you can see it. Later on when Obamacare continues to fail the democrats and republicans will come to a consensus on health care. This coming week the NSA will release evidence that the Obama administration had surveillance of Trump. Trump is holding out the evidence to make the FBI director look like a fool. He will then be fired and replaced and the operatives for Obama will be broken and scattered in a thousand pieces. Why do you think Nunes either waited or didnt see the evidence he saw until right after the directors comments? There is a lot more coming. The gloating I hear on this forum is earily familiar to before November 8th. Will you never learn?

Trump knew this would fail! Kushner took a ski trip. This was a non starter. Even Breitbart and drudge covered this bill poorly. We have Steve Bannon quoted as saying that the bill was basically written by the insurance companies and not the plan we want. All part of the plan. This is a victory for the left and the right.
How do you build consensus for the right plan? You let the current plan (Ryancare and Obamacare) fail, humbling the parties involved and bringing them to the table. You have to give them both a fair and honest chance to succeed though. That's exactly what DJT is doing. Giving both plans a chance to succeed. They won't though.
Your post is a Monday morning quarterback analysis and is wrong across the board. I understand that you have a black friend that you like to claim superior intelligence over, so claiming that this racist is working his plan masterfully isn't surprising. At some point even you might realize that your an old conservative dude who feels safer when the government and military is running your life. Some of us feel like we can run our own shit.
themystic's Avatar
[QUOTE=Chateau Becot;1059328671]A good start on that, grean, would be for that walking-talking cartoon character, Chuck Schumer, to (first) pull his head outa his ass and give Gorsuch his endorsement....

Typical brain washed DJT supporter "Fake" Patriot, "Fake" Americans. DJT and his supporters are the biggest bunch of pussies I have ever seen in American Politics, and America period.

Do you people ever take responsibility for anything?. Boo hoo, Its the Mexicans, Muslims, Blacks, and foreigners who fucked America up. Man up and stop crying like a little bitch. Nobody, except for yourself, is keeping you from anything. Doesn't say much for you about American Individualism; "The Freedom to achieve based on ones own talents, abilities and ambition, as opposed to the Governments idea of who he should be and what he should do"

"Oh please Mr President, I cant win becauce of all these bad people. Please drain the swamp. I want to win Mr President. Do it for me, I cant do it my self. You're the only one who can fix this" " Its ok if we need Russia, you know whats best for me. I trust you"

You pussies should start by pulling your heads out your own asses. "Fake" Americans following a "Fake" President in a "Fake" world
