Young girls with LOW prices?

Do you think she honestly understands any of what you're saying? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Home as in where? The low rent district in NLR? are saying...that I should not believe anything that Ginger told me about what all went down??? Hmmmmm....didn't think I should have in the first didn't.....I think everyone knows the truth about your ATF, except for you. definitely do not know me....two words....SHUT UP. Originally Posted by Sagittarius
That's some WEAKSAUCE shit....

You sir, are a mental giant!


And....I don't want her on my boat....take too long to clean afterwards. Originally Posted by Sagittarius
Which two profiles? Put your evil money where your mouth is, Gilligan.
Is this thread ever going to end all I see is petty people can't we all get along. I stay in NlR thank you very much and own pretty much my whole Neibor hood Js not all of us rent and are low class thank you very much, but not all of us are petty either.
That's some WEAKSAUCE shit....

You sir, are a mental giant!

Lmao! Originally Posted by Das Ficker
Does stupidity run in your family?? or is it just you?
Which two profiles? Put your evil money where your mouth is, Gilligan. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Don't be jealous.
Is this thread ever going to end all I see is petty people can't we all get along. I stay in NlR thank you very much and own pretty much my whole Neibor hood Js not all of us rent and are low class thank you very much, but not all of us are petty either. Originally Posted by Selena25

Just the fact that you felt you needed to comment shows the same pettiness you so vehemently say you don't have. Ijs

If you didn't have pettiness, you wouldn't have posted. See how that works? You can't have it both ways.
First of all shouldn't be bringing outside conversations into the hobby..Do not go there with me...I believe you have enough personal issues that have come up recently, that you should be the last to be giving anyone do as you feel you need to. Another note....if you really wanted to get out of the hobby and have your "little coffee shop" would manage your money better and not waste it on a $60k vehicle, but hell...if you can live with spreading your legs at 50 or 60.....with no real plan for retirement...then by all a couple of them....waste that "HARD EARNED MONEY". Originally Posted by Sagittarius
I believe you brought it up with your post that I initially addressed. If you don't want a rebuttal, don't bring it to the table.

2nd....You are wrong....not all providers are like you and your "CLICK" Originally Posted by Sagittarius
I believe you mean, "clique."

I will quote what I want....when I want....where I are not my boss....not even my dog. Originally Posted by Sagittarius
Of which you have none. So apparently, anyone you can stick on your boat will suffice as a replacement...
Ok, folks, I'm out of this convo, we've all jumped the shark. I'm sure the good Doc or his sidekick will be stormtrooping through here directly brandishing his little clicky thing
Just the fact that you felt you needed to comment shows the same pettiness you so vehemently say you don't have. Ijs

If you didn't have pettiness, you wouldn't have posted. See how that works? You can't have it both ways. Originally Posted by Das Ficker
lol...ignorance is must be full of it....Thankfully....I have friends on here and have been given the greatest tid bit of , I never have to see what your dumbass post again....from either of your egos. Have a nice life numb nuts....or psycho trash....which ever ego you are at this point in time.
I believe you brought it up with your post that I initially addressed. If you don't want a rebuttal, don't bring it to the table.

I believe you mean, "clique."

Of which you have none. So apparently, anyone you can stick on your boat will suffice as a replacement... Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Hey CUNT.....get a are too stupid to play not do things you are not qualified for...stick to what you know...."Grab your ankles"....
lol...ignorance is must be full of it....Thankfully....I have friends on here and have been given the greatest tid bit of , I never have to see what your dumbass post again....from either of your egos. Have a nice life numb nuts....or psycho trash....which ever ego you are at this point in time. Originally Posted by Sagittarius
Hey CUNT.....get a are too stupid to play not do things you are not qualified for...stick to what you know...."Grab your ankles".... Originally Posted by Sagittarius
Rude & unnecessarily insulting. Will my little 'clique' please tap the RTM on that?
Rude & unnecessarily insulting. Will my little 'clique' please tap the RTM on that? Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
You know where the button is pretty well it for anything else you ever have to say....I shall not be seeing it....I so love the iggy button....heehehehe
i'm so confused
cluefinder's Avatar
Hey CUNT.....get a are too stupid to play not do things you are not qualified for...stick to what you know...."Grab your ankles".... Originally Posted by Sagittarius

Dude your wrapped too tight. May I suggest anger management??