lustylad's Avatar
Yeah, but are any of them as fancy as the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge in Dallas?

Sometimes artists like Calatrava do get a bit carried away! LOL Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
Nice! He got carried away to the tune of $182 million. But it looks like the Hunt family picked up part of the tab?

Pittsburgh's bridges are more functional than aesthetic, although the Smithfield Street Bridge is a designated national landmark. It is the second oldest steel bridge in the US and was built around the same time as NYC's Brooklyn Bridge.

Most of our bridges are truss, beam or arch bridges with shorter spans that don't require extensive cable support. Some utilize a "self-anchored suspension" design like this one - the Roberto Clemente Bridge (built in the 1920s) connecting downtown to our North Shore sports fields:

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
well now .. since this thread is suddenly about bridges ..

the newly opened Lewis and Clarke bridge in Prospect, Ky. east of downtown Louisville ..

on the Kentucky side there is an underground tunnel leading to the bridge. this was quite an engineering feat. and quite controversial given that Silly .. er Sally Bingham .. her of the Bingham fortune (former owner of the Courier Journal whose sale to Gannett was forced because daddy didn't give her enough money) because she thought a bridge going over Wolf Pen Branch road where she owns a mansion would be an eyesore to her.

this bridge was part of a much larger project where the old JFK Memorial bridge was changed to one way south from Indiana and the new Abraham Lincoln Bridge was constructed for one way north bound traffic to Indiana

new Abraham Lincoln bridge with the JFK Memorial bridge behind it ..

we used to refer to the JFK Bridge as the "World's longest bridge .. it goes all the way from Kentucky to Poland (Indiana)" bahahhaaaa them Hoosiers didn't care much for that.

also the Sherman Minton bridge ...

BUMP ! WE'RE ALL STILL HERE seArgent shitburner !
MT Pockets's Avatar
I don't live in McKinney you obtuse gay asshole. Originally Posted by DSK
Is that all you got? All you talk about is your fancy bakery and how you hobnob with Paxton. So does your Lover stay over in the trailer park?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Is that all you got? All you talk about is your fancy bakery and how you hobnob with Paxton. So does your Lover stay over in the trailer park? Originally Posted by MT Pockets

sorry to disappoint you empty pockets but i really don't think DSK cares one bit if you aren't impressed by him. ijs ..

but chin up old boy .. there's always Luke you can impress bahhaaaaa
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-02-2017, 03:53 PM
well now .. since this thread is suddenly about bridges .. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I'll buy you two homo's " The Bridges of Madison County " , y'all can jack each other off while reading it
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'll buy you two homo's " The Bridges of Madison County " , y'all can jack each other off while reading it Originally Posted by WTF

you should buy a bag of tacos for your illegal laborers .. you might get more work out of them.

unfortunately, after providing you with many opportunities to reply in any intelligent manner, i must reluctantly ignore you from now on. Bye bye!
MT Pockets's Avatar
Did my research. It's called Gilberts. On Dungan Street. Looks like a trailer park to me. Take a stroll, pockface:!6m1!1e1 Originally Posted by lustylad
Thanks for the info.
Hope you used protection when you were "researching" as you call it.
Okay I admit you were right. There is a trailer park in Mckinney. I guess I go with a better class of Escorts or I would have known about it. Is there any clean ones? Sure would be nice to save a little gas money.
MT Pockets's Avatar
sorry to disappoint you empty pockets but i really don't think DSK cares one bit if you aren't impressed by him. ijs ..

but chin up old boy .. there's always Luke you can impress bahhaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I am not surprised, he seems to have been trying to scrape me off ever since you came on the scene. Now that I think of it he has said he no longer lives in my area and that Mckinney is north of him. Wait a minute Mckinney is north of Waco too! OMG! Are you too an item now? Wow I did not see that coming. Did You guys meet at the Czech stop in West by chance, you must have came in after a hard day of roping and he made you a Hot Chubbie w/Cheese. Man you lucky bastard. I used the love the way he would bake me something after ravishing me.
MT Pockets's Avatar
BUMP ! WE'RE ALL STILL HERE seArgent shitburner ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Stop crying! He will be back. Maybe you should not be so mean and he would still be here. When he gets back I say you should be a little nicer. I hope he does meet someone else and leave you out in the cold.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I am not surprised, he seems to have been trying to scrape me off ever since you came on the scene. Now that I think of it he has said he no longer lives in my area and that Mckinney is north of him. Wait a minute Mckinney is north of Waco too! OMG! Are you too an item now? Wow I did not see that coming. Did You guys meet at the Czech stop in West by chance, you must have came in after a hard day of roping and he made you a Hot Chubbie w/Cheese. Man you lucky bastard. I used the love the way he would bake me something after ravishing me. Originally Posted by MT Pockets

how amusing. you presume that my handle also indicates that i live in Waco. if i changed my handle to The_Russian_Kid would you ASSume i lived i Moscow?

i'm terribly sorry to inform you that i must now ignore you as well. don't take it personal .. or do take personal .. your choice bahhaaa
MT Pockets's Avatar
how amusing. you presume that my handle also indicates that i live in Waco. if i changed my handle to The_Russian_Kid would you ASSume i lived i Moscow?

i'm terribly sorry to inform you that i must now ignore you as well. don't take it personal .. or do take personal .. your choice bahhaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
My mistake I just know that you have an certain kind of affinity for DSK so I put 2 and 2 together. Look I could care less what and where you guys do what you do. I am through with him anyway you can have him. If you read this know that I hope the best for you guys and no hard feelings. And is "bahhaaa" meant as an insult or did your voice to text just pick up on some background noise?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
please post louder so i still can't hear you, empty pockets

Stop crying! He will be back. Maybe you should not be so mean and he would still be here. When he gets back I say you should be a little nicer. I hope he does meet someone else and leave you out in the cold. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Well, FLUFFER, YOUR dream has CUM true ! He HAS met someone nicer, AND IT'S YOU !!!! HIS BIGGEST WK ! Looks like YOU can get that fudge packing and facial from an enraged LIAR all YOU want ! Go for IT !!!! But, YOU might have to " massage " your HERO, since that's what he appears to like from his LAST review ! A " rub and tug " ! You know, what YOU do to yourself after each one of YOUR posts here ! Sorry to hear that YOUR favorite Fort Worth bar , The Rainbow Lounge,burned down yesterday. You DID tell me in a post here for ALL to see that YOU have " gay friends " . ( keep being coy about YOUR faggotry, we're SURE to believe YOU LUBE Jr. ! ) So, what is it for YOU and YOUR friends, back to the truck stops for YOUR " rendezvous " ???
  • DSK
  • 06-03-2017, 10:51 AM
Is that all you got? All you talk about is your fancy bakery and how you hobnob with Paxton. So does your Lover stay over in the trailer park? Originally Posted by MT Pockets
My girls usually stay at apartments in the nicer towns. However, if she were young, pretty, skinny and demure, I wouldn't care where she lived.