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Flair4Drama's Avatar
Katie never left.....
Flair4Drama's Avatar
Katie never left.....

I guess the same could be said for the echo.... it just changed locations....
Pretty sure her numbers the same. She's just fatter now and probably still talking.
  • clmc
  • Yesterday, 01:52 PM
Miss Winterfun
  • clmc
  • Yesterday, 01:53 PM
Miss Lee68
jj999's Avatar
Does anyone remember Monicamarie, Lahna Love or even Nora Mora? I miss the old days when there were plenty of very hot women! I say old days but it was only about 10 years ago. It seems everything changed once Covid hit and now I’ve been out of the scene for a while… I do see Emma Chance is back
jj999's Avatar
Does anyone remember Monicamarie, Lahna Love or even Nora Mora? I miss the old days when there were plenty of very hot women! I say old days but it was only about 10 years ago. It seems everything changed once Covid hit and now I’ve been out of the scene for a while… I do see Emma Chance is back
Zollner's Avatar
Nicole in Depew.
Zollner's Avatar