Jackie our girl Condalisa

I have a cousin that lives in San Antonio, TX. Phony retired sergeant major Luke Wyatt could send me an invitation to meet him at the commissary at the joint base at San Antonio if I'm at San Antonio visiting my cousin. Speaking of which, For someone that claims to be retired, why is he going to H-E-B instead of to the commissary?

I do all my food and drink shopping at the commissaries in my area, bypassing Walmart, Krogers, Food Lion, etc., on the way to these commissaries.

I'm looking at paying my cousin a visit after I complete my doctorate degree. Unlike our phony retired SGM, Luke_Wyatt, I'll be retired. Perhaps when I do that, Luke_Wyatt, the phony retired SGM, you and I could get together and have a mini ECCIE social. We could time this for when MT Pockets goes through the area, so that it'd be the four of us.

I could show you guys my military retiree ID card, as well as my Veterans Affairs card (service connected). The phony retired SGM could "show" me his "military ID" card and "VA card", as well as his "DD Form 214" so that we could scrutinize it. I'll also ask him the questions that I'm asking here, as I know he won't answer them here. I have a strong suspicion that he won't show me either card, and that he'd produce a phony DD Form 214.

Or, if too many people scare him, he and I could meet at the military base there, his military ID card should get him on post. He and I could meet at the Gateway Club on post and show each other our credentials.

That's right phony retired sergeant major, phony war veteran, I'll only meet you, one to one, at a military reservation. Given that you "have" your "military ID", you shouldn't have a problem getting on post and to these installations.
Originally Posted by herfacechair
Go ahead and show your military ID let everyone on a hooker board know your identity -the fact that you would admit showing your military ID on an illegal whore board shows you have unqualified and a liar
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-26-2017, 07:34 PM
If you think the republicans would ever elect a black woman as head of the GOP you are living in a fantasy world Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Call me a cunt again. Then run away. You are the biggest pussy on this board. And you have plenty of competition on this board. SMH.
Call me a cunt again. Then run away. You are the biggest pussy on this board. And you have plenty of competition on this board. SMH. Originally Posted by R.M.
I would think fat-ass would get tired of getting his fat-ass whacked every time he confronts you RM
Call me a cunt again. Then run away. You are the biggest pussy on this board. And you have plenty of competition on this board. SMH. Originally Posted by R.M.
Speaking of competition have you checked out the welcome wagon in Houston or in any major city ? There are newbies who been in the business less than 30 days and have already accumulated more reviews than you have in the last 3 years that is very alarming. Find another line of work !!!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Speaking of wagons....

When the lunch wagon showed up in the parking lot at the ECCIE Hall of Shame,,,old Lube stomped to death 2 twelve year old girls in his rush to get a crispy cream cheese burger with bacon.

Would you like desert with that?
Speaking of wagons....

When the lunch wagon showed up in the parking lot at the ECCIE Hall of Shame,,,old Lube stomped to death 2 twelve year old girls in his rush to get a crispy cream cheese burger with bacon.

Would you like desert with that? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
You are a sick man to make light of twelve year old kids being killed - the mods should issue you points and censor that comment
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-26-2017, 09:58 PM
I would think fat-ass would get tired of getting his fat-ass whacked every time he confronts you RM Originally Posted by gary5912
One would think huh?

Speaking of competition have you checked out the welcome wagon in Houston or in any major city ? There are newbies who been in the business less than 30 days and have already accumulated more reviews than you have in the last 3 years that is very alarming. Find another line of work !!! Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You are the biggest fake there is on this board. Stop trying to change the subject. You call me a cunt. Stop being such a puss and own it. Link to remind you.https://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p...2&postcount=31 Would you like the link where you said you were taking the high road?
You are a sick man to make light of twelve year old kids being killed - the mods should issue you points and censor that comment Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
He is handing you your own ass to you and you cant stand it. Its funny as shit. Real time.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
If you think the republicans would ever elect a black woman as head of the GOP you are living in a fantasy world Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Then you admit that you don't know shit.
Then you admit that you don't know shit. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
oh he knows a lot about shit he just don't know anything about anything else , seaman petty officer second class Barleycorn
MT Pockets's Avatar
One would think huh?

You are the biggest fake there is on this board. Stop trying to change the subject. You call me a cunt. Stop being such a puss and own it. Link to remind you.https://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p...2&postcount=31 Would you like the link where you said you were taking the high road?

He is handing you your own ass to you and you cant stand it. Its funny as shit. Real time. Originally Posted by R.M.
While I agree he should not call you a cunt out of respect for himself if nothing else. But I have to ask is it any different than all of you that can only find one thing to talk about when you berate him?
You have your opinions about his Military experience but you know for a fact he has a weight issue, not because you guys are so intuitive, but because one of his stalkers found a post where he mentioned it.
Think about it this way. If was to find out something about you that was personal. That when men came to see you it would be the one thing you were afraid would repulse them. And I shared it with all the folks on this forum that disagree with your perspective of political matters.
And for any difference you have with them they all hounded you about it relentlessly, day after day. Every post or comment you make several people mentioned that one thing that cuts you the deepest. Would you like it? Would you feel its all fair in love and war?
Now I am sure there is going to be a few assholes reply to this as if I am some kind of snowflake. All I have to say to that is Winters coming so bundle up.
You would think they would know by now I have pretty thick skin. However that does not cause me to not have compassion for my fellow man or woman.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Then you admit that you don't know shit. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Just like you admit you don't know your own fucking password. LOL!
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-27-2017, 09:30 AM
While I agree he should not call you a cunt out of respect for himself if nothing else. But I have to ask is it any different than all of you that can only find one thing to talk about when you berate him?
You have your opinions about his Military experience but you know for a fact he has a weight issue, not because you guys are so intuitive, but because one of his stalkers found a post where he mentioned it.
Think about it this way. If was to find out something about you that was personal. That when men came to see you it would be the one thing you were afraid would repulse them. And I shared it with all the folks on this forum that disagree with your perspective of political matters.
And for any difference you have with them they all hounded you about it relentlessly, day after day. Every post or comment you make several people mentioned that one thing that cuts you the deepest. Would you like it? Would you feel its all fair in love and war
Now I am sure there is going to be a few assholes reply to this as if I am some kind of snowflake. All I have to say to that is Winters coming so bundle up.
You would think they would know by now I have pretty thick skin. However that does not cause me to not have compassion for my fellow man or woman. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Maybe said person should not have picked a fight with me. I will not back down from him. He started this and called another lady here a cunt as well. He choose his path. Not I. The one man on this board that I respect the most told me "People in general will tell on themselves." Just like he has. That's on him love. I have not called him fat since he posted that he was taking the high road. He has already in less than a week gone back to calling me a cunt. So he will need to discover his thick skin or leave. Which he has said he would but doesn't. Basically he is camped out here to hit the RTM on who he can. I guess that's for his own entertainment value. He made his bed. Its just time for him to lay in it. Have you read his sig line? You can tell he is off. Just by reading it. If that's your cup of tea. Go right at it. I have no cares. Peace.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You mean SEMEN second class...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You mean SEMEN second class... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Maybe said person should not have picked a fight with me. I will not back down from him. He started this and called another lady here a cunt as well. He choose his path. Not I. The one man on this board that I respect the most told me "People in general will tell on themselves." Just like he has. That's on him love. I have not called him fat since he posted that he was taking the high road. He has already in less than a week gone back to calling me a cunt. So he will need to discover his thick skin or leave. Which he has said he would but doesn't. Basically he is camped out here to hit the RTM on who he can. I guess that's for his own entertainment value. He made his bed. Its just time for him to lay in it. Have you read his sig line? You can tell he is off. Just by reading it. If that's your cup of tea. Go right at it. I have no cares. Peace. Originally Posted by R.M.
MT is LUBE's self-appointed WK, defender and FLUFFER !