WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-03-2017, 11:00 AM

unfortunately, after providing you with many opportunities to reply in any intelligent manner, i must reluctantly ignore you from now on. Bye bye! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You and intelligent discourse????.....bahaaaaaaaa

You put me on ignore. bahaaaaaaaaaaa

What next, hack into my Facebook account and tell other how mean I am to you!

  • DSK
  • 06-03-2017, 01:08 PM
What next, hack into my Facebook account and tell other how mean I am to you! Originally Posted by WTF
I already hacked into it, and sent gay messages to all your friends. Not surprisingly, they were very receptive to you sucking their dick's...again.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Excellent post, JL!

Lots of Dick references.

Not surprised.
Excellent post, JL!

Lots of Dick references.

Not surprised. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
And, of course, the Gloryhole Guru see the magic word ( magic for him and the reach-around crew ! ) and responds like Pavlov's dogs did to the bell !
bamscram's Avatar
And, of course, the Gloryhole Guru see the magic word ( magic for him and the reach-around crew ! ) and responds like Pavlov's dogs did to the bell ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua

gay rey must be WKing the JL so he could suck his dick.

gay rey must be WKing the JL so he could suck his dick. Originally Posted by bamscram
Nah, the only WKs here are YOU for any and all of the reach-around crew and wtf and MT Fluffer for their hero LUBE ! Keep practicing for YOUR next dingleberry picking competition. Even though the " polls " have YOU as a cinch to repeat as the Junior World Championship Dingleberry Picker, those same polls are the ones that YOU lying liberals believed that said shrilLIARy was gonna mop the floor with Trump ! So, practice, practice, practice ! Don't let YOUR fellow EUNUCHS in the reach-around crew down, EKIM !
bamscram's Avatar
Nah, the only WKs here are YOU for any and all of the reach-around crew and wtf and MT Fluffer for their hero LUBE ! Keep practicing for YOUR next dingleberry picking competition. Even though the " polls " have YOU as a cinch to repeat as the Junior World Championship Dingleberry Picker, those same polls are the ones that YOU lying liberals believed that said shrilLIARy was gonna mop the floor with Trump ! So, practice, practice, practice ! Don't let YOUR fellow EUNUCHS in the reach-around crew down, EKIM ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
your parrot is getting old. double the fun!!!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
bumscrum.... you're obviously confused!!!

bamscram's Avatar
your parrot is getting old. double the fun!!!

Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
bumscrum.... you're obviously confused!!!

Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Keep on shuffling dildo.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Well, FLUFFER, YOUR dream has CUM true ! He HAS met someone nicer, AND IT'S YOU !!!! HIS BIGGEST WK ! Looks like YOU can get that fudge packing and facial from an enraged LIAR all YOU want ! Go for IT !!!! But, YOU might have to " massage " your HERO, since that's what he appears to like from his LAST review ! A " rub and tug " ! You know, what YOU do to yourself after each one of YOUR posts here ! Sorry to hear that YOUR favorite Fort Worth bar , The Rainbow Lounge,burned down yesterday. You DID tell me in a post here for ALL to see that YOU have " gay friends " . ( keep being coy about YOUR faggotry, we're SURE to believe YOU LUBE Jr. ! ) So, what is it for YOU and YOUR friends, back to the truck stops for YOUR " rendezvous " ??? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Don't get all excited I didn't say you were one of them. It takes more than a good dick sucking to win my favor. First you need to bathe and get some deodorant. Then work on your social skills. I really do not think we are a good match as friends. I normally do not hang with people who are ashamed of themselves.
Don't get all excited I didn't say you were one of them. It takes more than a good dick sucking to win my favor. First you need to bathe and get some deodorant. Then work on your social skills. I really do not think we are a good match as friends. I normally do not hang with people who are ashamed of themselves. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
So that how YOU gained YOUR gay " friends ? Bathing them and helping them apply their deodorant ? Helping them with their " social skills " ? If YOU think that YOU and they are not " a good match as friends ", then why do YOU claim them as " friends ". And YOUR " gay " friends must be still in the closet like YOU and YOUR butt buddy LUBE, if they fell shame for their HOMO ways. Maybe YOU and LUBE can help them get over that too. Just stay out of the bath or shower with them when you are " helping " them with that !
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
we shall see by next Monday if "sarge" got a slap on the wrist or not. that's 2 weeks out from the date he got banned. my guess is he'll be away longer than that this time.

of course he's probably reading all this right now .. as a guest of course. there's no reason for the site to try to block banned members from viewing any public areas, why should they? it's ad traffic. and it would be more trouble than it's worth from an IT point of view. just banning his handle is more than enough and much easier.

so mark the 12th on your calendars for Luke's earliest "parole" date lol
MT Pockets's Avatar
My girls usually stay at apartments in the nicer towns. However, if she were young, pretty, skinny and demure, I wouldn't care where she lived. Originally Posted by DSK
When you say "my girls" do you mean as in they are girls to you? LOL!