Trayvon Martin's Gun and Pot photos

LexusLover's Avatar
Just to quickly review.

You stated Cedar Park received its name in 1973. 1973 ... when it was INCORPORATED. .... It was incorporated in 1973.

You stated that Cedar Park was a trailer park community. BEFORE it was INCORPORATED it was a trailer park ... therefore "Park" Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Speedo ... unlike you ... I don't need an ego boost of "winning" a discussion on a hooker board ............ with no referees ... no flags ... no rules .. and the "player" announcing a "win" ... weeks, if not months later!!! You're as bad as WTF, ...

....and I never thought I would say that about anyone.

Does your wife know you hang out here, instead of clean the pool?
LexusLover's Avatar
Zimmerman's neighborhood was not part of the National Neighborhood Watch Organization. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Google what?


Or did you mean the "National Sheriff's Association" ...

Or just what did you mean? Genius?
Based on me not thinking that Martin was on Zimmerman and Martin told Zimmerman that he was going to kill him and that he knew Martin was reaching for his exposed gun but Zimmerman beat him to it and then shot Martin and Martin the said , you got me. Originally Posted by WTF
You didn't explain anything. You went from "not believing" to "not thinking". But you still haven't said what makes you "not believe" or "not think" Zimmerman told the truth.

You simply declare it not to be so.

That is wtf my nonbeliefis based on, I've been in fights, they do not go like that. I Originally Posted by WTF
Wow, really? That is not how fights go?

Tell us, what is the correct way for fights to go?

How many fights have you been in? How big is your sample? How LONG ago was your last fight? And most importantly, did you have a gun on you in one of your fights?

Zimmerman's answer is like 4 or 5 sentences long. And based on that short response, with minimum detail, you can affirmatively state that that is not how fights go.

Unbelievable. You, not Zimmernan.
LexusLover's Avatar
Meanwhile, you have yet to prove me wrong on any statement in that thread or this thread. ... in questin. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You didn't spell "question" correctly.

You are "a walk in the park" ... a used to be trailer park, btw.

Don't worry. It took the Australians years to get over the idea that some of their ancestors were prisoners dropped off there by the Brits. Soon it became fashionable to have that background. One day you will accept your heritage and background. In the meantime, enjoy!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
#1: Do you stand in front of the mirror and repeat that to yourself regularly?

#2: The post of mine you quoted was not directed at you, speedo, it was directed at WTF.

Unless you ARE WTF? .......

What was the name of that yankee school you attended? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Are you totally senile? Here is your text from post #396. Unless there's another "Speedo" to whom you are referring??? :

That's correct ... but since you've never selected a jury your "opinion" is worthless. Hot air. That's all.

Let me explain why: If the verdict that is rendered is not what you "perceive" ... "ought to be" ... then you will blame the jurors and therefore the "jury selection" ... your flaw (since you don't have a clue about what you are writing) is that NO ONE, not even "road scholar" speedo .. can determine whether or not a different jury would decide otherwise ON THE SAME EVIDENCE, with the SAME LAWYERS saying the SAME ARGUMENTS.

So, your bullshit about jury selection is about (notice I said about) as ignorant as your lame-ass attempts to paint other people as racists in order to make yourself feel better about your racism. By blaming the "jury" for the verdict you can therefore render your opinion about what the outcome "ought to be" of value and correct. Some call it ... "Monday morning quarterbacking" ...

But since you and genius speedo .. have all the answers .. you all be always be correct ... if you blame it on a jury ..

. even though you will NOT hear ALL THE EVIDENCE the jury hears!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Speedo ... unlike you ... I don't need an ego boost of "winning" a discussion on a hooker board ............ with no referees ... no flags ... no rules .. and the "player" announcing a "win" ... weeks, if not months later!!! You're as bad as WTF, ...

....and I never thought I would say that about anyone.

Does your wife know you hang out here, instead of clean the pool? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Correct. You can't say you win because you are a loser. Plain and simple.

And yes, my wife knows I hang out on a hooker board. Does your wife know? Or are you such a loser you can't find someone to marry you?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You didn't spell "question" correctly.

You are "a walk in the park" ... a used to be trailer park, btw.

Don't worry. It took the Australians years to get over the idea that some of their ancestors were prisoners dropped off there by the Brits. Soon it became fashionable to have that background. One day you will accept your heritage and background. In the meantime, enjoy! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Great comeback!!! And by the way -- WRONG AGAIN!! I have lived in Cedar Park for the grand total of 8 years. Hardly my heritage and background.

Keep trying -- eventually you will be right on some subject. Put a monkey behind a keyboard and eventually he will type a correct word.
LexusLover's Avatar
Or are you such a loser you can't find someone to marry you? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Actually, I'm such a winner, I'm not looking!

Again, you are a walk in the "trailer Park" ... it's spelled "question"!
LexusLover's Avatar
I have lived in Cedar Park for the grand total of 8 years. Hardly my heritage and background.... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Not to worry. Most of the "want-a-be's" I've met in the Austin area ... have been there a brief period of time and they are already are... know-it-alls ... as yourself.

But since you have only lived there for 8 years I can understand why you were not aware of the ...

... Cedar Park Trailer Park ... Guess they are still trying ...

See I was driving out 183 .... 35 years ago .. ... were you out of diapers?

"Heritage" and "background" are reflected in attitude. Yours fits ... the "trailer park" image.

Now back to "the trial"!
Great comeback!!! And by the way -- WRONG AGAIN!! I have lived in Cedar Park for the grand total of 8 years. Hardly my heritage and background.

Keep trying -- eventually you will be right on some subject. Put a monkey behind a keyboard and eventually he will type a correct word. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
LL seems to have a strong physical attraction to Austin and its Salamanders!
LexusLover's Avatar
LL seems to have a strong physical attraction to Austin and its Salamanders! Originally Posted by bigtex
Now, BT, speedo can't even begin to compete with a Barton Springs Lizard ...

.. you know that ..

as for an attraction to Austin .. at one time it was an extraordinary place to live.

When the Beemers, suspenders, and bean sprout crowd invaded the place, the place started getting a little "strange" .. in a "not so good way" ... but I did always notice that when one asked a "carpetbagger" in Austin where he was from ... he or she was ...

... "from Austin" ... even if it had been six months!

BTW .. ever figure out where Clarksville is located?

Now, apparently, it is trendy to announce one is from the trailer park aka Cedar Park!

Woolworth's on the left in the foreground was where the buses exchanged, and I had my first date to the State theater down the street on the right, next to the Paramount theater, in the 4th grade. Way up North from there ... "out of town" ... the folks at the Cedar Trailer Park were getting ready for Christmas.
at one time it was an extraordinary place to live. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I will always call the Htown area home but Austin is still an "extraordinary place to live" and play! Now, as then, you just have to know the right places to go.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-05-2013, 08:41 PM
You didn't explain anything. You went from "not believing" to "not thinking". But you still haven't said what makes you "not believe" or "not think" Zimmerman told the truth.

You simply declare it not to be so.

Wow, really? That is not how fights go?

Tell us, what is the correct way for fights to go?

How many fights have you been in? How big is your sample? How LONG ago was your last fight? And most importantly, did you have a gun on you in one of your fights?

Zimmerman's answer is like 4 or 5 sentences long. And based on that short response, with minimum detail, you can affirmatively state that that is not how fights go.

Unbelievable. You, not Zimmernan. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I said I do not believe him...I am not on his jury, it will be up to the jury. Then, depending or the result, we can debate how the jury got it right/wrong, depending on our 'beliefs'.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-05-2013, 08:46 PM
My "beliefs" about what ... I already told you that I have a preference for Blue Bell.

As far as the "outcome" of the upcoming trial ... you're the one blowing it out your ass ...

with all this "jury selection" bullshit ... and you "slipping in there" a statement about "an all Black jury" ... PROVES your prejudice ... "All black jury and Zimmerman is toast." WTF!

That prejudice is: You think Black people will vote for the Black person EVERY TIME!

In other words, YOUR RACISM is that you believe Black people cannot make an unbiased decision in a trial between a Black person and a nonBlack person. Is it because you think they are not smart enough? Or what? Give it up, WTF. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I believe that we are all biased. So you do not have to prove my prejudice, I freely admit it. You are the one having trouble admitting yours.
Uncle Han's Avatar
WTF does not believe anything because he does not know anything. He just shoots his mouth off depending upon who he wants to disagree with. Typical radical whack job always needing to pull against authority. The troll should grow up.