TRUMP 2020 U.S.A.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Instead of your ridiculous bullchite and arm chair quarter backing. Check with your pole dancer fact checkers about The Washington Examiner. They published a list of 74 things done so far:

To avoid your typical Monday morning quarter backing, put forth your 74 point list starting for tomorrow. Buckle up buttercup, next few days are really gonna suck. Hope you got you crystal ball shined up.

Pro-tip: Trump could have declared martial law back in January, when he found out how egregiously China was lieing to the world, but is resisting, because he favors a market based solution (local, state, business, government partnerships etc) over a tyrannical government solution. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Again, your lack of comprehension is incredible. At no time have I criticized actions taken by Trump once he FINALLY realized that there was a coronavirus threat to this country. I don't agree with everything he has done but for the most part his actions are easily within reason. Overall -- good job.

Unforunately he started 2 months late. Had he reacted early-on we might not have the shortages in medical supplies needed. Instead, as I've referenced, he downplayed the potential threat and now we are playing catch-up.

It will be interesting as to how voters perceive Trump's actions. Will he be held at all responsible for the disappearance of people's 401Ks? Will he be held at all responsible for people's loss of jobs? The fact is this country's economy will be much worse off in November 2020 than it was in January 2017 when Trump took office. Will voters take it out on Trump?
Precious_b's Avatar
As I said before and you are obviously too obtuse to comprehend
-- Trump cast doubt on the seriousness of the coronavirus from January until about 2 weeks ago. I will be very happy to support my statement with as many sources as you like:

Trump made 33 false claims about the coronavirus crisis in the first two weeks of March

President Donald Trump began March with a barrage of false claims about the coronavirus pandemic -- understating the extent of the crisis, overstating the availability of tests, inaccurately blaming his predecessor and wrongly insisting that the crisis was unforeseen.

Trump made 50 false claims from March 2 through March 8, then 21 false claims from March 9 through March 15. Of those 71 false claims, 33 were related to the coronavirus. That is on top of some additional misleading claims from Trump about the coronavirus (we only count the false claims here), plus some false and misleading claims from members of his administration.

Trump is now averaging about 57 false claims per week since we started counting at CNN on July 8, 2019. From that date through March 15, he has made 2,062 false claims in all.

A Complete List of Trump’s Attempts to Play Down Coronavirus

He could have taken action. He didn’t.

Trump’s 7 worst statements on the coronavirus outbreak

The president has misled the public on the number of testing kits, the virus’s death rate, and a possible vaccine.

Fact-Check: 5 Times President Trump's Statements On Coronavirus Were Off The Mark

President Trump has made a lot of promises about actions that his administration is taking to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

Not all of them have been exactly on the mark — and some have yet to pay off as advertised.

So you think it's better to make "positive lies" than to tell the truth? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You know the grammar flunky likes the tyrannical leaning side of media.

Can't complain about politico.

Otherwise, trump has just a calming affect on the populace as a can of gasoline does on a fire. The underlying point addressed is whether the public trust what comes out of the white house. This is not a time to pout/point finger/blame but to come up with answers from credible experts.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
.. then you have the balls to quote the Washington Examiner. lol... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Wait! What?!? Not using the pole dancer fact checker today?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...At no time have I criticized actions taken by Trump once he FINALLY realized that there was a coronavirus threat to this country... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
So what was your take on the subject on 1/31/2020 again?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Unforunately he started 2 months late. Had he reacted early-on we might not have the shortages in medical supplies needed. Instead, as I've referenced, he downplayed the potential threat and now we are playing catch-up... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
So now your shifting theory is that when he is not on camera, he goes into a cryogenic sleep? That he does nothing what-so-ever? Or does he just play tiddly-winks into the wee hours until the next camera opportunity? Is that because you think his IQ is equal to or substantially lower than your own? Do you also believe he has no reading comprehension and no ability to consume information or to multitask? What is your basis for these beliefs?

What if he had access to more relevant data from the full breadth and scope of our entire national collected resources at his finger tips? What if he actually is a 'really stable genius', with an incredibly high IQ and has a voracious ability to consume and process reams upon reams of data and divergent views from multiple parties simultaneously? What if he was one of those experienced CEO types that maybe sleeps 3-4 hours a day - at most? Wouldn't that alternate basis mean that all of your beliefs would be null and void, thus rendering your very existence to be preposterous?

I can see why you cling so desperately to other peoples thoughts and proffer them as your own or use them to rationalize your own self delusions about your own relevancy. Must be a bit unsettling to your psyche though. Hey, I can feel your pain. I just hope you wake up before the show is over. Because it's going to be Biblical.
sportfisherman's Avatar
I saw him on TV including Fox news minimizing this thing until a few weeks ago.He was way too slow in his response and hurt things by his overly re-assuring posture.They trying to re-write this narrative.I bet I have heard he closed the Chinese border a million times.He responded too late.Now he is going to rescind the distancing measures too soon.There are going to be alot more people get sick,some seriously,and alot more die.Plus the healthcare system is overwhelmed.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Another thing is the damage to the economy due to his mis-handling of this crisis is going to be deep and long.
It has not come up too much yet,but it will soon.His sham tax cuts left us with huge deficits,now with these bail-out deals the deficit will be outrageous.
Politically he won't get re-elected.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Another thing is the damage to the economy due to his mis-handling of this crisis is going to be deep and long... Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Clearly, you need more entertainment and thought exercises in your life. Look up Biden's most recent remote speech. The one where he is behind a mini-podium, (probably borrowed it from Mini-Mike Bloomingburger), in his basement office and his teleprompter went on the fritz. Good entertainment.

For the thought exercise afterwards; ask yourself this one question: What Would Joe Do (WWJD) in the current pressure cooker of a crisis? OK, to be fair, it would be more uproarious entertainment, followed by deep, deep despair. But super funny just the same.

Counting of our lucky stars begins...
sportfisherman's Avatar
What does Joe Biden,Hillary Clinton,or Barack Obama,have Anything to do with what Chump is doing or not doing now.
Not A Damn Thing !!
If you are projecting that we better off with Chump and his fucking up,I don't agree and I don't think the electorate will either in Nov.
Joe Biden is a seasoned veteran.He will revert to a more traditional conventional approach. Such as consulting his advisors and moving us forward in a more studied manner.
Chump drained a little too much swamp when he shit-canned the Pandemic Office. A little bit of that so-called "Swamp" can be useful sometimes.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
So now your shifting theory is that when he is not on camera, he goes into a cryogenic sleep? That he does nothing what-so-ever? Or does he just play tiddly-winks into the wee hours until the next camera opportunity? Is that because you think his IQ is equal to or substantially lower than your own? Do you also believe he has no reading comprehension and no ability to consume information or to multitask? What is your basis for these beliefs?

What if he had access to more relevant data from the full breadth and scope of our entire national collected resources at his finger tips? What if he actually is a 'really stable genius', with an incredibly high IQ and has a voracious ability to consume and process reams upon reams of data and divergent views from multiple parties simultaneously? What if he was one of those experienced CEO types that maybe sleeps 3-4 hours a day - at most? Wouldn't that alternate basis mean that all of your beliefs would be null and void, thus rendering your very existence to be preposterous?

I can see why you cling so desperately to other peoples thoughts and proffer them as your own or use them to rationalize your own self delusions about your own relevancy. Must be a bit unsettling to your psyche though. Hey, I can feel your pain. I just hope you wake up before the show is over. Because it's going to be Biblical. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Omce again you post nothing but pure drivel. Can you think for yourself or do you simpl listen to Trump and reiterate what he states. No questioning at all?

Trump ignored the incoming data from other countries, most notable Italy and China. FACT. He contradicts on almost a daily basis the doctors who adivise him. FACT. NOw he talks about reopening the country by Easter sunday, against all advice from medical personnel. FACT.

Someday you will come out of your delerium and understand what a fool we have as POTUS.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Clearly, you need more entertainment and thought exercises in your life. Look up Biden's most recent remote speech. The one where he is behind a mini-podium, (probably borrowed it from Mini-Mike Bloomingburger), in his basement office and his teleprompter went on the fritz. Good entertainment.

For the thought exercise afterwards; ask yourself this one question: What Would Joe Do (WWJD) in the current pressure cooker of a crisis? OK, to be fair, it would be more uproarious entertainment, followed by deep, deep despair. But super funny just the same.

Counting of our lucky stars begins... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Joe would listen to advisors, in this case medical professionals, who are experts on the subject at hand, rather than rely on his own "expertise" of which Trump has none in this matter.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
So what was your take on the subject on 1/31/2020 again? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
That there was a high likelihood that the coronavirus would migrate to the U.S. I would not have buried my head in the sand as Trump did, even with his access to much more information than I have access to. Trump ignored the warning signs and we are far behind the curve in production of needed medical supplies. FACT.
Shouda and woulda and maybe couda - everybody has em. I'd rather have Trump on this than Biden.

That there was a high likelihood that the coronavirus would migrate to the U.S. I would not have buried my head in the sand as Trump did, even with his access to much more information than I have access to. Trump ignored the warning signs and we are far behind the curve in production of needed medical supplies. FACT. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
So now your shifting theory is that when he is not on camera, he goes into a cryogenic sleep? That he does nothing what-so-ever? Or does he just play tiddly-winks into the wee hours until the next camera opportunity? Is that because you think his IQ is equal to or substantially lower than your own? Do you also believe he has no reading comprehension and no ability to consume information or to multitask? What is your basis for these beliefs?

What if he had access to more relevant data from the full breadth and scope of our entire national collected resources at his finger tips? What if he actually is a 'really stable genius', with an incredibly high IQ and has a voracious ability to consume and process reams upon reams of data and divergent views from multiple parties simultaneously? What if he was one of those experienced CEO types that maybe sleeps 3-4 hours a day - at most? Wouldn't that alternate basis mean that all of your beliefs would be null and void, thus rendering your very existence to be preposterous?

I can see why you cling so desperately to other peoples thoughts and proffer them as your own or use them to rationalize your own self delusions about your own relevancy. Must be a bit unsettling to your psyche though. Hey, I can feel your pain. I just hope you wake up before the show is over. Because it's going to be Biblical. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
What if the moon was your car, and Jupiter was your hairbrush?

Welcome to the party anyone want some chloroquine phosphate?
This is not a time to pout/point finger/blame but to come up with answers from credible experts. Originally Posted by Precious_b
This seems to be the common theme used by those who are having their own bs called out.

It's a hoax!

It's just the flu!

Everyone will get tested!

We beat the coronvirus!

Stop calling me out on my bullshit!