nothing reply anything you want

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
But if you do understand him, you also understand why others don't.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
and the echo does confuse understanding
offshoredrilling's Avatar
But if you do understand him, you also understand why others don't. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
when I did reviews, the more confused the mod, the better I did writing it .

If it was Hunter, she may have helped by confusing me

shhhhhh don't tell her I said that SHHHHHHh

I gave the echo a like. it was the better of the two
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
You want confusion.
Try going to work and your vehicle is missing.
And then, she's left a note on her car (Z06) about how fast not to drive it.
What does that mean?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
And the echo is doubly confusing.
Can I go twice as fast?
lilylivered's Avatar
You had the note upside down...90s lol
lilylivered's Avatar
You had the note upside down...90s lol
Flair4Drama's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
how much twat could a twat licker lick if a twat licker could lick twat?

lilylivered's Avatar
She sits and shells
She sits and shells
She sits and shells : )
lilylivered's Avatar
Betty Botter
Made a bit of bitter batter : )
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'm thinking of buying a smart wide screen TV this Friday. Any suggestions on type and brand?
I'm thinking of buying a smart wide screen TV this Friday. Any suggestions on type and brand?
lilylivered's Avatar
Just bought one yesterday and the damn thing will be outdated before I figure out how to use it lol